What happened to the white Jake from State Farm?
I definitely believe some of them are true.
I think our government killed JFK
I think the Clinton's are murderers
I do not believe Epstein killed himself
There are no doubt more I’m sure I believe in. So yes, I guess I’m a conspiracy whack job too?
My co-worker's wife spent a day on their vacation searching around the airport in Denver searching for some stuff, what's the scoop on that one?Sometimes, all you need to know is what you don't know.
-Why didn't anyone try to find out who blew up Nordstream 2?
-Who ordered the ignition of the 5 rail cars full of vinyl chloride in East Palestine?
-Why did nobody get prosecuted after Victoria nuland admitted to the presence of 46 bioweapons labs in Ukraine?
-Why is the USDA creating super viruses that can wipe out all sources of animal protein on earth?
-Why are we ok with our puppet regime in Ukraine ethnically cleansing eastern Ukraine of russian people?
-How did American weapons end up in the hands of muslim gangs in France?
-Why was Eric Holder running guns to the cartels in Mexico that ended up being used on American law enforcement?
-How did the magic bullet theory author get to be the senior senator from PA the rest of his life?
-Why didn't anyone try to solve the origin of covid as hard as they hunted down old ladies that stayed inside the rope at the capital?
-How do you explain the flat exit and entry wounds of the victims at the Route 91 festival in Vegas if that dude was 30+ floors up?
-Why do the amish suffer none of the percentages of childhood autoimmune disease?
-Why is there no push to flouridate country well water?
-Why aren't cities required to test for pesticides in drinking water?
-Why can people who can't eat bread and pasta in america able to do so in Europe?
-Why is there no discussion of Weston A Price's findings on malnutrition and its links to oral health?
-Why did Hitler invade poland?
-How many times did Hitler offer to make peace with England after he conquered France?
-How many tens of thousands of muslims and africans were in the Waffin SS?
-What happened to the 5,000 allied troops Stalin kept as leverage to ensure we repatriated all the Bolshevik 'traitors' after WW2?
-Who drove Hale Boggs to the airport?
-Why is the federal reserve so baffled as to the source of inflation?
-Why is there a housing crisis?
-Who is actually the president?
-Why don't pedophiles want to read to the homeless or elderly?
-Why did Derek Chauvin go to prison when there was video of saint floyd swallowing his stash?
-Why haven't we had a discussion about the federal government banning treatments for covid and attacking doctors trying to find an early at home treatment for covid?
-What happened to the guy that published the Alberta death rates by days after vaccination?
-Why can't we access X-keyscore in the NSA data warehouse in Arizona that has all the copies of every email hillary ever sent?
-Ashley Biden's diary
-Geofences around the drop boxes in the swing states?
-Where are the 90,000 kids homeland security gave away inside our own borders?
-Why is homeland security partnering with isreal to run invasion camps from the Darian gap in Panama?
-Why did thousands of athletes and news anchors drop dead on TV in 2021 and 2022?
-Why does the government want kill switches in all vehicles manufactured after 2026?
-Scott Quiner was murdered by Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids, MN.
-The gulf of Tonkin was a ruse.
-FDR cracked the japanese communication code and had knowledge of pearl harbor before it happened and ignored the radar operators warnings.
-Werner Vaun Braun's headstone
-Who took John John's place on the ballot after his plane crashed in 1999?
-Who created Isis, Al Qaeda, Hamas?
-If every country on earth is in debt, where did the money go, and for what purpose?
-Who is Mika Byrzinski's (of MSNBC) dad?
-What happened to Joe Scarborough's aide?
That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Having lived out there and traveled through that airport a ton, it’s truly wild. Just google it. It makes no sense on the surface why they have the art they do there.My co-worker's wife spent a day on their vacation searching around the airport in Denver searching for some stuff, what's the scoop on that one?
Not certain, but there's lots of really strange stuff there. I don't get hung up on the old videos, just on the actual photos, murals, and sculptures.My co-worker's wife spent a day on their vacation searching around the airport in Denver searching for some stuff, what's the scoop on that one?
By landmassBiggest airport in the world isn't it? That alone is kinda strange.
Very interesting, thanks for the link.Not certain, but there's lots of really strange stuff there. I don't get hung up on the old videos, just on the actual photos, murals, and sculptures.
(Reese Report) Bug Out Bags, Underground Bases & The Denver International Airport.
(Reese Report) Bug Out Bags, Underground Bases & The Denver International Airport.rumble.com
All government is legalized corruption. Both parties, more so which ever one is in power. I just don't understand why either party embraces the characters they do. What's the answer? I don't know but I know the lemmings fell into the sea.I once heard that Russia had the most corrupt government on earth. Ukraine had the second most corrupt .
Lately, I feel the USA ain’t far behind.
I question nearly everything .
I once heard that Russia had the most corrupt government on earth. Ukraine had the second most corrupt .
Lately, I feel the USA ain’t far behind.
I question nearly everything .
This. ^ ^ ^ ^I despise conspiracy theories. They are dangerous to us and our country.
They thrive in an environment where truth matters less and people tend to get information from a pipeline that excludes other sources of information. The old “echo chamber” of if “I don’t agree with it It is false”.
Many are worried about their government deceiving them. Of course they should. However, if you think foreign entities aren't pushing the needle of opinion in the U.S., that is very foolish and short sighted. I worry far more about the merry band of evil that Ronald Reagan described as the Axis of Evil. Folks, nothing has changed. They absolutely wish to destroy the U.S. and our influence in the world.
A society depends on a shared set of agreed to “facts”. If you don’t have a group of facts and ideas that we all somewhat agree on, we don’t have a society.
If your sources of info seem to be designed to outrage you, thats a warning sign to be careful. If a source of information constantly sounds like “Well it sounds like maybe that might be true” thats a warning sign.
I’m with you. I have little respect for any politicians. If there’s enough support maintained for strong families and value of self sufficiency, personal accountability, I think we can weather these dark ages and come out the other side.All government is legalized corruption. Both parties, more so which ever one is in power. I just don't understand why either party embraces the characters they do. What's the answer? I don't know but I know the lemmings fell into the sea.