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As sports like the PGA have restarted. They are testing all involved several times a week for safety. Several asymptomatic players or caddies have tested positive and required to bow out only days later to have several negative tests in a row. Doctors have determined they never had it to begin with. I really question some of these positive tests on asymptomatic people. There’s just getting to be so many positives With no symptoms that it’s hard to believe a correct diagnosis
My sister tested negative and was told to assume it was positive because the tests were so unreliable.
What are your thoughts on the lab leak theory. There are more and more scientists, like Brett Weinstein, that are starting to speak up about the likely hood that this escaped from a lab. If that was the case, is it possible that China could have valuable information about how to kill or control the virus, but aren't willing to admit to what really happened and thus can not or will not help? It seems like the whole wet market theory has been fairly debunked at this point but for some reason that whole discussion has been swept under the rug.
DNA sequencing suggests that it wasn't engineered, but as for the actual source, I have no special insight. It could have escaped containment from a lab. But without solid evidence, which I doubt would ever be produced, even if it were true, we will never know. I suspect a natural origin though. Almost all of the major outbreaks in the last century have originated in Asia (including the Spanish Flu), well before labs were studying them. Finally, as a genome engineer, I will tell you that I'd do a better design job lol. So yes, possible, but somewhat unlikely.
Does this headline make anyone else furious?? This asshole and chairwoman Obama were instrumental in getting medical device makers to FLEE this country with their Obamacare tax on medical device makers. Where the hell were you the last 44 years Joe while companies like Medtronic and 3M fled MN and headed overseas with production and jobs? Fcuking idiot helps start the building on fire and then acts like a hero when he shows up with a garden hose after the building is already burned to the ground.

Does this headline make anyone else furious?? This asshole and chairwoman Obama were instrumental in getting medical device makers to FLEE this country with their Obamacare tax on medical device makers. Where the hell were you the last 44 years Joe while companies like Medtronic and 3M fled MN and headed overseas with production and jobs? Fcuking idiot helps start the building on fire and then acts like a hero when he shows up with a garden hose after the building is already burned to the ground.

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I am sure they pointed all that out in the article.
DNA sequencing suggests that it wasn't engineered, but as for the actual source, I have no special insight. It could have escaped containment from a lab. But without solid evidence, which I doubt would ever be produced, even if it were true, we will never know. I suspect a natural origin though. Almost all of the major outbreaks in the last century have originated in Asia (including the Spanish Flu), well before labs were studying them. Finally, as a genome engineer, I will tell you that I'd do a better design job lol. So yes, possible, but somewhat unlikely.

I am not saying they engineered it. They found it in a bat or some other varmint, were experimenting with it to see how they could use it, and it got out of the lab. I am still not ruling out intentionally, but then they sat on that info while it spread. If it was an accident why didn’t they warn everyone when it got out? It kills off their elderly and sick so the communist government doesn’t have to feed or shelter them and it brings the rest of the world to its knees. Win win for China. They want Trump gone and they have Biden and his crack head son in their pocket. It really was the perfect plan and the Dems are happy to jump on board if it elects Biden.
I think there is a point to be made that nobody else, not one single person is talking about. There is a reason countries don't just hit the panic button and shut down the country for months at a time without it being an absolute necessity, and I stress absolute.
If you were an entity that hates us like radical Islam, that has proven to be willing to to go through the effort of flying planes into our buildings just to hurt us, what would you see through all this? It appears obvious to me, I would now see that I can shut down the entire country and our economy with just a small eyedropper of something similar to Covid at a busy place like a major airport. They don't need tough to get b0mb materials or learn to fly planes into buildings to effect every single American in so many different ways. It would be viewed as a weak point in our defenses and makes us more venerable to a wide variety of similar problems. That is one reason I was ok with the shut down for just a few weeks until we figured out what we were dealing with, at this point it's just my opinion, this has become politicized to the point that some Governors will literally do anything to hurt the economy JUST to make the economy look worse in an election year.
People like Bill Mahar certainly got thier wish.... how un-American and terrible is that :(

We are Americans, we are resilient, most of us LOVE OUR COUNTRY and are still very patriotic!

**I feel like I just got put on a government watch list just for saying that out loud lol
Bill Maher has been anything but a "cheerleader" for our government's reaction to the virus.
Bill Maher has been anything but a "cheerleader" for our government's reaction to the virus.

Bill Mahar is anti-Trump, of course he is not a cheerleader for our governments reaction, Trump is at the head of our government...
Maybe you don't recall Bill saying he "hopes an economic recession will occur because it's a way to get rid of President Trump & save our democracy"
Bill Mahar is anti-Trump, of course he is not a cheerleader for our governments reaction, Trump is at the head of our government...
Maybe you don't recall Bill saying he "hopes an economic recession will occur because it's a way to get rid of President Trump & save our democracy"
Ya, he's anti-Trump. Ya, he's said plenty of stuff I don't agree with. He's also said plenty of stuff that many on this thread and elsewhere have said.
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If all you took out of what I said is Bill Mahar's idology then you have missed the point of the comment as a whole. Bill was only one incomplete sentence out of a paragraph and he wasn't the point, just an example of that point.
I will gladly edit and take that incomplete sentence out of my comment if you were offended by it, I really don't mind.
If all you took out of what I said is Bill Mahar's idology then you have missed the point of the comment as a whole. Bill was only one incomplete sentence out of a paragraph and he wasn't the point, just an example of that point.
I will gladly edit and take that incomplete sentence out of my comment if you were offended by it, I really don't mind.
I'm not offended by it. I'm not offended by much. Comparing Bill Maher to radical Islamists flying airplanes into the twin towers was just a bit of a stretch IMO. It's okay for people to not agree on everything, it's called learning from each other.
Does this headline make anyone else furious?? This asshole and chairwoman Obama were instrumental in getting medical device makers to FLEE this country with their Obamacare tax on medical device makers. Where the hell were you the last 44 years Joe while companies like Medtronic and 3M fled MN and headed overseas with production and jobs? Fcuking idiot helps start the building on fire and then acts like a hero when he shows up with a garden hose after the building is already burned to the ground.

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You have a valid point there Buck. Welch Allyn moved production from NY State to Mexico for that same reason. Undoing the harm is more difficult than causing it in the first place. That said, I’d like to see more domestic resilience. Pass the crow please.
Mandatory masks for Winona and Rochester. Great excuse to support the small town grocer down the road.
The government is the slave owners and the working people paying the taxes are slaves of the government. You work to make money and they take whatever they want from the tax payers and then reward the people that don't work and don't pay taxes. NICE
The latest research suggests that we can each cut our own risk of infection by about 65% if we wear masks in public as a preventative measure.

Although there are plenty of ventilators on hand in this country at this time, the breathing circuit components that connect the ventilators to patients are in short supply. In some cases, they are on multi-month back orders. Some hospitals ran out of endotracheal tubes (the ones that get inserted through the patient's mouth) and had to use tracheostomy tubes (the ones where they have to poke a big hole through the patient's esophagus) instead.

Please take care of yourselves. The latest estimate I have read are that 30% of infected people don't know they have it, but pass it along nonetheless.
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