Cecil the lion: US dentist blamed for Zimbabwe killing

It will be interesting to see what happens. I'm pretty sure most predator hunts in Africa involve some type of baiting with carcasses, so I don't really see his hunt as unethical. If it's a free range lion that leaves the reserve it was on, I'm assuming that would make it fair game. Having the proper license for that specific area is a separate issue though. I could easily see though that he trust that his ph would be in charge of putting him in the area he can legally hunt. If he knowingly was hunting an area he knew he couldn't hunt then I agree he should get in trouble.
I hunted South Africa in a high fence (175,000 hectares) and the guy was the biggest lion breeder in South Africa. Had like 200 lions on the place. Stare one in the eye from 15 feet away. You know they want their chance with you inside the fence. Eery.
I hunted South Africa in a high fence (175,000 hectares) and the guy was the biggest lion breeder in South Africa. Had like 200 lions on the place. Stare one in the eye from 15 feet away. You know they want their chance with you inside the fence. Eery.

You're wrong Brooks, the lady protesting in front of the dental office said that lions are friendly and just want to be loved. And she drives a Prius so she's way more in tune with the natural world than anyone else.
Dragging that sucker out would be a pain.
Nothing to it with that 'bota of yours.
this dentist is getting crucified in the media. His practice is gonna be Toast. seems somewhat out of proportion to the act. He's gonna pay a big price for that lion hunt. ....but all hunters are gonna pay when some idiot screw up this big. Sad state of affairs.

Those friends of animals want their pound of (human) flesh on this one.
Nothing to it with that 'bota of yours.
Right color wrong brand. :p Kioti :)
Right color wrong brand. :p Kioti :)
Oops forgot. In that case you could borrow my Deere. :D
Bring it over. We'll do a side by side comparison.
You're wrong Brooks, the lady protesting in front of the dental office said that lions are friendly and just want to be loved. And she drives a Prius so she's way more in tune with the natural world than anyone else.

If she like we could raise the cash to fly her over where I was and she can walk in the pen to hug some lions. I will film it from outside the cage. Do you have her contact info?

When they drive in the double gated pens with dead donkeys in the pickup bed the power you witness is incredible. A big male will drive his nails into the hindquarter and basically left the whole animal out with one arm.
Some people just have nothing better to do than protest something or another.
The whole protest thing reminds me of the Richard Pryor stand-up Here and Now, "Why don't you go out in the bush and *u(k with them lions?"
Not sticking up for the guy.
But if the dentist was an illegal alien and the lion was a white girl from California the press wouldn't care.
This guy hunts deer in MN. I have heard some stories before all of this. Nothing illegal but pisses his neighbors and even the DNR off.
Hmm, didn't know he is a felon. He must hunt archery season. Just found out he was guy I have heard about before. Definitely has some problems.
Could there be a lesson here for all of us?

Don't give wild animals a human name. Don't humanize them or give them a name like a pet. We should consider this with our deer cam pictures.

A name like the Big Ten pointer might be acceptable, but Leftie is not.

Just my two cents.
Could there be a lesson here for all of us?

Don't give wild animals a human name. Don't humanize them or give them a name like a pet. We should consider this with our deer cam pictures.

A name like the Big Ten pointer might be acceptable, but Leftie is not.

Just my two cents.

What if news reports only said," Male lion number seven wandered off of a preserve and was shot by a Mn. hunter with a lion tag?" Would we get less sensationalism?
What if news reports only said," Male lion number seven wandered off of a preserve and was shot by a Mn. hunter with a lion tag?" Would we get less sensationalism?

I'm sure we would. But you know what else would help?
I willl stick up for this guy. I have no problem. The guy shot a lion and it was wild. This was not a ZOO. Geez.. people are protesting his life and calling for his head on a platter for killing a lion?? Take all that energy and effort and feed the homeless, help the police track down drug dealers, put that effort into a neighbor hood watch program, teach a kid how to play cribbage, volunteer at the local spousal abuse shelter, DO ANYTHING BUT PROTEST A MAN SHOOTING A WILD ANIMAL!!!!!!!!!! YES HE GETS HIS ROCKS OFF BY SHOOTING LIONS, BIG DEAL. I get my rocks off shooting deer and pheasants. I literally am sick to my stomach by the damn media allowing this to happen. This man life has been threatened!!!! Where are the police?? They should be questioning every protestor in front of that office. What gives them the right to distrub this mans livelihood and they are preventing a working man from earning a living. This man killed a wild animal!!! This was not a human being nor was this guy hunting in a zoo!!! The lion was killed in the wild!!! People sicken me that this man's life is threatened.
^ Yeah......BUT not exactly. Sounds like they lured this well-known, Lion out of an adjacent park where it was protected (kinda like a zoo) and then he killed it. The Lion was kinda tame and was collared.....and his "guides" lured it to follow a meat blood trail onto their adjacent land, where he killed it. Not exactly sporting.......If I got the facts straight.

Still.....lotsa african cats are baited......just as are bears here in the USA. The public outcry is a bit scary on this.