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I don't really get the resistance to wearing a mask. I know people love something to get upset about and somehow that became a focus. Sheep and what not. But it's the easiest thing you can do to protect your community and keep businesses open.

I'm social distancing pretty well so I mostly work from home and don't do much else but shop at the grocery store once a week, occasional drive thru/takeout, 1 haircut and hit the hardware store or liquor store as needed. Except for restaurants, I've seen good compliance to mask wearing here. I've stopped ordering from a couple restaurants because I came in for takeout and none of the staff wearing masks. Most people working those jobs can't afford to call in sick if they aren't feeling well or unpaid quarantine because they had contact with someone Covid. If none of the staff are wearing masks, it's only a matter of time before someone there is sick and spreading it around. That's true for a lot of businesses where the employees can't afford not to work.

How many micron is the masks your wearing? What about the other people? Most is just a piece of cloth. Doctors even say that wearing a mask is like using chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes. The virus particals are much smaller than the vast majority of masks are going to filter out.

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That’s exactly why the CDC and all other experts like Fauci said masks don’t do anything. That was up until the Governors found delight in their new found power over the people. At that point telling people what to do became an ego trip for these people So now we are at the point where it’s really not about the virus anymore. If you’re wearing an N95 mask with a gown and googles with a face shield you’re somewhat protected. Otherwise the normal face coverings and masks people are forced to wear don’t do anything It’s time these politicos who claim they want everything done by science get called out. Where’s the science
Trump’s surgeon general just explained why you should wear a mask. Made sense to me. What exactly are you giving up wearing a mask for 2-30 minutes when you go into a store? Just think of all those disgusting liberals you are around, don’t you want them wearing masks too?
I don’t own a mask. Have led my life exactly as before all this started. Leaving for Bahamas today . Had to be tested to get travel card. Negative just back from Jackson wy fishing. Restaurant every night. Been to Mexico several times . Have hugged the people I love and celebrated life with many. Perhaps one of the smarter things I have done of recent is to stop watching the news. i have joyfully missed all the insanity
That’s exactly why the CDC and all other experts like Fauci said masks don’t do anything. That was up until the Governors found delight in their new found power over the people. At that point telling people what to do became an ego trip for these people So now we are at the point where it’s really not about the virus anymore. If you’re wearing an N95 mask with a gown and googles with a face shield you’re somewhat protected. Otherwise the normal face coverings and masks people are forced to wear don’t do anything It’s time these politicos who claim they want everything done by science get called out. Where’s the science
For the umpteenth time - masks protect other people from you, not vice versa. I sneezed in my mask the other day, and it sure as heck kept me from spreading my germs around - kinda disgusting for me though lol. Wearing a mask is a simple way to respect other folk's health. I really don't get the outrage.
I really don't get the outrage.
Wouldn't masks protect folks from other folks during flu and cold season too? I believe around 80,000 Americans died of the flu in '17-'18. Should we be forced to wear them by our government to protect other people at those times too? If a vaccine is developed, should the government be able to force us to get it to protect other folks?
For the umpteenth time - masks protect other people from you, not vice versa. I sneezed in my mask the other day, and it sure as heck kept me from spreading my germs around - kinda disgusting for me though lol. Wearing a mask is a simple way to respect other folk's health. I really don't get the outrage.

If you are sneezing , you should go home and quarantine for 14 days. then get tested. otherwise, agree or not the virus still blows through that mask. You’re not protecting anyone That’s science , right. That’s what was said by these experts in the beginning. Apparently the whole realm of science has changed in the last couple months. When these politicos say to wear a mask to respect others what does that mean. It means it is now just a control issue. Them controlling you. The outrage is obvious.
Trump’s surgeon general just explained why you should wear a mask. Made sense to me. What exactly are you giving up wearing a mask for 2-30 minutes when you go into a store? Just think of all those disgusting liberals you are around, don’t you want them wearing masks too?

maybe more along the lines of a plastic bag. LOl. I’ll give you 2 minutes in the store but any more than that and I’m going with the face shield idea. Mainly because that’s not mandated. LOL.
It is all political, and I dont play political games. I fully respect private businesses requiring to wear them if you go into their store, but it is also my right to just go down the street to Home Depot as well, which is what I do because I am not wearing a mask, unless it is Halloween!
It is all political, and I dont play political games. I fully respect private businesses requiring to wear them if you go into their store, but it is also my right to just go down the street to Home Depot as well, which is what I do because I am not wearing a mask, unless it is Halloween!

I guess this is part of the confusion is different rules in every state. In NY you aren’t going in the Home Depot either. You need a mask to go in any store. Now if you go to the sticks where my camp is I am not sure they have even heard of corona, no masks and everyone looks at me funny for wearing one. Just wear the mask, after the first few times it is just like buckling your seatbelt. I do like the face shield idea, maybe a tinted one like they use on football helmets. Actually with the riots the shielded football helmet might be the way to go, make the chin strap into a mask, double coverage.
I guess this is part of the confusion is different rules in every state. In NY you aren’t going in the Home Depot either

same here. You aren’t going in any store without one. What still gets me is outside.

Letter to the editor this week was a copy of a letter some crazy lady sent to the mayor scolding him for not forcing people on the beach in salt air to wear them. Uggg. This is where a lot of tension comes from. I won’t shame you for wearing a mask outside. Don’t shame me for not.

And to think last summer all the anger and rage was directed at the heinous users of plastic straws.
same here. You aren’t going in any store without one. What still gets me is outside.

Letter to the editor this week was a copy of a letter some crazy lady sent to the mayor scolding him for not forcing people on the beach in salt air to wear them. Uggg. This is where a lot of tension comes from. I won’t shame you for wearing a mask outside. Don’t shame me for not.

And to think last summer all the anger and rage was directed at the heinous users of plastic straws.

Outside just makes no sense to me. We will be down to the shore in three weeks. Fingers crossed nothing goes backwards before then. I will not be wearing a mask at the beach. We will be house to beach back to house for the week, a bunch of takeout and no shopping(which I am secretly happy about).
I agree completely. Outside makes no sense. But if you're exposing yourself to others, then it's simply common sense (and polite) to wear a mask. I don't get either side of the debate, really. Why take an extreme stance on something that seems relatively intuitive?

On one side of the equation, it seems like lots of folks don't think they can get other people sick. I guess if you don't see the results, then you just never know and it doesn't affect your mindset. But on the other side, fear has a strong grip. My Mom won't let us visit her, even if we bring our own drinks and sit masked in the backyard. I will let the science inform my decision making, and in the event of a tie, I will go with reasonable prudence.
I agree completely. Outside makes no sense. But if you're exposing yourself to others, then it's simply common sense (and polite) to wear a mask. I don't get either side of the debate, really. Why take an extreme stance on something that seems relatively intuitive?

On one side of the equation, it seems like lots of folks don't think they can get other people sick. I guess if you don't see the results, then you just never know and it doesn't affect your mindset. But on the other side, fear has a strong grip. My Mom won't let us visit her, even if we bring our own drinks and sit masked in the backyard. I will let the science inform my decision making, and in the event of a tie, I will go with reasonable prudence.

This may sound like I should be one who tells people they should be wearing a mask, because of the medical condition, but I can understand the reasoning on each side.

I have asthma, and trying to breath without a mask can be a chore at times, wearing a mask just restricts my breathing even more. If at rest, I struggle to get the air I need with a mask on, if I am walking, or carrying something, or any work, I am out of breath and gasping for air, trying to do so with a mask on is very hard. I just choose to avoid crowds, and keep my distance from people, like I always have. This virus, if it does anything positive, it will maybe get people to wash their hands, and possibly respect a persons bubble, private place. I like the 6 foot distancing! The mask, I just cant do, I realize if I get sick, and have asthma, I will be in worse condition, but I have to choose, to not breath while in public, or have a greater rick of getting sick. I am not going to live my life in fear! My inlaws have pretty much locked themselves up in their house, not much of a life to live if you ask me. Live your life, and enjoy!
I agree completely. Outside makes no sense. But if you're exposing yourself to others, then it's simply common sense (and polite) to wear a mask. I don't get either side of the debate, really. Why take an extreme stance on something that seems relatively intuitive?

On one side of the equation, it seems like lots of folks don't think they can get other people sick. I guess if you don't see the results, then you just never know and it doesn't affect your mindset. But on the other side, fear has a strong grip. My Mom won't let us visit her, even if we bring our own drinks and sit masked in the backyard. I will let the science inform my decision making, and in the event of a tie, I will go with reasonable prudence.

We have similar moms. Mine dropped off my birthday present Saturday. I saw her pull in the driveway, by the time I got out side she was pulling out of the driveway. She put the gift in the garage and split. I asked her if she wanted to stay for a bit and I would send the kids out and she said no and drove away. I think for some in that age group they think worst case scenario and take their health into their own hands. We are never going to get young people to think that way so this thing is going to run it coarse until there is a vaccine.
I've also chosen to live without fear, but as a biologist I understand exactly how viruses work. And I won't let my behavior be dictated by a virus. But i also respect folks who are terrified, with or without cause, and so in an attempt to avoid imposing undue anxiety, I wear a mask in crowded areas. It's a strange paradox where we have the ability to make decisions for other people, right? My choosing to forego a mask could trump somebody else's desire to stay healthy. And i would never know it. I don't want to be in that position, even if I personally am willing to take some risks. But masks suck. I sneezed in one recently, with no backup. What a freaking mess.
I've also chosen to live without fear, but as a biologist I understand exactly how viruses work. And I won't let my behavior be dictated by a virus. But i also respect folks who are terrified, with or without cause, and so in an attempt to avoid imposing undue anxiety, I wear a mask in crowded areas. It's a strange paradox where we have the ability to make decisions for other people, right? My choosing to forego a mask could trump somebody else's desire to stay healthy. And i would never know it. I don't want to be in that position, even if I personally am willing to take some risks. But masks suck. I sneezed in one recently, with no backup. What a freaking mess.
What are your thoughts on the lab leak theory. There are more and more scientists, like Brett Weinstein, that are starting to speak up about the likely hood that this escaped from a lab. If that was the case, is it possible that China could have valuable information about how to kill or control the virus, but aren't willing to admit to what really happened and thus can not or will not help? It seems like the whole wet market theory has been fairly debunked at this point but for some reason that whole discussion has been swept under the rug.
I would like to urge anyone that isn't sure on anything Covid related to write down those questions, and use the CDC's search engine to find that data. The fear mongering that surrounds this is unrealistic when confronted with scientific facts. The unreliability of tests in the beginning is astounding, bearing false positive results on a mango for one, nurses in California that intentionally submitted unused swabs that came back positive kind of things :/
I do feel that anyone in the high risk group (older and unhealthy) take special precautions to protect themselves, but basically the worst thing that happens to anyone that is between the ages of newborn and 44 years old without an preexisting condition, is they simply feel like they have the flu. Asymptomatic people don't know they have it and according to a release from the WHO (if you trust their advice) last week stated that they are finding that "asymptomatic patients aren't infecting other people"(paraphrased).
Not enough people are not aware of the science because their TV didn't tell them.
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