I am doing some. Making room in the nursery. Got 6 or 7 kerr, blue pearmian, big dog, droptine and crosbow in root maker pots, and digging up all my 30-06's to put 2 legged varieties in my backyard.
Most are going on the field edges of farmland. Going to make that tough to hunt smaller parcel a little easier in a few years.
Got transcendent crab, dolgo, domestic apple rootstock I might just transplant and let be too.
Making the neighboring property at home my off hunting season droppers. Really early or really late trees.
Got about 20ish trees to move. Dug up harrison, pearmain, enterprise, and liberty as backup graftings.
Up north at camp, on the fence whether to bother planting there anymore. Think I'll be up there another year until I get a decent place to shoot locally and / or sell the snowmobile. So maybe another year. For $350 a year, could just go up a few quiet weekends and be by myself. Might try a 30-06 on B118 and see if it makes the winter.s up there. Likely will. Got 2 spots where a Kerr, 30-06, and antonovka or a dolgo roostock will grow as is.
Also, moving (2) M111 rootstocks and letting them grow on their own. Basically will be a northern spy apple. It northern spy x morden 397. Modern 397 is northern spy crossed with Malling 2 rootstock. Cummins says nrthern spy is ripe october 22nd. Good for bow season in NY.
Has anyone had the fruits of an M-111 apple tree? Not a palatable apple grafted onto M-111 rootstock, but just the plain old fruits of that M-111 itself?.
Got a few spruce trees to move too.
Bought a dozen trees from whitetail crabs. Got them november 2022. 100% survival rate. Even a few up north at camp. Planted early december, first inch or so of the ground was frozen already. Had a -38 deg F night in Febuary. No amazing growth up there, soil quality is low. But they're rooted and survived a pretty dry 1st half of summer. Watered them once in august.