Buying Glyphosate

Another important aspect of mixing gly is the water you use.
There was an excellent thread on that old forum (I believe) by brushpile, who happens to be one of the most knowledgeable contributors when it comes to this stuff.
I believe the title of that thread was "Why Your Glyphosate May Not Be Working" and it addressed mineral content in certain waters and how the minerals in that water bind with the gly molecules and basically prevent them from doing their job.
The remedy is to add AMS to the water BEFORE adding the glyphosate. In some cases, the AMS should be added hours (or even days?) before the gly in order to allow the AMS time to work.
AMS is relatively inexpensive and when you consider the time, effort, and expense we take to grow food plots, I see no reason why we wouldn't add AMS to our mix.
One of the reasons we are developing gly-resistant weeds is because we don't always get a good kill and the surviving weeds go on to become more gly resistant. Don't take shortcuts when using herbicides.

Excellent point Tap. I just started using AMS last year due to heavy mineral in our water at the farm. I did notice a pretty good difference in the killing power just by adding that. I am going to try adding the AMS to a 250 gallon tank several days before I spray this year, then use that tank to fill my sprayer.
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What is the full name for the acronym AMS? I wish guys would type the full name the first time and then use the abbreviation afterwards. I will be the first to admit that I do not know every acronym being bantered about on this forum.
What is the full name for the acronym AMS? I wish guys would type the full name the first time and then use the abbreviation afterwards. I will be the first to admit that I do not know every acronym being bantered about on this forum.
Sorry. It's ammonium sulfate.
Comes in liquid or granular. Keystone Pest Solutions sells the granular.
I've used granular and liquid
I think I like the granular a little better.

Some herbicides actually call for adding AMS. Raptor is one of them.

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When the generic goes to about $31 for 2.5 Gallons at Tractor Supply or Rural King you are not likely to beat that price. It is less than what you can get a 30 gallon container for based on price per Gallon

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That is a good price for small quantities at $12/gal but the last few times I bought
What is the full name for the acronym AMS? I wish guys would type the full name the first time and then use the abbreviation afterwards. I will be the first to admit that I do not know every acronym being bantered about on this forum.

Keep in mind it is also used for fertilizer when Sulfur is needed. You want to get soluble AMS if you haven't bought it yet. The other stuff works but does not dissolve as quickly and you may need to dissolve it over night. With the soluble form, you can add it to the water in the tank and agitate it for a bit. I add it as I'm filling the tank with a hose. It is fully dissolved and has time to bind before I add the glyphosate.


The remedy is to add AMS to the water

I always use AMS. I've used liquid and dry, prefer the liquid because it seems more convinient. For all of the effort spraying takes, I consider it cheap insurance.


Is this good, or does it need the other chemicals to work properly?

That is the gly part. This would be cheaper per once at TS

Still may need the AMS being discussed.

Last year Tractor supply had a Father's Day sale $21 for 2.5 gallons of gly.

Is this good, or does it need the other chemicals to work properly?

You've got the right stuff, but as the two previous posts point out, unless you are doing a very tiny plot, the price is very high. You don't need to add any chemicals to the gly to make it work if you have good water. What happens is that if you have dirt or minerals in your water, when you add the gly to the tank, it will begin to bond with the minerals in the water. This will reduce its effectiveness in killing plants, but it will still work. AMS (Ammonium Sulfate) can be added to your tank of water first if you have hard water. It will bond with the minerals and tie them up so they can't bond with the gly. After adding the AMS and agitating so it is fully dissolved and has time to act, add the gly to the tank. If you have good water you don't need to bother with the AMS.


The remedy is to add AMS to the water

I always use AMS. I've used liquid and dry, prefer the liquid because it seems more convinient. For all of the effort spraying takes, I consider it cheap insurance.

I agree with that! For all the other expense and effort we put into planting plots, I see no reason not to spend a few more dollars and add AMS. I don't know of any way to quantify how well, or not so well, my water is compatible with gly. I have had some weed species that just keep to keep surviving being sprayed with gly. Is it because of my water? IDK, but I don't just assume my water is okay...I add AMS 90% of the time.

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Ok thanks guys. I will buy some AMS and use it with the gly. I will just be using lake water, and it is very high in minerals.
Lake water may also be very high in organic matter. I’m told glyphosate may bind with that organic matter as well, reducing it’s efficacy.
Lake water may also be very high in organic matter. I’m told glyphosate may bind with that organic matter as well, reducing it’s efficacy.
Ok thanks guys. I will buy some AMS and use it with the gly. I will just be using lake water, and it is very high in minerals.

Just to be clear, you don't use it "with" the gly, you use it to condition the water "before" you add the gly.


Just to be clear, you don't use it "with" the gly, you use it to condition the water "before" you add the gly.


Yep, this I understand. What I don't know for sure is if the AMS does anything to help with the organic component. But, I'm wrong about a lot of stuff, with great regularity.
Yep, this I understand. What I don't know for sure is if the AMS does anything to help with the organic component. But, I'm wrong about a lot of stuff, with great regularity.

yes, it works the same way at the chemistry level. I'd avoid dirty water sources if at all possible.


Crystal clear. I will use the AMS before the gly. And I will use only lake water that has been through a 5 micron filter.

Many thanks to all.
Where's a good place to buy liquid AMS?
Where's a good place to buy liquid AMS?

I never bought liquid. I've always purchased water soluble granular from CPS.
I never bought liquid. I've always purchased water soluble granular from CPS.
Thank you. What's CPS?
I found Drexel AMS Supreme at Rural King. I'm assuming this is what I should be adding to my gly correct?
I never bought liquid. I've always purchased water soluble granular from CPS.
Thank you. What's CPS?
Was that supposed to read "KPS" which would be Keystone Pest Solutions? They sell the granular. I've used it and liked it.

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