Cheaper way to kill Invasive's

KY wild

5 year old buck +

This video explains how to kill invasive plants by diluting which is better for environment and saves money. I have killed thousands of invasive plants with her advice with great results. Thought I would share since this is the time of year I go to war with the non natives.
Great stuff there. Thanks for sharing. I am always thinking about stuff like that. I wonder if diesel fuel and their "bark oil" are similar enough to get the same results? I hit 3 very large honey suckle with a low dose of triclopyr and diesel fuel early last spring to compare effectiveness with higher doses. It was along my 1/2 mile driveway so I drive by it everyday and can watch it. My results were the same as her's - they were stressed the first year and dead this year. I'm going to add water to the mix and keep working with less chemical and see how that goes. Loved that video!
Thanks. I could have made more money if I had known this last year. I will try it out in the future. In the video, they killed multiflora rose, autumn olive, bush honeysuckle, buckthorn, and winged burning bush. Here's the slide of the different ratios they used. Screenshot_20240329_104713_YouTube.jpg