Charles Alscheimer passed

Seemed like one of the good guys, very knowledgeable and great photographer.
What a shame to lose such a talented and humble gentleman. He was an able ambassador for the outdoors, and more specifically, deer habitat and habits. He lived doing what he loved. Thanks Charlie.
That sucks he was a stand up guy
What a shame to lose such a talented and humble gentleman. He was an able ambassador for the outdoors, and more specifically, deer habitat and habits. He lived doing what he loved. Thanks Charlie.
I enjoyed reading Charlie's books and articles. A humble man, who helped a lot of us (me included) understand more about whitetails and habitat improvements.
I presented at a local seminar with Charles quite a while back and got to meet him. Great guy and student of deer. The little I knew him leads me to believe he will end up in a much better place!
Lived just up the road and was a proponent of quality deer management principles and improving the habitat before it became vogue, especially on smaller properties. Very nice guy. I was saddened to hear this.
I remember way back when, I drew a sketch of my property on a napkin so he could get an idea what I was talking about. He helped me out a lot. He was not only very passionate about deer but, lots of things.
raw deal. I also met him in the early 80's. Very passionate and well spoken. He will be missed by many. There are no questions that he did a ton for whitetail deer and his research at his facility is something that everyone could learn from. True legend is gone.
I've also read his articles & books. I have several of his articles on my "favorites list" on this computer. I never met him, but felt as though I knew him from things he said in his writings. Straight-up, God-fearing man, who had HUGE appreciation for nature, especially deer. Fantastic researcher, habitat improver, and photographer. True legend is right, Red. ^^^^^ He'll be missed big-time.

Rest easy on the high ground Charlie.
I grew up around Charlie, and my and a buddy of mine's Dads used to model for him for "action" pictures. It's been years since I've seen him, but he will be fondly remembered and greatly missed.
I presented at a local seminar with Charles quite a while back and got to meet him. Great guy and student of deer. The little I knew him leads me to believe he will end up in a much better place!

Amen to this. Had the blessing of witnessing his seminars twice...and only thing he loved more than whitetails was his creator.

Lived just up the road and was a proponent of quality deer management principles and improving the habitat before it became vogue, especially on smaller properties. Very nice guy. I was saddened to hear this.

I can actually give him the nod for me starting my little endeavor centered around small properties after a discussion with him. Stand up guy and the whitetail community has a big void with him gone.