apple ID????


5 year old buck +
Can anyone ID this apple which I just picked this past week Its medium to large apple mostly red with white skin but not super white like Cortland and has mild sweet taste which is very nice. Easy to bruise if dropped but nice tight skin like Macoun

HELP!!!!!!! its been an annual producer even when my other trees have failed. treeid2.jpg treeid4.jpg treeid1.jpg treeid3.jpg
I agree but it's not a MacIntosh there is not the amout of green and sharp tart fast as in Mac but thanks
Aero, there are several different types of Macs. Different Nurseries grow slightly different types, original Mac, Lynda Mac, Rogers Red Mac, etc. That could be Rogers Red. Mine mature around the 10th of Sept. They are fairly tart at that point and sweeten up a lot as the month goes on. Is the stem short? Macs and Macoun have short stems. You're getting great light throughout that tree, so it's not surprising the color is good. Kudos on it, whatever it is! Great looking tree and apples.

Not the best pic for comparison, but here are some of mine. DSCN2457.JPG
I never bought any Mac or Mac variety that you mentioned so that is what is perplexing me with these apples. I bought these from Morse Nursery back in 2007 I have another tree similar in look to this apple but with a different taste Is there anyway I can find out definitely what variety this would be?
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Probably but I'm not sure how. I had one Mac of some sort in a box of 200 Galas, it happens. I also got three trees I bought about 20 years ago from some state conservation deal. They where supposed to be red Delicious.....not! Oh well, the deer like 'em.
Morse used Macs in their "3 times a charm" or whatever he called/calls his 3 three package. I know...because I bought some of them back in the mid 2000's
It would be fun to make a disease resistant one. I think I will next spring. I've got 4 Galarina near a food plot, maybe I add Liberty, Initial and Enterprise just for the fun of it and see how it turns out.
Exactly, the Initial is real early. I've got one of them growing out back, I really like the growth habits of it, but no apples yet. I've got 15 Pristine, and love the taste of them, but as soon as they ripen, they drop. Mine mature around August 5th and if I don't pic them they are all on the ground by the 20th. Fantastic eating apple though imo. Are you growing any?
I did have the 3 is a charm like package but bought 30 trees from them. Maybe they mixed in Macs. I wasn't even aware of makings then lol. I just wanted apples for the deer. Maybe it is Mac. Thanks all you smart dudes!!!!!
I think you are right SM I love the apples but its killing me that I don't know what they are and they have been putting out every year around the middle of September Now they are getting huge and really good apples. I think I will be selling apples next year and or making lots of cider to sell or make into hard cider. I have a few HC that are amazingly big and red and will pick them this weekend when my brother and his family come up. I think I will also pick my freedoms and make a couple gallons of cider yummy!!
George will be picking my Macouns this weekend and should get a bushel or 2 I love Macouns
Hey Aero - Sorry to change the subject some. I seem to recall you said on another thread you have Ark. Black apples at your place. Being as my camp is about the same latitude as you and one county away, can you tell me what time they drop? Somewhat easy to grow or P.I.T.A. ? Thanks Aero.
Easy to grow. No problems. Great apple
I love pristine! A great early apple for sure. I've got 2 on my farm on MM111 that have been slow growing so I grafted a few more this past spring to b118. They should grow better in my sand pile.
My neighbors made applesauce from those apples today and said they were awesome. I made cider as well from same apples and the cider is amazing
Aero - What time of year do the Ark. Black apples get ripe at your place? Oct. ? Nov. ?
I'm kind of surprised one of the "wildlife tree" marketers hasn't done something like that Maya. Pristine to "get 'em comin' in early", Liberty for "bowhuntin' over" and Gold Rush for "keepin' 'em around later in the season" :D
They have a nursery in wi does it
Late October into November
They have a nursery in wi does it

I thought they just used a few different varieties on that "Deer Candy" tree. Not necessarily all documented disease resistant varieties.