Bad taste in my mouth


bat man

Apparently the owner of this site felt 'forced' to make this place a safe haven for QDMA.

Disgusted that an honest conversation about a real topic has been locked down for no reasons I would accept. This was a great place filled with mostly respectful and honest comments but now we have to tread lightly when discussing a national group that may prove to have more to do with creating the problem than solving it. John wants to protect QDMA because HE does not have an ax to grind with them? Really? Grinding that axe is moving that group forward and making them realize concerns. Grinding that axe was likely a motivator in the formation of NDA, which may prove to be an impotent money grab, but if nothing else a stab at a solution to a real problem.

The most popular all time threads on both sites are revolve around MN deer management. But the issues are not MN specific and need the light these forums provide for success. We do not have the PR connections, and rely on sharing info through such mediums to engage the masses.

And it has been working.

I have linked and referred countless interested and concerned hunters to this site a resource. The thread counts speak for themselves and run counter to one mans opinion that most don't care about the conversation. Maybe he can take his own advice and simply ignore the threads he has no interest in. That is what most of us do.
Start your own forumif you don't like The way this ship is Run.
Oh no, not again, i followed you boys over here because theres some smart folks in your party. I also really enjoy the fruit tree information round these parts. Please don't break up the band, again.....
This is a habitat forum and not a debate forum on individual feelings about organizations. At any point on any given thread the darkside will appear along with jabs to go with it. That's not what most are here for. You have your own thread going on MDDI. Keep it over there on that thread. The rest shouldn't have to worry about it if they choose not to do so. They shouldn't have to worry about ignoring a thread because it suddenly went off topic. That's your problem not theirs. You're suppose to be adults and civil. Sometimes the posts read like teenagers and it is really getting old.
Come on guys play nice.
You're suppose to be adults and civil. Sometimes the posts read like teenagers and it is really getting old.
Apparently the owner of this site felt 'forced' to make this place a safe haven for QDMA.

Disgusted that an honest conversation about a real topic has been locked down for no reasons I would accept.

Quite honestly Bat Man - I don't need you to approve of how I run this site. I do my very best to keep the site useful to all users. When I get multiple emails from people regarding a thread, I look into it. Was locking your thread a little rough. I think so. Honestly I was busy at work, got a couple of emails. And went and locked it.

To everyone:

What I don't understand is the apparent entitlement users appear to have regarding this site. With the exception of (2) users, I have paid every expense, spent all of the time required to setup, manage, and fight off the spammers.

IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE WAY I RUN THE SITE, CONTACT ME. You can reach me at 715-861-6103. I'm happy to have a civil discussion, maybe I can do something better? Maybe not? Or stop coming here.

I started this forum in an attempt stay in touch with the great people I met online to discuss habitat related topics. Ironically I'm so busy this time of year I hardly ever come here. In a month or two things will settle down and I hope to spend more time here.

I get it, not everything we discuss has to be habitat related. Sometimes we veer off course.

I also get the 'instant' success was in part driven by the need for the unhappy Minnesota people to get together and talk.

Isn't that the fault of the MN DNR? We have all heard complaints about their forum. I think we should be above trash talking about them HERE. If you have a problem with them, take it up over there. Not here.

I'm rambling now.

Can't we just all get along?

Gotta run,

Ok I stand corrected Stu as that is true.. But it is not a place to launch your personal feelings about an organization whenever you choose to do so time after time after time after time after time. Like john said I get where you are coming from but at this point after seeing it for months and the way it gets handled. I just really don't give a rats butt anymore and it has grown old. There are better ways to handle it besides mocking and belittling an organization and the people associated with it.
With all due respect to everyone involved, seriously?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm with VB on this one. We're really not going to break up the band again over whether or not some can complain about QDMA here or not?!?!?! I'm sorry, but this just seems silly. If you don't want to read about it, don't. It's pretty simple and I do it often regarding their issues with the MN DNR and QDMA. That said, their issues with MN DNR and QDMA are every bit as serious habitat/deer management issues for them as how to grow fruit trees is for others. It makes no sense to plant a fruit tree if you're feeding 3 deer on your ground. John obviously can do as he sees fit, but I hope he just lets that go on as normal. I just don't see it as an issue worthy of breaking up the band over, and I suspect that would. After that, a slow, painful forum death would follow...And that'd be a shame.
This is a great site. Threads I could care less about I don't open. Threads I care about, I do. Every time I have a question I get all kinds of great advice and tips.

I'm still just trying to figure out if MoLandOwner, who claims not to be MoBuckChaser, even though he sounds and reads an awful lot like him, is really just MoBuckChaser reincarnate?
Truth be told, I fear many of us here will eventually be effected by the same situations the MN guys are going through. Let's face it, what states AREN'T having their DNRs being turned more and more into political arms of the state. We sure are going through that fast and hard in WI. Unfortunately, insurance lobbies, ag lobbies and timber lobbies commonly try to assert pressures on the states to come up with more favorable deer numbers for their interests (less and less deer). What lobby do we hunters and habitat enthusiasts have that are fighting back on our side? It's pretty hard to win a fight, and that's exactly what this is, when your side isn't even trying to defend itself, much less refusing to fight back.

I understand the frustrations and am thrilled these guys seem to be making headway. I don't mean to sound overly dramatic here, but I see them as laying out a blueprint for hunters in other states to follow. In a weird way, their "complaints" may be the most important habitat stuff some will ever read on here, as they lay out how they have fought back against the big bad special interest monsters in MN and how to avoid the same mistakes they made. In this case, believing QDMA's rhetoric and that they would do anything to help them.
We faced the same " kill lots of does " program here in Pa. and Steve B. is right about the multi-state, big-lobbies pushes to get rid of deer. That's what kills me about some of these so-called " hunter friendly politicians ". They talk out of one side of their mouth to get our vote............ and then side with the big $$$ lobbies' interests ( behind closed doors ) which are not aligned with hunters. It's simple - we want good hunt-able deer populations............. the big $$$ boys don't. When big - money lobbies ( and I do mean BIG money ) are shoveling $$$ into someone's political campaigns, they aren't doing it for altruistic reasons. It's because they expect something even bigger in return. Call it " a return on investment. "

If any of us think we're going to " out-money " the likes of the insurance industry ( itself ), let alone the timber and ag lobbies, we are delusional. The problem IS multi-state, and it'll take strong numbers at the voting booth to get things changed. And stop listening to lips flapping sweet songs of " hunter-friendly " with the hand behind the back taking $$$ from the very lobbies decimating deer numbers. What do think has more influence........ hunter's wishes......... or big campaign $$$ ?? Votes are the only tool any of us has.

All that said - I hope nobody leaves this forum because of a squabble. This forum is multi-state and has WAY too much good stuff on here to let any one topic drill holes in our whole boat. Just M.O.
I don't remember the part when I signed up where it said I have the right not to be offended or bored by somebody else's posts. Pretty simple really; don't like somebody's posts or language, put them on ignore. Don't want to read about MN or bash QDMA, stay out of the thread. Just because someone emails you that they're butthurt, doesn't mean you have to lock a thread every time, John. Tell them to hitch up their skirt and do one of the above.

I'm a card carrying, colander wearing, proud Pastafarian. But I don't email you every time one of these Christians offends me by talking about Jesus.
My 2 should be valid and perfectly fine to complain about any organization if it is done in a civil manner. What I think may get excessive is people referring to specific QDMA forum members or threads directly and that is not constructive in most instances.
I'm a bit confused by a few of the wussies that find some subjects offensive. If you find some of these discussions distasteful.....go stick your head in the sand....or find another topic to your liking. I don't think we need more censorship on topics discussed here.

But....keeping language reasonably "clean" is not the same as "topics". I think we could use a certain degree of restraint in language from time to time. Late nite.....and al few beers seem to do that to otherwise good folks. I can get past it most often, but some restraint here is in order. Ive seen a post of mine altered at one point (that pic of a gal was a beauty) and I respect that decision.

If you still wear short pants.....then maybe you oughta tune into the Disney forum....and leave adults talk about adult things. My opinion.

.....edit.....and I gotta say: If John is gonna lock every thread that some newbie finds distasteful. Then this site is gonna be toast in short order. I can find fault with lotsa stuff posted on here and other sites....but I don't go running to a mod each time I find it off center. Grow up man.
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I had one thread that got my dander up every time I read it and posted on it. There were some hot opinions on the topic, and I have been on both sides of the topic over the last 30 years. I decided to just ignore it and not look at it anymore. Everything has been said.

I have not viewed it since, and life is better!
John made a decision, right or wrong. He has provided us with a great forum.

It's time to move on and leave it rest....
It's time to move on and leave it rest....
Agreed! This whole thread has me feeling like Oddball.
