Cecil the lion: US dentist blamed for Zimbabwe killing

saying a game preserve is like a zoo is not even a fair analogy. A LION is tame?? Cecil did what cecil does. I would agree not my definition of sporting, but I don't think running bears with dogs is sporting. But, you know what?? People love it! PEOPLE HAVE THREATENED A MANS LIFE OVER KILLING A WILD ANIMAL!!! WHERE ARE THE POLICE IN THIS??? If I lived in that area, I would have my officers there questioning every protestor and literally putting my efforts into finding the TRUE FELON the people that are threatening a MANS LIFE!!!! PEOPLE THIS IS A HUMAN BEING, NOT A LION!!!

I don't even think it's fair to even draw an analogy to the antler mills aka the deer farmers here in the USA. At least those people know it's a canned hunt and that animal is NOT high fenced. Was Cecil high fenced?? I thought he wasn't . I will say it's unethical what the Dr. did and if laws were violated than he should be punished by the LAW not a public hanging. I don't think there is a person here that would say if the Dr. violated a law he should be prosecuted, but threatening a mans life over the death of a LION?? never.
US senator introduces 'CECIL' act to curb trophy hunting

Washington (AFP) - Urging Americans to curb trophy killings and not be "cowardly lions," US lawmakers introduced legislation Friday that would prevent the kinds of controversial hunting that brought down Zimbabwe's beloved beast Cecil.

Senate Democrat Robert Menendez's bill would expand the import-export restrictions of the 1973 Endangered Species Act to include animals that are not just listed as endangered or threatened, but those that are "proposed to be listed" as such.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service, which maintains the US endangered species list, last October proposed to list the African lion as threatened due to habitat loss and increased human-lion conflicts.

It has yet to finalize any lion protections.

The two-page Conserving Ecosystems by Ceasing the Importation of Large (CECIL) Animal Trophies Act is named after a lion killed by a US dentist in a hunt that triggered global anger.

Cecil was considered an iconic attraction for tourists at Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park. The hunter, Walter Palmer, used a bow and arrow to shoot Cecil, who was tracked for a second day before being shot dead.

"Let's not be cowardly lions when it comes to trophy killings," Menendez said, calling Cecil's demise "senseless."

"Cecil's death was a preventable tragedy that highlights the need to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act. When we have enough concern about the future of a species to propose it for listing, we should not be killing it for sport."

Three other Democrats have sponsored the legislation.

It is unclear whether Republican lawmakers -- who often describe themselves as hunters and support gun rights for hunters -- will back the bill.
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Are You F-ing kidding me! Now we have a senator involved!
These guys are bought and paid for by the animal groups so I wouldn't expect anything else from them.
P.O.S senator.

He should bring up a bill making it illegal for US citizens to go to the Dominican republic and get underaged prostitutes.

No wait, then he wouldn't be able to go do that.

Yea, yea, I know the prostitutes recanted their story. How much $$ does one think it would take to have a pro from the DR do that?
Your 2014 Guide to the Scandals Surrounding Senator Bob Menendez
Associated Press
Presented by

New Jersey's reputation for political wrong-doing predates the Christie administration's futzing with bridge traffic. Last year, the politician under fire was Sen. Bob Menendez, accused — deservedly and not — of inappropriate behavior involving hookers, influence, and cash. On Thursday, new allegations against Menendez emerged.

The new allegations
Menendez, who has served in the U.S. Senate since 2006, is being investigated by the FBI for having perhaps intervened on behalf of two accused criminals from Ecuador in exchange for campaign contributions.

The details of the investigation are sketchy as outlined by NBC, but go something like this. William and Roberto Isaias of Ecuador were convicted by that country's government of embezzling millions of dollars from a bank that they ran as it collapsed. The two moved to the United States, but the country hasn't determined that the evidence of their guilt is substantial enough to warrant extradition back to Ecuador. Menendez has apparently written to the State Department and Department of Homeland Security on the brothers' behalf, arguing that they'd been targeted for political reasons. Relatives of the brothers gave $10,000 to Menendez and $100,000 to the Democratic party in 2012 — but there's no public evidence that a quid pro quo exists.

Which the senator's spokesperson was quick to point out to the Daily Beast. "Our office works each year with literally hundreds of individuals and families from across the country who are seeking help with the immigration process," Tricia Enright said to the outlet. "We review each and every request we receive, and if we feel any inquiry is appropriate, we make it." To BuzzFeed, Enright said that the office was "not aware of any inquiry" into the matter.

The existing scandal
That's different than the on-going investigation into a Florida ophthalmologist. At the beginning of 2013, news of an investigation into Menendez's relationship with Salomon Melgen broke. Melegen is under investigation by the government for allegedly overbilling Medicare to the tune of $8.9 million. Menendez intervened on his behalf as that investigation unfolded.

The relationship between the two goes beyond that. When Melgen decided to get into the port security business in the Dominican Republic, Menendez allegedly intervened to prevent Homeland Security from giving the country scanners that could be used to screen shipping containers arriving on the island — which would have hurt Melgen's business selling such devices to the Dominican government. As details of the relationship between the two emerged, Menendez reimbursed Melgen for flights to the Dominican Republic that the doctor had paid for.

The debunked attack
Speaking of those trips to the Dominican! The Daily Caller broke a story last year that Menendez had engaged in a little extracurricular activity while overseas, of the kind that involves giving money to prostitutes. But the women that spoke with the Daily Caller's Matt Boyle recanted their stories, saying they'd been paid to claim they slept with the senator. In fact, numerous outlets passed on the story before Boyle picked it up, considering the sources too unreliable.

The peripheral happenings
The Boyle story came out shortly before Menendez was handily reelected to the Senate in 2012. Right after Election Day, federal agents arrested an 18-year-old Peruvian who worked as an intern in Menendez' office for immigration violations. (He was also a registered sex offender.) The Department of Homeland Security apparently asked that the arrest be delayed until after the election, but that wasn't known to Menendez's staff.

There have been no charges filed against Menendez on any of these allegations. But it does serve as a reminder that, when you're talking about interesting New Jersey scandals, it's pretty easy to beat a traffic jam.
Doctor from PA now Poached a lion over there as well. They are calling for his head now! This should be interesting.
Doctor from PA now Poached a lion over there as well. They are calling for his head now! This should be interesting.

I'm not poaching a lion till they drop under $3K. Too much of a hassle.
Factor in private security contractor for 90 days as well. Or some Rottweilers.
You really need to be aware of the laws when you hire an outfitter. The Feds don't care if you were duped or not and Lacey Act convictions frequently come with prison time.
Factor in private security contractor for 90 days as well. Or some Rottweilers.

Has anyone ever followed through on a similar threat?

'Put 'em uuup - Put 'em uuuup -' Said the Cowardly Lion. I saw the movie.
Not that I've ever heard. But they'll get real tough with you in the comment section of an online article.
Article in the Strib: http://www.startribune.com/on-his-o...mer-is-tough-on-suspected-poachers/322009941/

Long before he was accused of poaching an African lion named Cecil, Walter Palmer was stalking suspected poachers on his private hunting land in northwestern Minnesota.

The Twin Cities dentist guarded his acreage and property lines so fiercely he alienated and even frightened local hunters, some Clay County residents and officials said. Run-ins with Palmer became the stuff of local hunting lore, said Clay County Commissioner Jenny Mongeau, whose district includes Palmer’s land.

“You don’t go close to it because he would report you,” said Mongeau. “He has zero positive relations with any of the neighbors, which is very uncommon for this area.”

A global furor erupted after news broke that Palmer, a veteran big-game hunter, had killed the famous research lion in a nighttime hunt in Zimbabwe in early July, maiming him with a compound bow and then finishing him off hours later. The lion was baited and the hunt was conducted on private land where, some authorities have said, there was no permit to kill a lion.

Despite accusations against Palmer, only the professional hunter he hired, Theo Bronkhorst, has been charged in Zimbabwe.

Palmer, 55, has not responded to multiple phone calls from the Star Tribune in the past two weeks, including requests for comment on this article. Vilified by animal welfare activists and the target of vitriol in social media, Palmer and his wife have not been staying at their Eden Prairie home or at their vacation home in Florida. Palmer’s dental practice in Bloomington remains shuttered.

A sign posted on the door at River Bluff Dental in Bloomington, Minn., on Tuesday, July 28, 2015.

In his one statement to the media last month, Palmer expressed deep regret for killing the lion but denied knowingly breaking any laws, saying he “relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt.”

Palmer’s Minnesota hunting refuge lies between the town of Barnesville and Pelican Rapids, about 45 minutes southeast of Fargo-Moorhead. Locals talk with envy about the nearly 900-acre spread of rolling hills, oak woodlands and small lakes. It’s some of the most pristine countryside in the area, they say.

“That’s his own personal little hunting refuge,” said Shawn Olson, head of the Barnesville Rod & Gun Club. Olson said he’s heard all the stories about territorial disputes but hasn’t experienced any himself.

Palmer lives in Eden Prairie. Property records show he bought the core 520 acres in Clay County in 1999, and then added adjacent parcels over the years. He also owns another 230 acres on nearby Pelican Lake, in Otter Tail County.

Jason Stetz recalled the first time he met Palmer. Stetz, who owns Heart O’ Lakes Quality Meats in Pelican Rapids, said he’d been out hunting, and was driving down the gravel road by Palmer’s land when an odd deer appeared just off the road. Stetz said he pulled over and grabbed his binoculars thinking: “That’s the ugliest damn deer I ever saw.”

The deer was fake, plastic.

Something slapped Stetz’s pickup, startling him. It was Palmer. He was angry.

“You were going to shoot that deer,” Stetz recalled him saying. Stetz said he just had his binoculars out to look but Palmer insisted that Stetz was going to shoot the deer.

Palmer said he was going to call the game warden and told Stetz to get out of there.

Over the years Stetz and his friends and relatives would wrangle with Palmer over property lines, deer stands and trails of deer blood. Palmer was always quick to accuse them of trespassing, Stetz said. Once, Stetz said, Palmer scared him while he was hunting when Palmer popped out of the trees in camouflage with a digital camera, snapping photos of Stetz.

As he told the British tabloid Daily Mail, Stetz recalled Palmer once kicked his cousin Keith Stetz out of a deer stand, accusing him of hunting on his land. Stetz said Palmer had a handgun. When Keith climbed down, Stetz said he recalled Palmer telling him: “There is no excuse for ignorance.”

Keith Stetz did not respond to messages seeking comment.

None of the confrontations over Palmer’s boundaries resulted in violations, according to Lt. Phil Seefeldt, a DNR conservation officer who covered the area. Seefeldt said that the hunting disputes around Palmer’s land are “kind of an ongoing issue.”

Despite the friction, Stetz said Palmer invited neighbors to a party on the property around 2008. Stetz said not many people went, but he drove over. When he arrived, Palmer invited him into an old white schoolhouse near the old farmhouse on the land. Stetz peered in.

“I was like, Holy [expletive]!” Stetz said.

The schoolhouse was a museum, chock-full of mounted animals, he said, mostly head mounts on the walls. He said he recalls seeing deer heads, and “big game” type animals, but he can’t recall exactly what kind. Stetz said the collection might disturb someone not familiar with hunting, but that he considered it “neater than hell.”

“That’s his shrine. That’s his baby right there,” Stetz said.

Stetz said relations with Palmer have improved in recent years and that, at least with him, Palmer seems to have “come around.” Stetz butchers some of Palmer’s deer for him. Palmer, he said, always brings in the biggest bucks.

Some locals suspect Palmer and his wife may be on the secluded property now, keeping a low profile to avoid the harsh public reaction to Cecil’s killing. Stetz says he has no idea. All he knows is someone hired private security to watch the property.


"....always brings in the biggest bucks" ..... Looks like the wife is a hunter, too. :rolleyes:
Dentist cleared of charges, this will not be in the news......

The Minnesota dentist that was at the center of controversy surrounding the killing of a famed lion named Cecil will not be charged with any crime in Zimbabwe, according to a report Monday morning.

Reuters reports Palmer had "all (his) papers in order," according to Zimbabwe Environmental Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, who told reporters on Monday that Palmer could not be charged.

According to the report, Muchinguri-Kashiri said: "We approached the police and then the Prosecutor General, and it turned out that (Walter) Palmer came to Zimbabwe because all the papers were in order." Think the people who relentlessly badgered and protested him will apologize npw that he's been cleared of all wrongdoing? Don't hold your breath.

^ I am not condoning what this guy did.....but do 'ya think the press was outta control on this. Some folks were just nuts!

FIRE.....ready, aim. All too often we get things backwards here. :(
Dentist cleared of charges, this will not be in the news......

The Minnesota dentist that was at the center of controversy surrounding the killing of a famed lion named Cecil will not be charged with any crime in Zimbabwe, according to a report Monday morning.

Reuters reports Palmer had "all (his) papers in order," according to Zimbabwe Environmental Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, who told reporters on Monday that Palmer could not be charged.

According to the report, Muchinguri-Kashiri said: "We approached the police and then the Prosecutor General, and it turned out that (Walter) Palmer came to Zimbabwe because all the papers were in order." Think the people who relentlessly badgered and protested him will apologize npw that he's been cleared of all wrongdoing? Don't hold your breath.

^ I am not condoning what this guy did.....but do 'ya think the press was outta control on this. Some folks were just nuts!

FIRE.....ready, aim. All too often we get things backwards here. :(

Some folks ARE Nuts!
Isn't it worse that the dentist is 100% legal in this? Not for the dentist, but for future hunters wanting to go to Africa. This means a legal activity is pushing other people to do illegal activities. Some could see that as a reason to ban the legal activity.
Dentist cleared of charges, this will not be in the news......

The Minnesota dentist that was at the center of controversy surrounding the killing of a famed lion named Cecil will not be charged with any crime in Zimbabwe, according to a report Monday morning.

Reuters reports Palmer had "all (his) papers in order," according to Zimbabwe Environmental Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, who told reporters on Monday that Palmer could not be charged.

According to the report, Muchinguri-Kashiri said: "We approached the police and then the Prosecutor General, and it turned out that (Walter) Palmer came to Zimbabwe because all the papers were in order." Think the people who relentlessly badgered and protested him will apologize npw that he's been cleared of all wrongdoing? Don't hold your breath.

^ I am not condoning what this guy did.....but do 'ya think the press was outta control on this. Some folks were just nuts!

FIRE.....ready, aim. All too often we get things backwards here. :(

Not a chance anyone who bashed him will apologize. They will do what the left does, double down and keep attacking. Mob rule mentality is winning in this country just like Alinsky said it would.