5 year old buck +
You got it. It's hard to put this into a few paragraphs on a website.....but you get the gist of what I am saying here. There are many books written on this out there. I likely should read one. I assume many economists have spent decades figuring out their system. It works......for them. It's socialism and Communism.....and desperation. Not the way I want to live. Still...they are smart folks.If the government "nationalizes" the tooling or the process does it take away the incentive of the manufacturers to innovate and try to make things better, cheaper, more reliable.....etc.? And if they do, do they have to turn the intellectual property over to the government?
I can remember some asian companies having booths at the SHOT show that I attended each year. Their sole purpose was for American companies to show them their products and get a price quote on the asian source to make the goods. So.....your into scope rings......just provide a sample and they would get you a price in a few weeks. The government would then decide how much they were willing to invest int the techoology to make the item.....and generally they would be far less than you could do it here in 'Merica.
I hated seeing this. One f the big ones was called "Leapers". They made and still make lots of gun accessories and cleaning supplies. Heard of them? Google is your friend.
Leapers Leapers, Inc. - Hunting/Shooting, Sporting Goods and Security Gear
Leapers was established in 1992. In the first 15 years, we focused on horizontal integration to bring multiple product lines into one umbrella for a one-stop firearm accessory shopping experience. In the second 15 years, we strove to achieve vertical integration, ensuring that our products, from...

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