If You Are The Praying Type

So glad things are looking up
what a kid! Glad there's some light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep the faith brother.
Well, it seems we took a step back. She had her catheter removed yesterday afternoon and we were told to monitor her at home for 6 hours. She still didn’t pee on her own so they told us to take her to the ER to get a new catheter put in. While there, they also replaced some steri-strips that had come loose. It seemed to be going well last night. We got to my in-laws house around 1 this morning and she was sleeping so peacefully. This morning while changing her diaper we discovered that her catheter had come out. A rush back to the ER and here we sit. They want to do a few extra things while we are here. They want to do a blood draw and check for infection. They also want to check her urine for infection as well. She is about to get her 4th catheter in a week. Boys, my wife is strong but this is getting to be a lot…

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The power of prayer is real, and I'm giving you all I got 🙏🙏🙏
Definitely dislike 👎… stay upbeat and we will keep praying !
Hang in there. I am sure it is taxing in every way .... mentally, emotionally. We have your back to the best of our abilities.
Prayers sent. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear about the set back, stay strong for mom and baby!
Well, she has a UTI. With everything going on, they are going to admit her back into the hospital. That way they can monitor her infection and help with wound care from her surgery. They also ran a few other blood tests and though the short term results are good, they want to culture them for a few days and see if anything else is going on. I’ll keep you guys up to date. This may actually be a good thing. We could use a little help. The wound is substantial to say the least. I have gotten physically ill after a few of the diaper changes… But my little trooper wouldn’t let you know it. I just love her so much…

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Hang in there....better days ahead.
read this while driving earlier today. prayed right there in the car. Hoping for the best.
So sorry you guys are having to go through all of this. Hopefully she will get better soon and you guys can relax a little. Praying for you all in the name of JESUS
This kid's an overcomer. Praying God's peace on you guys and for a quick recovery/healing.

Some day when she's 15 and cops an attitude, you'll just grin and be grateful she is able to do that.

Keep pressing on!
Prayers for the doctors to have the wisdom to get her on the mend.
This one hits in the feels enough that I didn't want to keep reading early on..

Keep on keeping on T! Hoping you can end this thread soon with happy healthy strong daughter news!
The Chief Surgeon, the one who actually did our daughter’s procedure, came up to visit us today. He is going to personally take back over her treatment plan. We had a nice long talk. He had handed off her care to the surgical clinic and is unhappy with our progress. We have the surgical team suggesting we care for the wound one way which requires her catheter to be in, wound care redressing it and saying urine won’t hurt it, urology suggesting she could have a catheter the rest of her life, etc. He is the kind of guy that makes stuff happen. He is going to get everyone in the same room, actually in the same room and they will come up with a cohesive plan. He is personally going to see it through. It does seem that one of the internal stitches has come loose. I will spare you the details, but during one diaper change earlier this week, I got a perspective of the wound that made me vomit immediately. I’m sure the fact that it was my daughter contributed to that greatly. He suggested to us that what wound care did looks great. He is impressed with what they accomplished here in our room without going back to the OR. He also says her being on a catheter forever is nonsense. He is going to suggest they remove the catheter and simply wait for her to pee. He was the guy in there and knows exactly what he did and didn’t touch. He is positive there is no reason for her to not be able to pee. It looks like we are in it for the long haul though. My wife may have to live with her folks in KC for a while because they need to change the dressings at least every other day. In an effort to regain a bit of normalcy for my boy, he and I may bachelor it up at the house for a month or so and see what progress was made. Through all of this I keep telling myself that the good lord did this to us because we are capable both financially and family support wise to handle it. I can’t think of any other reason. Hopefully it kept it from having to happen to anyone else…

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We keep praying for you and your family. Sometimes bad things happen to good people but the good Lord never seems to give us more than we can handle. Good luck
