Anyone else fall planting apples?

Derek Reese 29

5 year old buck +
Planning to plant some apples/crabs this weekend as my state (PA) ends archery season on Friday and starts bear season (which I don’t hunt) on Saturday..and I live close to Whitetail Crabs and Terry is cool and allows me to pick up some trees in the fall..I’ve done this for a couple years and really think it helps but does anyone have any tips for planting not in the spring (I already do the 2x4x5’ fencing, window screen around the trunk and limestone screening around the base)…thanks everyone!
I often do. I have some seedlings I should dig up and move but don’t have time to get it done. I might manage moving a couple grafted trees if I think about it Friday. My time would be better spent on some general maintenance in my orchard.
I often do. I have some seedlings I should dig up and move but don’t have time to get it done. I might manage moving a couple grafted trees if I think about it Friday. My time would be better spent on some general maintenance in my orchard.
Is it a bad time to trim the lower leaves/starting branches on my other trees? I use window screen as trunk protection and there are lots (or should I wait till early spring)..just wasn’t sure if it mattered that much
Geez and I thought I was just gonna have a relaxing day planting my half dozen apples…..thanks though!
Trim anything that is in the way. Then trim the rest in late winter.
I’ve been doing it for several years now with very good results. Just planted a couple weeks ago. I was nervous the first year because of conflicting info, especially for colder climates but it’s been working for me. Spring planting just doesn’t work with my job. Fall planting can conflict with hunting but I guess sometimes you have to sacrifice for the greater good.IMG_7741.jpeg
I am doing some. Making room in the nursery. Got 6 or 7 kerr, blue pearmian, big dog, droptine and crosbow in root maker pots, and digging up all my 30-06's to put 2 legged varieties in my backyard.

Most are going on the field edges of farmland. Going to make that tough to hunt smaller parcel a little easier in a few years.

Got transcendent crab, dolgo, domestic apple rootstock I might just transplant and let be too.

Making the neighboring property at home my off hunting season droppers. Really early or really late trees.

Got about 20ish trees to move. Dug up harrison, pearmain, enterprise, and liberty as backup graftings.

Up north at camp, on the fence whether to bother planting there anymore. Think I'll be up there another year until I get a decent place to shoot locally and / or sell the snowmobile. So maybe another year. For $350 a year, could just go up a few quiet weekends and be by myself. Might try a 30-06 on B118 and see if it makes the winter.s up there. Likely will. Got 2 spots where a Kerr, 30-06, and antonovka or a dolgo roostock will grow as is.

Also, moving (2) M111 rootstocks and letting them grow on their own. Basically will be a northern spy apple. It northern spy x morden 397. Modern 397 is northern spy crossed with Malling 2 rootstock. Cummins says nrthern spy is ripe october 22nd. Good for bow season in NY.

Got a few spruce trees to move too.

Bought a dozen trees from whitetail crabs. Got them november 2022. 100% survival rate. Even a few up north at camp. Planted early december, first inch or so of the ground was frozen already. Had a -38 deg F night in Febuary. No amazing growth up there, soil quality is low. But they're rooted and survived a pretty dry 1st half of summer. Watered them once in august.
Might try to move some white pine from just inside the edge of my woods to down into my fields in a few weeks if it stays warm too! Wasn’t sure when to attempt that…
Oh, and I need to make a new plan for my orchard. Lost mine when my laptop died a few weeks ago. As much as I hate to do it, all my habitat stuff is going on the cloud from now on.
Oh, and I need to make a new plan for my orchard. Lost mine when my laptop died a few weeks ago. As much as I hate to do it, all my habitat stuff is going on the cloud from now on.
I have mine mapped out in a word and an excel doc using different colors for different varieties and making tables for drop times and years planted..has helped me to keep stuff organized but yeah the cloud is a good idea for sure..
That's pretty much what I had, and now it's all gone. And the plastic tags disappear off my trees, so maybe new tags are in order as well.
Is it a bad time to trim the lower leaves/starting branches on my other trees? I use window screen as trunk protection and there are lots (or should I wait till early spring)..just wasn’t sure if it mattered that much

I was out trimming lower branches and checking window screen on my small trees just yesterday ... any time you have a pruner in your hand is a good time to trim.
I’ve planted fruit trees in the fall with good results. I just planted 1/2 dozen rootmaker potted oaks this past weekend here at the house.
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You'll be good for awhile on that pine. Did black spruce in early december up at camp. Not sure on survival rate. Planted them randomly as a privacy screen from a food plot and the road. Lots of them made it.
You'll be good for awhile on that pine. Did black spruce in early december up at camp. Not sure on survival rate. Planted them randomly as a privacy screen from a food plot and the road. Lots of them made it.
That’s what the WP are for in my case too…right now they are up in the woods above my plot and will be moved down the hill about 40 yds into my neighbor screen.
That’s what the WP are for in my case too…right now they are up in the woods above my plot and will be moved down the hill about 40 yds into my neighbor screen.
Ypu move that apple tree away from the walnut yet?
Ypu move that apple tree away from the walnut yet?
Nah it actually recovered and grew at least a foot..plan to cut down that walnut this winter ..I know the stuff will stay in the soil but hope that giving that apple more light and less harmful chems will get it back on track (though it’s been in the ground for 2.5 years and is only 5.5 ft tall..if I feel real motivated this weekend I might try to find it a better spot)
That's pretty much what I had, and now it's all gone. And the plastic tags disappear off my trees, so maybe new tags are in order as well.
I use cheap flashing and a little engraver..I’ve made almost 100 tags already and it’s pretty easy!
Dang it now I gotta redo my tree diagram cuz of that tree I now definitely need to dig up and replant….