Best way to get rid of multi flora rose


5 year old buck +
Our woods has been taken over by multi flora rose. What once used to a pasture ground for cattle and an open woods has turned into a nightmare of multi flora rose everywhere. We have some plants that are 8-10 feet tall. What's the best strategy to get rid of it and give our natural browse a chance to come back? I'm thinking we spray as much of it as we can this year with glysophate and then next spring go in with our tractor and brush hog and shred the stuff. Is this a good idea or what would everyone suggest we do?
Don't tell anyone but I like it.

Having said that I've killed it with roundup and 2-4,D. Hit once mid summer should do it. Also be on the lookout in your area for rose Rosetta desease. It is carried by a midge that is carried by the wind. So it spreads slow. If you find it cut a few branches and put them in your MFR. also use the same shears you used on the sick plant on your plants. The midge doesn't cause the desease only carries it from one bush to another. Contaminated shears will spread it.

An infected bush shows signs of new red growth in late summer. The new shoots then curl and brown out. Google it and you'll find some pics.

Don't introduce it if your wife has roses because it will kill them also and there is no cure.

Thanks to mikmaze that I even know it exist.
Cut and spray the regrowth. Repeated cuttings have also shown to be effective.
Along with Tordon, Garlon 4 Ultra works equally as well.
Sell it to the guys in Michigan they seem to keep buying it and planting it !