Allegheny Chinkapin

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
  • Drops after my chestnuts are finished (Late October into November)
  • No weevils in mine
  • Great taste
  • No signs of blight after 10 years
  • Heavy bearing last two years
  • Most fall easily from bur
  • Extremely shade tolerant (my best tree/bush gets around 4 hours sun)
  • Small sized nut (25% of a chestnut)
  • Smaller ultimate sized tree/bush than a mature Chinese Chestnut but still a fairly large tree (My best tree is 20 feet after 10 years)



Yours look great mine are more like a bush,is there anything I should be doing to encourage tree like growth
Yours look great mine are more like a bush,is there anything I should be doing to encourage tree like growth

I have two that are more vertical like the one shown above, but my FIL has on from the same source that is more of a bush. Mine are in a shadier place, so perhaps they are reaching up more for the sun. I understand there is a lot of variability in them from different sources. Some even get blight, but so far I haven't seen any sign of that.
Mine tend to take the bush like form as well. Some do make it to taller forms but often still have more than one trunk coming from the ground. Mine typically drop early, typically mid-September here. They are cleaned up by animals within days. They are a great tree to have. Mine do get blight, but they react differently than chestnuts. Mine die back to the roots just like if we do a controlled burn. In both cases, they quickly bounce back with multiple stems and produce nuts very quickly.


Mine tend to take the bush like form as well. Some do make it to taller forms but often still have more than one trunk coming from the ground. Mine typically drop early, typically mid-September here. They are cleaned up by animals within days. They are a great tree to have. Mine do get blight, but they react differently than chestnuts. Mine die back to the roots just like if we do a controlled burn. In both cases, they quickly bounce back with multiple stems and produce nuts very quickly.



Mine produced in 2nd year after planted as bare root........ in east texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
