Cecil the lion: US dentist blamed for Zimbabwe killing

Curious if he actually broke the law, or the government is just mad because the lion was a tourist draw.

I'm not sure of the laws but if he had a license, and the lion left the national park maybe he didn't do anything wrong. Maybe his guides did something illegal without his knowledge. I'm guessing you have to rely on your guides quite a bit on these African hunts.
An article I read in our local paper said they had tied a dead animal carcass to a vehichle and basically led the lion to some place where he could legally shoot it.
From what I have read he had the right license but the property where they lured the lion to, did not have any tags for lions. I am sure that he knew that, sort of like how he did his illegal bear hunt in Wisconsin.
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BBC just called me for an interview, and they want to do a Skype television piece later today. Cheers!
BBC just called me for an interview, and they want to do a Skype television piece later today. Cheers!

Make sure you put in a "plug" for QDMA. Would be entertaining to see how they would deal with the venom and hate mail. LOL
That was not a pleasant interview.

"In closing, what pleasure does a man derive from shooting a lion in the face?"
Brooks--Next thing you know people will think you shot the lion.:cool:
Hope you explained to them that the money spent on hunting these African exotic animals are used to fund the wild life reserves\ rangers that these counties probably otherwise couldn't afford.
Who has the lion skin?
Who in the world would pay $55,000 to knowingly poach a lion? It doesn't make sense to spend that kind of money and then kill it illegally.

Media sensationalism sure has people in an uproar. Crazy.
That was not a pleasant interview.

"In closing, what pleasure does a man derive from shooting a lion in the face?"

Knowing you haven't ruined any tasty meat with a body shot.o_O


I am pretty much a trophy fisherman, I think fish tastes bad, but like to fish and have a trophy on the wall. Not sure if that makes me the same as the lion-killing dentist or not. I hope that putting a trophy of an abundant species on the wall is a bit different than putting a trophy of an endangered species on the wall.
Knowing you haven't ruined any tasty meat with a body shot.o_O


I am pretty much a trophy fisherman, I think fish tastes bad, but like to fish and have a trophy on the wall. Not sure if that makes me the same as the lion-killing dentist or not. I hope that putting a trophy of an abundant species on the wall is a bit different than putting a trophy of an endangered species on the wall.
The difference between you catching a 30 in walleye and this guy shooting a lion is that they don't have series on the discovery channel about walleyes and Jimmy Kimmel isn't going to cry on TV for a fish.

If the guy did poach the lion then he should be put in jail. If everything he did is legal this is ridiculous. Why don't more people speak out against the unethical treatment of cattle or pigs in concentrated feed lots? I am sure half of the people complaining ate beef or chicken tonight for dinner and never once thought about where that came from. This is just like the wolf situation, the only reason people are mad is because of emotional attachment to 'fluffy'.
Hope you explained to them that the money spent on hunting these African exotic animals are used to fund the wild life reserves\ rangers that these counties probably otherwise couldn't afford.

I did. Also spoke on Pittman and Robertson etc. But it was not pleasant.
Over 600 lions a year are shot in africa on trophy hunts per BBC news .
Not that anyone really cares what I think but...I have no problem with trophy hunting or trophy fishing. In fact I have the utmost respect for it. And I don't care if lions, tigers, or bears (oh my) are killed. It was the lazy unethical way this jack wagon did it. He knew what he was doing with the bear in WI and I would wager a lot that he knew what he was doing here. Bad form and it makes us all look bad, IMHO

I think the vast majority of hunters would agree he should be punished for shooting the lion illegally. And I also have a hard time believing his story based on his bear hunting conviction. Even if he did have the correct license I agree the hunt sounds unethical as well.

But most people bitching online and in the media are mad about him shooting a "magnificent lion". The majority of them would happily make the same threats to any of us if we shot a timberwolf whether it be for a trophy or to protect personal property such as cattle or a investment such as recreational land.