Best rifle for. 9 yo youth

I will say the Bergara actions are silky smooth compared to OEM Remington. I got ripped off on my B-14. The shop I bought it from ordered two rifles when they ordered mine, they took both to the range and then sold me the one they did not like. I got it home, scoped the bore and it was already copper fouled. It shoots ok, but not really any better than a SPS.

One rifled I touched recently that I am really impressed with is the Sako S20. That is a very nice factory rifle, and runs about the same price as a B-14.
I have a Premier Mountain that doesn't like Nosler Accubond LR190s. Regular Accubond 180's shoot great. Try a few different ammos. Hornady ELD-X shoots well in several of the 6.5 creedmores.

I just don't see how you could go wrong with this package. Likely to follow the kid for life. Highly adjustable. Easy and inexpensive to upgrade optics. Likely very accurate with factory ammo.
I’m sure countless young hunters have gotten a start and killed deer with exactly that. I’d just skip the throwaway scope/rings from the start though.
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I’m sure countless young hunters have gotten a start and killed deer with exactly that. I’d just skip the throwaway scope/rings from the start though.

Probably suitable for a 22 or pellet gun later on. Otherwise yeah I agree.