A big dilema

I went out there when i was a sophomore in college. It was a blast. It's remote and they have small town kinda fun, and that's what I was used to. I will say they take goose hunting to a whole new level. They burry big circular stock tanks in the sand and put blinds over the top. Coffee and deer sausage while you wait for the honkers to show up, plus a heater.

It'd be good to see Steve's family. We're all far apart but still close. That kinda thing.
You ever been to Illinois?? I've got family near the twin cities, they just fish and waterfowl hunt with some grouse
if it is freezer fill ya need, head east, NJ out of state is 100 bux, zone tag 28, unlimited doe harvest.
I used to go back and forth, but will take this year and maybe next year off from MN. When a tradition starts to suck, its time to end that tradition and start a new one!
That what I did in 2010 to keep my son interested in hunting so I changed up our traditions which now are our new traditions.
They burry big circular stock tanks in the sand and put blinds over the top. Coffee and deer sausage while you wait

That must have been years ago! Last year I hunted out of a pit blind one day that had a full size refrigerator, stove, big screen t.v. with dish, bathroom and a poker table! My son says thats how hunting should be! We had leftover prime rib from the night before! Me, I like laying in my layout blind (except when it is below freezing and/or I am hungry!
Holy shit are you serious TC?
I just ordered 2 dozen more BigFoot Decoys a 1/2 hour ago online. Something about pounding them sky carp that gets a guy all jazzed up!

I was fortunate enough to get into a bunch of snow geese about 10 years ago when I used to waterfowl hunt in Kansas. We had gear for duck and Canadas but no snows decoys. We bought every white trash bag in some small po dunk town and tied them into wind socks. We then spent the next three days tearing up a flock of about 30,000 snows. It was one of the best water fowling experiences of my life. My host's divorce and moving out of state ruined that hunting connection.

We might see a single snow or a small flock in Ohio. I still haven't killed on here.
Well, we went driving around tonight and would't you know it, we saw a brute a few miles away from our spread. I have no idea at this point what to do.
Opportunities don't always present themselves. I would bow hunt and muzzy hunt your place and go to Nebraska.

Bucks in the summer often move once fall shows up. Chasing deer is fun and so is muzzy. I plan on putting allot more effort towards both this year and putting less pressure on my place during the rifle season.
I hear ya, but MN is gouging me $165+ per season to get one tag to hunt my own land. Little fried about that.

One of my issue about deer hunting is the required license for the different methods of deer hunting. Why should the DNR care how I harvest a deer? It should be one license per deer regardless of how you harvest a deer.
We used to have the All-Season License.
We used to have the All-Season License.

Which was poorly labeled as such. The all-season license got you the three licenses; archery, firearms, muzzy. Still had to make sure you were using the proper tag each time.

I strongly agree that we should just have a deer license, and not a license for each deer season. I think the problem there is the DNR works the federal system by getting some funds for EACH license sold. Politics.....