I've been needing to catch up on this thread and need to do a better job in the future especially when it comes to photographing all the work. It's hard to make myself stop to do that when I'm trying to get a lot done in a short window. But, that's my fault, and I'll do better. So, this post documents some highlights from Thanksgiving until now.
I didn't have a target buck this year, but the property is working its way to the point where I could see one using it regularly pretty soon.
My middle son had a fun season. He shot two does and I had to hold him back from shooting a third. I don't want to take out too many on the property:
My daughter had her chances, but for one reason or another couldn't make it happen. She still had fun though. There's always next season:
We used an old pool ladder to make an easy access route over a fence:
I did some hack and squirt to set back some succession in some bedding areas:
I got a new chainsaw. This little bugger is a beast. I wish I had taken some good pics of the edge feathering I did with it this past winter:
This is a shooting lane I cut in to the backside of a newly developed bedding area across the holler:
We helped my neighbor burning his native grass patch:
We only found one small shed this year. I have to think it's because I didn't have the turnips and radishes like last year:
My farmer/neighbor disked and mowed some firebreaks for the upcoming burning of my pollinator planting:
I was able to get KDFWR and NRCS personnel to burn my fields for me. For some reason, the burn plan was left out of my contract, so I couldn't do it when we were up there and burned my neighbors. So, they were kind enough to do it for me. This has been a great group to work with:
Some scarlet oak seedlings. I picked up some acorns from around the shores of Lake Cumberland and potted them:
And, the thing I'm most excited about is the new acreage I picked up. I got my farmer/neighbor to plant corn with a wheat cover crop after harvest. He managed to get about 6 acres planted. This should be a huge draw for next season. He's keeping the corn in exchange for doing some mowing for me. It's awesome having great neighbors like this.
So, this is what the property will layout like for next season. Possible tweaks will come up as always:
Well, that's it for now. I'll see if I can get my butt in gear and do better with the updates.