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I think they will tell us we are waiting on vaccines. I won't take it for at least several years. I've never taken a flu shot, but am not opposed to it.

I may be in the minority, but I don't think I'm forfeiting much of anything. Pretty much a homebody anyway, but still managed to take both of our family vacations this summer. One to MN and one to WI. During Covid times, I've stopped eating fast food (hopefully for life, is the plan) and I stopped a lifelong bad habit of using my teeth to trim my finger nails. I now have gentleman nails, but I must say I miss having maintenance free nails that never tore in 30+ years. I think the Rona is making me a better person. Hope others feel the same way.
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Serious question, has anyone heard what the end goal is? I was listening to the AM radio this morning and this was being discussed. The whole point of the lockdown initially was to slow the spread and build up PPE levels. Every government scientist was saying we cannot stop the virus, but we can "slow the spread" to the point the hospitals can keep up with the massive need for ventilators that was on the horizon.

Places that locked down hardest have the biggest spikes as they reopen, which is what was supposed to happen, and what the plan was. Do we have a new plan? What's the metric for getting back to living. If I've got 30 years left with good knees and a good back, I wanna know if I'm forfeiting 5 of them because the wrong man is in the white house.

Good luck getting any type of serious answer to this question...I know, I have asked it, or a variation of it, many times here locally. To this point, no one has provided any substantive answer yet. You are right...initially we were taking such dire steps so as to "flatten the curve" and not overwhelm healthcare providers. We came NOWHERE near overwhelming HC resources and yet the battle cry morphed to "wear this mask", etc. It is a fools errand to try to eliminate a virus via social distancing, mask wearing, closing schools and businesses, etc. yet here we are.

We are a gullible and consequently vulnerable people. That so many still cannot see it now...makes me sick about the future of our free republic.
I may be in the minority, but I don't think I'm forfeiting much of anything.
That's a problem.

If we don't care about those it is affecting, we can't hardly expect anyone to care when it affects us. The kids, the nursing home folks, the slightly co-morbid, the depressed, the addicted. Their lives don't matter, and that's a problem.
That's a problem.

If we don't care about those it is affecting, we can't hardly expect anyone to care when it affects us. The kids, the nursing home folks, the slightly co-morbid, the depressed, the addicted. Their lives don't matter, and that's a problem.
Don't understand where that came from?
I don't disagree with SD at all that there are some people in the mentioned groups, along with small biz owners, that are being screwed or just plain cannot handle this. Personally, since he mentioned his situation, I responded similarly, that I was using this time to help get my ducks in a row. My response probably sounded crass or selfish, only because I was talking about myself. My first duty is to help my family and my parents, who are in their mid 70s. Beyond that, I can think about helping others. If someone is depressed, then yeah, these are rough times. I'm hoping there are ton of Americans who are making adjustments in their lives, reprioritizing things, leaning it's okay to live without certain things, etc. No matter who is potus for the next 4 years between Trump, Kamala, Biden, or Pelosi I'd hope most of us here don't feel like it'll be a forfeiture of life. Nursing homes will still be sad. If Biden wins, add me to the depressed group. Life will go on, we'll just be more broke lol.
I don't disagree with SD at all that there are some people in the mentioned groups, along with small biz owners, that are being screwed or just plain cannot handle this. Personally, since he mentioned his situation, I responded similarly, that I was using this time to help get my ducks in a row. My response probably sounded crass or selfish, only because I was talking about myself. My first duty is to help my family and my parents, who are in their mid 70s. Beyond that, I can think about helping others. If someone is depressed, then yeah, these are rough times. I'm hoping there are ton of Americans who are making adjustments in their lives, reprioritizing things, leaning it's okay to live without certain things, etc. No matter who is potus for the next 4 years between Trump, Kamala, Biden, or Pelosi I'd hope most of us here don't feel like it'll be a forfeiture of life. Nursing homes will still be sad. If Biden wins, add me to the depressed group. Life will go on, we'll just be more broke lol.
Spot on guy. I wasn't calling you out specifically either. We all know about the problems with depression and isolation of the elderly, the depression and isolation of the kids, the spike in suicides, drug abuse, child abuse, husband abuse. We're all endorsing it by letting the deadly global coronavirus pandemic response rage on without challenge.
Today one of the local nursing homes had a positive employee due to the required weekly testing. So they tested all residents and 3 residents tested positive. None of the people involved knew they had it and show no symptoms however the facility is locked down now for 28 days No visitations and isolation for the residents. Anyways , today Cuomo has put Ohio and some other States added on to the quarantine list.
The end goal is control, and fear. The latest is, even if we nail the Covid 19 with a vaccine, they said it will more then likely mutate and we will have covid-20,21, etc.. We are now expected to be the guinny pigs for figuring out what a new normal will be for the next generations. I honestly think the answer to happiness, get off grid and live the life I always wish I could.
my county is 83rd out of 88. Probably because if we get it, like normal human beings, we stay home for a couple days til we feel better, then we go back to work.

We are also lowest county in the state as far as unemployment goes. 4.1% according to the googles and the intranets.
I stopped a lifelong bad habit of using my teeth to trim my finger nails. I now have gentleman nails, but I must say I miss having maintenance free nails that never tore in 30+ years.
Sorry, I didn't know we had a freaking rockafeller in here...

It's one thing to live large like that, its quite another to rub it in our faces.

I've seen several posts today from people who I probably politcally align with, that make me want to start rooting for the virus
End goal? I figure we are pretty much at status quo through 2021 when there are proven vaccines and enough people are vaccinated. It doesn't seem like people will be fully immune but we hopefully find that more people are less affected by Covid when re-infected or infected after vaccination. At that point, I see things starting to return to normal. Short term goal for me would be keeping infection rates down enough that schools can stay open and avoiding a spikes of both Covid and flu. Some areas will get careless and infections will spike and then come back down through a mix of regulation and personal behavior.

I expect to be mostly working from home and almost no business or personal travel through 2021. I'll continue to lead a smaller, more local, more family oriented lifestyle until I can do more without risking the lives of loved ones. And avoiding those loved ones when I think the risk of me being infected and passing it to them gets too high. Most people will continue managing their personal risk, doing a mix of smart things to protect themselves and their families and maybe some foolish things that put them at higher risk. Overall, it is a drag on the economy regardless of how much or how little the state and local governments try to regulate behavior.
Know your numbers guys. You're more likely to get killed from a demonstration brick outside CBS HQ in the twin cities than the rona in South Dakota.

From the spray painted burn pile:

Also news:
3 pct.PNG

We've only got 97% capacity left before rona capacity consumes our ICU beds. There's insufficient testing because there are insufficient numbers of sick people.
You see the Governor of NY. CUOMO. Had anticipated insufficient people getting tested so he mandated testing. Nursing home, assisted living Employees we’re mandated twice a week but now just once a week. Salon workers every 2 weeks. College campuses random testing required. Etc. Producing a never ending supply of tests
You see the Governor of NY. CUOMO. Had anticipated insufficient people getting tested so he mandated testing. Nursing home, assisted living Employees we’re mandated twice a week but now just once a week. Salon workers every 2 weeks. College campuses random testing required. Etc. Producing a never ending supply of tests
Our county was forced to test to reopen. We still don’t have any cases.
So let me get this straight. Cloth mask do nothing to prevent wildfire smoke, but they can stop coronahoax??? That’s odd cause coronahoax virus particles are smaller then smoke particles. Should we trust “science” or common sense?

If you want to have an actual discussion about it... if the fire wore a mask, then a cloth mask would help contain smoke particles in droplets coming from the fire’s mouth when it is breathing or talking. In a situation where the smoke particles become aerosolized, like if the fire were singing or just a fire, having the fire wear a cloth mask is less effective. In that case, social distancing from the fire is most effective precaution against aerosolized smoke particles. Did that help clear it up for you?
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