Conspiracy theorys, where do you stand?

They’re literally trying to protect children from seeing things they have no business seeing. Conservatives are the only governor between full scale gay porn in elementary schools or not.
Got a daughter, a son in law and a sister in law that are elementary school teachers. All in different districts. My daughter and son in law taught in a blue state before moving to a red state. I won’t mince words here. The above statement is complete bullshit.

Somebody needed to say it.
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it's hard to get anything truthful at all from the news in my opinion.
Love your post. I’m only picking on this one statement because I think we need to be careful of this idea. I hear it a lot and it worries me. It really seems like it’s a tactic- a tactic to keep people from making up their own minds. It also raises a red flag to me as “words that influence”.

Whenever people start using “words that influence” bohica.
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I am curious if you meant to call me a liberal or if you intended to imply it.

Sir, this is an oversimplification of a very complex world. I would be surprised if we couldn’t agree that both can be true. I don’t find Reagans description of Russia as part of an evil empire to be ambiguous or any less true than it was then. Putin proves it constantly. He isn’t a bad actor, he is evil on a scale few figures in history can match.

You aren't a big govt liberal?? I was certainly implying it. I could swear there are overtones in your post, but I'm just a simple country bumpkin so perhaps I'm wrong. And sure there are horrible assholes all over the world. Many would love to see the US implode. Fact remains that the people posing the most direct threat to my way of life live on the same dirt that I do.
Got a daughter, a son in law and a sister in law that are elementary school teachers. All in different districts. My daughter and son in law taught in a blue state before moving to a red state. I won’t mince words here. The above statement is complete bullshit.

Somebody needed to say it.
Things like this do differ depending on location. I can testify that Minnesota has gone off the deep end with the things they are trying to push on the young people here. We were having conversations about putting litter boxes in the bathrooms at the local school for those that identify as animals for God's sake.
You aren't a big govt liberal?? I was certainly implying it. I could swear there are overtones in your post, but I'm just a simple country bumpkin so perhaps I'm wrong. And sure there are horrible assholes all over the world. Many would love to see the US implode. Fact remains that the people posing the most direct threat to my way of life live on the same dirt that I do.
LOL. No I’m not a big gov lib.

That would be funny though. A rarely unarmed dude who lives in the sticks and hops out of his diesel F-250 in his cowboy boots at the Biden fundraiser.

I flew all over and stayed in hotel rooms and ate in restaurants during the shutdown. I wore a mask, got the vaccine and didn’t whine about any of it once.

You guys ever wonder if you are “resisting tyranny” or if maybe you’re just pussies?
LOL. No I’m not a big gov lib.

That would be funny though. A rarely unarmed dude who lives in the sticks and hops out of his diesel F-250 in his cowboy boots at the Biden fundraiser.

I flew all over and stayed in hotel rooms and ate in restaurants during the shutdown. I wore a mask, got the vaccine and didn’t whine about any of it once.

You guys ever wonder if you are “resisting tyranny” or if maybe you’re just pussies?
Not sure how following orders that didn't make a lot of sense makes anyone a tough guy.
Not sure how following orders that didn't make a lot of sense makes anyone a tough guy.
Sorry- I went too far.

I have been wondering about that idea for awhile. I decided to post it on the internet because it “sounds like it could be true”. In a conspiracy theory thread. Conspiracy theories are fun and all right?

If I’m spreading misinformation, ban me.

And yes. Following lawful orders is what we are supposed to do. Until I’m on the Supreme Court I have to depend on someone else to decide what’s lawful. You know, orderly society and all.

Does it make me tough? No. It makes me willing to do what I have to do to go and do what I want to do with a minimum of hassle. It makes me “not a whiner”.
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And now that I think about it, maybe I am “big government”. That farm check comes every year

Where do you stand on tubes v cages?


Sir, that is a controversy I can’t wade into!

And I’m sorry to all if I was a jerk today. I love this site, love the posters, I think this election year will be a hell of a bumpy ride but this is still the greatest country in the world. With the best system of justice in the world imperfect as it may be. It hurts me to think my fellow Americans think any different. No matter who gets elected next November, none of that will change.
Ive hit the point of where I trust more of what i read on the internet (and most of what i read on habitat-talk lol) over the news. Epoch times and some others may show more truth and less bias but i also find mental anguish accompanies the ongoing gloom and imminent demise. Zero faith in local or fed folks as a-whole (not a spelling/context error)
Some of you may be interested in a YouTube channel called 'The Why Files'. Stuff about the moon, aliens, Antarctica, time travel.......
Some of you may be interested in a YouTube channel called 'The Why Files'. Stuff about the moon, aliens, Antarctica, time travel.......
Time travel is the easiest one. You need to slingshot around the sun faster than the speed of light.
And now that I think about it, maybe I am “big government”. That farm check comes every year

Sir, that is a controversy I can’t wade into!

And I’m sorry to all if I was a jerk today. I love this site, love the posters, I think this election year will be a hell of a bumpy ride but this is still the greatest country in the world. With the best system of justice in the world imperfect as it may be. It hurts me to think my fellow Americans think any different. No matter who gets elected next November, none of that will change.
Lmao. You’re certainly useful.
Sometimes, all you need to know is what you don't know.

-Why didn't anyone try to find out who blew up Nordstream 2?
-Who ordered the ignition of the 5 rail cars full of vinyl chloride in East Palestine?
-Why did nobody get prosecuted after Victoria nuland admitted to the presence of 46 bioweapons labs in Ukraine?
-Why is the USDA creating super viruses that can wipe out all sources of animal protein on earth?
-Why are we ok with our puppet regime in Ukraine ethnically cleansing eastern Ukraine of russian people?
-How did American weapons end up in the hands of muslim gangs in France?
-Why was Eric Holder running guns to the cartels in Mexico that ended up being used on American law enforcement?
-How did the magic bullet theory author get to be the senior senator from PA the rest of his life?
-Why didn't anyone try to solve the origin of covid as hard as they hunted down old ladies that stayed inside the rope at the capital?
-How do you explain the flat exit and entry wounds of the victims at the Route 91 festival in Vegas if that dude was 30+ floors up?
-Why do the amish suffer none of the percentages of childhood autoimmune disease?
-Why is there no push to flouridate country well water?
-Why aren't cities required to test for pesticides in drinking water?
-Why can people who can't eat bread and pasta in america able to do so in Europe?
-Why is there no discussion of Weston A Price's findings on malnutrition and its links to oral health?
-Why did Hitler invade poland?
-How many times did Hitler offer to make peace with England after he conquered France?
-How many tens of thousands of muslims and africans were in the Waffin SS?
-What happened to the 5,000 allied troops Stalin kept as leverage to ensure we repatriated all the Bolshevik 'traitors' after WW2?
-Who drove Hale Boggs to the airport?
-Why is the federal reserve so baffled as to the source of inflation?
-Why is there a housing crisis?
-Who is actually the president?
-Why don't pedophiles want to read to the homeless or elderly?
-Why did Derek Chauvin go to prison when there was video of saint floyd swallowing his stash?
-Why haven't we had a discussion about the federal government banning treatments for covid and attacking doctors trying to find an early at home treatment for covid?
-What happened to the guy that published the Alberta death rates by days after vaccination?
-Why can't we access X-keyscore in the NSA data warehouse in Arizona that has all the copies of every email hillary ever sent?
-Ashley Biden's diary
-Geofences around the drop boxes in the swing states?
-Where are the 90,000 kids homeland security gave away inside our own borders?
-Why is homeland security partnering with isreal to run invasion camps from the Darian gap in Panama?
-Why did thousands of athletes and news anchors drop dead on TV in 2021 and 2022?
-Why does the government want kill switches in all vehicles manufactured after 2026?
-Scott Quiner was murdered by Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids, MN.
-The gulf of Tonkin was a ruse.
-FDR cracked the japanese communication code and had knowledge of pearl harbor before it happened and ignored the radar operators warnings.
-Werner Vaun Braun's headstone
-Who took John John's place on the ballot after his plane crashed in 1999?
-Who created Isis, Al Qaeda, Hamas?
-If every country on earth is in debt, where did the money go, and for what purpose?
-Who is Mika Byrzinski's (of MSNBC) dad?
-What happened to Joe Scarborough's aide?

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Stalin attacked the means of food production and ushered in a legendary amount of famine and death. He took the land, he took the tools and implements, and he took all the stored grains and livestock.
Sometimes, all you need to know is what you don't know.

-Why didn't anyone try to find out who blew up Nordstream 2?
-Who ordered the ignition of the 5 rail cars full of vinyl chloride in East Palestine?
-Why did nobody get prosecuted after Victoria nuland admitted to the presence of 46 bioweapons labs in Ukraine?
-Why is the USDA creating super viruses that can wipe out all sources of animal protein on earth?
-Why are we ok with our puppet regime in Ukraine ethnically cleansing eastern Ukraine of russian people?
-How did American weapons end up in the hands of muslim gangs in France?
-Why was Eric Holder running guns to the cartels in Mexico that ended up being used on American law enforcement?
-How did the magic bullet theory author get to be the senior senator from PA the rest of his life?
-Why didn't anyone try to solve the origin of covid as hard as they hunted down old ladies that stayed inside the rope at the capital?
-How do you explain the flat exit and entry wounds of the victims at the Route 91 festival in Vegas if that dude was 30+ floors up?
-Why do the amish suffer none of the percentages of childhood autoimmune disease?
-Why is there no push to flouridate country well water?
-Why aren't cities required to test for pesticides in drinking water?
-Why can people who can't eat bread and pasta in america able to do so in Europe?
-Why is there no discussion of Weston A Price's findings on malnutrition and its links to oral health?
-Why did Hitler invade poland?
-How many times did Hitler offer to make peace with England after he conquered France?
-How many tens of thousands of muslims and africans were in the Waffin SS?
-What happened to the 5,000 allied troops Stalin kept as leverage to ensure we repatriated all the Bolshevik 'traitors' after WW2?
-Who drove Hale Boggs to the airport?
-Why is the federal reserve so baffled as to the source of inflation?
-Why is there a housing crisis?
-Who is actually the president?
-Why don't pedophiles want to read to the homeless or elderly?
-Why did Derek Chauvin go to prison when there was video of saint floyd swallowing his stash?
-Why haven't we had a discussion about the federal government banning treatments for covid and attacking doctors trying to find an early at home treatment for covid?
-What happened to the guy that published the Alberta death rates by days after vaccination?
-Why can't we access X-keyscore in the NSA data warehouse in Arizona that has all the copies of every email hillary ever sent?
-Ashley Biden's diary
-Geofences around the drop boxes in the swing states?
-Where are the 90,000 kids homeland security gave away inside our own borders?
-Why is homeland security partnering with isreal to run invasion camps from the Darian gap in Panama?
-Why did thousands of athletes and news anchors drop dead on TV in 2021 and 2022?
-Why does the government want kill switches in all vehicles manufactured after 2026?
-Scott Quiner was murdered by Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids, MN.
-The gulf of Tonkin was a ruse.
-FDR cracked the japanese communication code and had knowledge of pearl harbor before it happened and ignored the radar operators warnings.
-Werner Vaun Braun's headstone
-Who took John John's place on the ballot after his plane crashed in 1999?
-Who created Isis, Al Qaeda, Hamas?
-If every country on earth is in debt, where did the money go, and for what purpose?
-Who is Mika Byrzinski's (of MSNBC) dad?
-What happened to Joe Scarborough's aide?

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
You could waste 20x lifetimes trying to run down all these questions. Makes my head hurt. I gotta let some go.....and stay on the low hanging fruit. MAGA BABY.....MAGA.
Where do I stand? I don't know. After reading all of the posts I became agitated. My first reaction was to wonder how such a fine group of people have such dim views. I wanted to understand what constitutes a conspiracy theory. I found many explanations, so many it would be easy to pick one to suit my purpose. After all these are just theories and anyone can posit a theory. It's easy. Just make up something and toss it around like a bomb. Throw it and see who wants to hold it and note who throws it back. Well, that's not sufficient.

I am weak of Spirit but when I am hard pressed for an answer I must stop to wonder what I value and how I wish to live my life. So, I turned to my Bible to find if God had an answer.

Faith, God said to the prophet Isiah, "Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don’t live in dread of what frightens them.” Isiah 8:12

Faith. I shall be at peace and my faith will carry me on. Peace be with you friends!

I do like the X-Files for the fourth time!
Anyone who can't see why the career politicians are so afraid of a guy like Trump needs to have their head examined.
Anyone who doesn't understand why the same people in our country are trying to keep gay porn and openly pornographic books out of elementary school libraries need to have their heads removed.