Anyone else fall planting apples?

I believe I have had better survival rates when I planted fruit trees in the fall.

If they are bareroot, I prune off one third or so of the wood to rebalance the root-to-shoot ratio, since some of the root gets lost when they get dug up. If they have been grown in watered pots for the season and I don't plan to water them once they are in the ground, I also prune off one third or so, because the roots won't be able to scavenge enough water out of my soil to support so much top growth.

As far as timing of when I prune, if I plan to offer the prunings on the scion trade thread, I wait until late winter to prune them. If I don't plan to offer the scions for trade, I prune the trees when I plant them.
I’ve always liked fall planting, get the advantage of some late in the year root growth and all the winter moisture from rains&snow melt. Really gives them a jump start in spring.
I wouldn’t be afraid to trim off all the low stuff you don’t want now and get it over with.

Be sure to tamp the dirt down really good to get all the air pockets out. You don’t want your roots to get frosted.

I have about fifty fruit and nut trees ordered for late March, wish I was putting them in now…just to much going on this year.
I’ve been doing it for several years now with very good results. Just planted a couple weeks ago. I was nervous the first year because of conflicting info, especially for colder climates but it’s been working for me. Spring planting just doesn’t work with my job. Fall planting can conflict with hunting but I guess sometimes you have to sacrifice for the greater good.View attachment 59602
Man on a mission. Good stuff, Bucksnort. Hope your trees do well.
Here’s an example of the cage/tag combo..if there’s a cheaper way to do it I don’t know!!DDCD37C7-6F67-446D-8AFC-5DBED6DBF32F.jpeg5D2F7E5E-42A0-48A1-A7A3-5CB74E81C06F.jpeg
I plant my apples in early spring when they're still dormant, as that's when they are available from Bluehill. We're planting in Lycoming county (3B) as well. One thing you're missing from your list is LIME. Apples like their pH above 6, so add some lime when you're planting. I've also been adding Biochar and some fertilizer to the holes. Last year I used this product on the trees.
I Engraved name on a chunk of trex decking at camp. Thatll last longer than me.

GRafted scions in my old orchard at home. Wrote on thr bark in pen. Still legible. Might do tags, want another year or two of kerr, awho, big dog, and signal fire for the farmland i hunt.

I mix in lime and 6-24-24 ib the soil, but leave a bit of soil unamended near the roots. Also put 3 or 4 20-10-5 21 gram agriform tablets. Has micronutrients too. Saycthry feed for 2 years. Rootmaker pots great treated the same too.
Got the 6 WC trees planted this weekend, and caged and window screened and limestone screening’d. Once I got all the stuff hauled up there, it only took my dad and I about an hour (one man augers are magical)…all trees looked healthy with some over 7.5’ tall and all with good roots. Terry, as always, has awesome trees and is a pleasure to speak with.
I do like tge whole natural order of things with food plots.

However fruit trees whole different animal. Rototill a hole big enough to bury a deer pretty much. Hit a pass, dig out the loose stuff till deeper. I mix lime, fertilizer, and peat moss. I keep any food scraps to add as conpost, and buy potting soil on fall clearance to add. Near the roots, no lime or fertilizer. Give them a good head start. Also under the tree, i dig deep, amend it a bit lighter, and tamp it a bit while filling back up. Got trees at home and up at camp. Camp is sandy. I actually take a bucket of my heavier clay for ionic strenrhening of the soil. Can hold fertilizer and moisture better.

At camp, i try to visit during dry spells so I can give then a drink or two for a weekend visit.

Try to use biochar. Have a nicr fire at night, then hose it off well when its tine to go in. Black chunks get mixed into compost.
I do like tge whole natural order of things with food plots.

However fruit trees whole different animal. Rototill a hole big enough to bury a deer pretty much. Hit a pass, dig out thr loose stuff till deeper. I mix lime, fertilizer, and peat moss. I keep any food scraps to add as conpost, and buy potting soil on fsll clearance to add. Near the roots, no lime or fertilizer. Give them a good head start. Got trees at hone and up at camp.

At csmp, i try to visit during dry spells so I can give then a drink or two for a weekend visit.

Try to use biochar. Have a nicr fire at night, then hose it off well when its tine to go in. Black chunks get mixed into compost.
I have started giving each tree a bit of ash from my stove in the spring and hit them all with some 10-10-10 earlier this spring with good results..heard from a friend I should drill down along the drip line with a big bit then stuff the fertilizer in that so it doesn’t just run off..definitely gonna try that next year..though with 5+ dozen trees that may take some time ..
Trappers use a earth auger. Usually 1.5 or 2 inch one. Might be helpful. Those expensive fertilizer spikes do about he same thing, so couldn't hurt. With heavy clay and waiting until the ground isn't frozen, that fertilizer won't be going too far anyway.

Keep in mind ash is almost instant pH correction. Spread it evenly. A heavy spot can do root damage right there. Ash also is high in potassium. Everytime I burn a brush pile, that spot puts out great grass for the 1st year or two.

Got ticked off at the farmland last weekend. IT was NY rifle opener. Looking at whitetail crabs. Thinking of a row of 2 winter golds to 1 droptine and putting M111 rootstock in for another winter holder or two, like AWHO. Might be another post topic.
Droptine and crossbow on anty i had in 3 gsllon grow pots. Getting close to winter planting. Did 3 whietsil crabs bareroots the same time ladt year. Ground seemed a touch more frozen last year.

Little lime, fertilizer, and ahriform tablets. Mulched with leaves to keep them low key at camp.
Another year of fall planting in the books, trees looked great. It’s been so dry in Sept / Oct that I was going to reconsider but we recently picked up good rain. Actually planted in the rain, good for the trees, not so much for me. Even got some hunting. IMG_8720.jpegIMG_8718.jpegIMG_8728.jpeg
Another year of fall planting in the books, trees looked great. It’s been so dry in Sept / Oct that I was going to reconsider but we recently picked up good rain. Actually planted in the rain, good for the trees, not so much for me. Even got some hunting. View attachment 70553View attachment 70554View attachment 70555
Great view!
Any place doing sales on apple trees now? I got a deal on some arborvitae from my landscaper that we needed for the house but haven’t seen anything for fruit.
I like your stand location. I favor pines too, for the cover they provide. Lots of limbs with needles to break up outline. Nice looking area!
All my trees that were in root maker pots got planted. Some in july, some in august, september, and in late october too. So much you want to do at camp. ITs nice to bring jsut a tree or two and in 45 minutes they're in

I got a raised bed nursery with a M111 that did take a graft and a winter wildlife on M111. What the heck is dormant this year. Looked at my lilac bushes I planted last year. The buds are waking up on them. Roses are still putting on the flowers. MY young trees at home got some green on them. Thinking about watering them one more time. Watered them 2 weeks ago. dodge a few rain predictions in the hudson valley NY area.

Got 6 or 7 white spruces to mow out of that raised bed too.
I like your stand location. I favor pines too, for the cover they provide. Lots of limbs with needles to break up outline. Nice looking area!

I just got into ladder stands in pine trees last year. For gun season, there's nothing better. For bow, I think a brushed-in pop-up blind under a big pine tree is a real winner. Planning to set up a few more of those where I can.
Kinda forgot this one was coming and since I’m not getting any trees from WC or BH this fall, planted this little sour cherry from Stark last night near my house. Little thing held up surprisingly well and came in an open pot that was still damp even after 3 days in transit. Finally got some rain (and maybe snow!) coming this week so hoping that helps. Also may have not realized it was a sour cherry…can you graft cherrys to each other?IMG_8794.jpeg
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Kinda forgot this one was coming and since I’m not getting any trees from WC or BH this fall, planted this little sour cherry from Stark last night near my house. Little thing held up surprisingly well and came in an open pot that was still damp even after 3 days in transit. Finally got some rain (and maybe snow!) coming this week so hoping that helps. Also may have not realized it was a sour cherry…can you graft cherrys to each other?
I've ordered a few things from stark. Saturn peach, macoun, franklin cider, arkansas black, and pristine. All came in relatively good shape. I learned last year tree orders can come with bug n diseases. Stark's saturn peaches should of been sprayed for a common fungal disease. Another nursery had a nice hatch of apple aphids on a bareroot tree I potted and had inside for a few weeks.

Happy to see it rain here in NY today. Might be driiving in a foot of snow tomorrow morning up in the catskills.

May transplanting a dolgo next time I go up to camp.

All the trees you got at your place and your worried about having 1 sour cherry........ Tempted to plan cherries, hear the birds get in them pretty bad. In-laws next door feed an army of birds wit their feeders. I come home every day from work there's atleast 50-100 birds in my view in the backyard.