Building a mock scrape / What type of branch?

24hrs since my deposit:


Doe print, fox print, and scrape is bigger than yesterday. Sadly, I didn't have a cam out last night anywhere. :( I have one on it now.

Let 'er rip again right after taking this pic. :D
Ha, I just did that about 15mins ago and my cam is set on video. Lucky for you guys I turned the cam off first:D
Back to the cam back to the cam.
24hrs since my deposit:


Doe print, fox print, and scrape is bigger than yesterday. Sadly, I didn't have a cam out last night anywhere. :( I have one on it now.

Let 'er rip again right after taking this pic. :D
U know it's almost automatic it catch a fox after a skunk pees all over after being caught in a leg hold? Fox seem to be attracted to skunk urine.
They're attracted to all urine. They patrol turf more than deer do.
One of the best fox sets going........... catch a skunk in a trap, make sure he sprays the spot ............ dispatch skunk and bury about 3 traps in that spot. An older, experienced trapper taught me that trick when I was younger. He liked to bury the whole skunk there and let some tail hair stick up out of the ground for a visual attraction besides the smell !! It works.

Thanks for the info on " me pee " at a mock scrape. Seemed to be counter-productive - but I'll try it.
Wow, that pic didn't look that terrible on my phone. Sorry about that! :eek:

As they say; the proof is in the yogurt. The camera clock time is off, since I downloaded this card at 12:38 and the yearling is coming through at 12:54. IIRC, it should be one hour off and that was really 11:54. Likewise, the big guy was there at 5:53 and would've been very much shootable light.



I let 'er rip twice on this spot total, over two days, and have had obvious visits two days in a row following that from deer.

What really sucks is that I would've been perched 30 yards from this again tonight when the 8 came through had I not thought I'd lose the blood trail with the rain. :( While he's not Nigel size (the 11pt I had hanging around a few years back), this 2.5yr old is dead meat if I can connect with him. The spike will walk.
I appreciate the feedback. Going to set it up now. I was mostly concerned with the branch itself but I like the overall discussion as well. I might cut one down off the field edge like someone mentioned.