Best spot sprayer


5 year old buck +
Looking for a good hand held spot sprayer. The few that I've tried really don't spray a good mist. All three have been under $20 so I probably have to spend more..which brand do you guys recommend. thanks
Solo 4 gal. I love mine. Droplet size is somewhat adjustable by turning a knob in the tank, but I never mess with that adjustment.
I've got the Solo as well. It is not head and shoulders above the competition like the broadcast spreader, but I have no real complaints.
I’ve got a Stihl 4 gallon that I really like.
Solo 4 gal. I love mine. Droplet size is somewhat adjustable by turning a knob in the tank, but I never mess with that adjustment.
Let add some info to this, since I didn't have time to fully respond earlier.
Mine is a 4 gal Solo 425 Deluxe. The adjustment knob that I mentioned isn't exactly for adjusting the droplet size but droplet size will change as the settings are changed. The adjustment is actually for changing the pressure output (PSI from 15 to 60), but as the pressure is adjusted upward, the droplet size will get smaller with more possibility of wind drift. Also, more fluid will be dispensed at the higher PSI settings so, in a way, the oz-per-acre of herbicide can be roughly calibrated and output for spot spraying by changing that setting.

One thing the newer Solos have that my older one doesn't have is a carry handle. It's a nice and needed feature. I fashioned a carry handle out of webbing and it works okay but I'm sure the factory version is better. The backpack straps aren't always the most convenient way to handle a full sprayer...when flushing or other times when you aren't actually hoisting onto you back.
Yarg, I've used a Solo sprayer for several years with no problems. Would recommend it.
Thanks, going to try the solo sprayer