A few more years!


5 year old buck +
My 3 year old loves shooting his bow and I can't wait for him to start tagging along with me in the blind. How old were your kids when they first started bowhunting deer? I know this is a cheesy kid topic but I'm pretty dang proud of him that he is taking interest in something I grew up with.

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Here's a video if it works
The video say's it was renamed or deleted by the owner. Cool he's interested in such a young age.
Not sure on vid what's going but not a big deal. It was just showing how capable he is by himself, he has almost perfect form:)
When my kids were growing up you had to 12 yrs old here in MI to hunt legally with a bow and 2 of my 3 sons started hunting then and are still hunting. Cool pics of your son!
Thanks Scott. I think in Mn they just have to be able to draw 30 lbs but I'm not 100% sure. I will have to get him lifting some weights as I'm a bit impatient;)
It took a little bit of convincing the wife but I started my son at age 9 with a .243

He's 16 and taller than me now. Time flies, have fun with that kid while "you're" still cool!

My oldest daughter wanted to bow hunt when she was about 13. I discouraged her as I had went one whole bow season without seeing a deer. Almost went two seasons.
My kids have not taken to bow hunting and they typically don't hunt hunt until they are 10 or so. They do however go to the stand with me younger than that. I have a few rules that they have to follow - it is important to me that they understand and participate in all the aspects of it and have as much of an appreciation for it. I see way too many folks that only want to kill a deer - not what I am teaching my kids. I start my kids with a firearm simply because of the increased challenge of archery and the expense.
My son turned 10 this year and it will be his first year rifle hunting. He would struggle yet with a bow. My hope is that starting him with a rifle will allow him to have some success and hopefully hook him for life. We'll see.

I did start taking my son to the blind a few years ago. Snacks, games, books were a must to pass the time. They get bored easily!

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Youngest boy started hunting with me at age 1. Had his bow with. Loved shooting the decoys. Hated the dark in the woods. Messed up every hunt he did not fall asleep on. Killed his first turkey at age 6. Moves fwd every year.

He is hunting solo this weekend at 11 with his recurve.
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Looks like the little shaver has pretty good form. Starting him that young, make sure he doesn't have the opportunity to pick up any bad habits by moving him to a heavier draw weight to soon.
I think I've seen video of one of your boys shooting some birds at a young age Brooks. It was pretty impressive. I hope to take him with in the blind next year but my kid has always been a non stop talker and he needs to work on the volume control.
Arcus killed a quail in flight with his bow when he was 8 years old. Poundage is the toughest hurdle for my young bowhunters.
Arcus killed a quail in flight with his bow when he was 8 years old. Poundage is the toughest hurdle for my young bowhunters.
Don't rush the moves in draw weights though regardless. When I shot competitively I saw more than my share of good young shooters that struggled when they went up in weight before they were really ready.
3 Rivers sells the 1/4 inch dowels (arrows) nocks, feathers and glue, tips to make arrows for your 3 year old. I made hundreds of arrows for my kids. The will fly like a rocket compared to adult arrows. Get you some Riggs. Watch them dissappear.
The recurve I bought him should last him awhile as I can even shoot with it. I would assume he will adjust to the weight as he grows.
If he really loves it I have a couple of bows here I would give you until he outgrows them. I need them back for when the grand babies show up down the road. I met some great custom bowyers that sold kids bows for $150 over the years. I always paid them more as I know the time load.

Arcus shoots a 1967 Bear Super Kodiak right now. Same year I was born.
3 Rivers sells the 1/4 inch dowels (arrows) nocks, feathers and glue, tips to make arrows for your 3 year old. I made hundreds of arrows for my kids. The will fly like a rocket compared to adult arrows. Get you some Riggs. Watch them dissappear.
I've done some dabbling with arrows on my longbow. These aren't wood but these are real turkey feathers that I fletched. They fly real nice with the weighted inserts.

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This is my boy with his first deer a couple of years ago (he is in college now). Pic of a pic (sorry). He started out squirrel hunting with me. Indiana requires ALL hunters born after a certain date to attend a "Hunters Safety" course - I told all of my kids they had to be 10 years old to take it. They would take the test by themselves, even though dad would sit thru the entire class and help them with a word they didn't understand on the test....but nothing more. They had to prove to ME and the state that they understood and was able to read and understand both the test and the rules. ALL of my kids have taken the test now by their choice - even though only 2 have chosen to move forward with actual hunting. I then busted my butt to set them up for success. We would practice shooting and I would put him in as prime a location as I could. He now is tagging deer that rivals the old man's! This year my daughter Emma (my youngest) is beginning her journey - I think I have posted her progress here, I know I have on the QDMA forum. Hunter safety....check! Shooting the gun......check! Hopefully, I will be posting a first deer next weekend (IN deer youth hunt).
tom first deer.jpg

I do NOT push my kids. I simply open the door and I make it VERY clear they are to understand what we are doing. We are taking a life of an animal so we can eat. I try to teach them the basics of why we are hunting where we do, I explain they can shoot any deer they want - but I explain why to shoot some more than others and the like. They are also involved in tracking the deer if needed and they WILL assist in the field dressing of the animal as well. I do everything I can to ensure they understand it is far more than simply killing something and that it isn't about showing off. You WILL show the animal respect or you will not hunt again.

I'm trying to raise a sports-person NOT a hunter/killer. My job is to leave a legacy of kids with the respect and enjoy of the environment, some of my kids take pictures, some of them like to just be outside or just fish, some enjoy hunting as well. I firmly believe you raise your kids to become the people you want to leave the future to - that is your JOB as a father.

I am no expert in raising kids, but it is something I am VERY passionate about. I don't mean to hammer on the subject, but I have been with 2 young men when they took their first deer, I plan on being with at least one more young person this year and have even extended my help if needed to another. As much as hunters hate to "share" - we MUST prepare the next generation of sportsman - we owe it to ourselves and we owe it to our kids.

Soap-boxing over....sorry.