Chestnuts Still no radical! WTH

"Be sure to check the tap root when you do your first transplant"

You have been 100% on with this whole deal... 5 of the 20 I have transplanted into 1 gal containers had the taps curling on the bottom, pulled them down and out and fluffed the roots out, I will likely transplant them to 3 gal containers in a bit here (basement to garage) and get them into the ground as soon as we get good weather Which is still a ways off... the growth has been crazy/rapid. I cant get tomatoes to grow this fast

Sound like you having fun and isn't that the point! Each year since I started, I've learned more and more and I'm sure there is still more that I don't know than I've learned!


Pretty Stoked today. Walked property checking on various projects and noticed that a chestnut tree that has catkins on it (for the first time) had a hull formed on the branch. First one for this project, very cool to notice these changes. Now if there are any nuts within that hull come fall. Along a similar line of thought, sunrise pears showing first two pears for this variety on property. A honeycrisp, which had been killed by insects, was cut back, about 2 feet above ground, has now resprouted new growth. Very happy.
Im like a kid at Christmas when I find a catkin,new growth, or green up from dormant seedlings
