A big dilema


5 year old buck +
Got a call tonight from Omaha Steve. We got to talking about plans for hunting this year. He floated the idea of skipping the MN rifle hunt and instead going to western Nebraska to hunt. He said odds are pretty good we'd get a deer or two so we'd have something for the freezer/canner.

I'm torn. Given that we're near certain we have chosen to not take anything other than wall mounters this year on our property, should I just go to Nebraska?

*I'd take a doe in Nebraska if given the opportunity, and then I'd have meat.
*Our MN land would get a rest from harvest.
*MN DNR would sell one less non-resident tag, helping send the message.

*I'd miss the MN season. I haven't missed one in 16 years.

Even if I don't hunt the MN season, I'd still go and maybe grouse hunt. But for fewer days and I run the risk of seeing the monster I've dreamed of and not having a tag.

What to do?
I would make it 17 years in a row hunting in MN. Tradition is hard to break. Take the gas money non resident tag etc. buy 1/4 beef.
You could hunt the opener in MN and hunt the second half in NE. Or hunt our muzzleloader season which is the entire month of December.
Go hunt western NE if you never have. Be sure ehd did not hurt the area. Get a taste of what good hunting is and come back with a vigor for change in MN.

I hunted the McCook area for many years. It was truly awesome compared to my MN experiences.
I cannot remember missing any OPEN deer season, since I was a young man. Some of my hunts have been pretty dismal from a deer harvest standpoint....but I like spending time with family or friends.
I've never regretted hunting out of state. I get the tradition part but experiencing something new is what keeps hunting enjoyable.
If it were me and I knew not being at my property wasn't inviting someone else to be, I'd head west.

Gotta go where the deer are to hunt them.
Best of luck with whatever decision you make.
I would make it 17 years in a row hunting in MN. Tradition is hard to break. Take the gas money non resident tag etc. buy 1/4 beef.
I'm just really torn about not even trying in MN. But, we'd do a combo hunt for geese and deer out around the Ogallala and Lake McConaughy area. I think I could stomach it myself, but I don't want to let my brothers down by not being all-in for the MN weekend.

If I had a chance to hunt somewhere with good numbers of deer and let my place sit this year (and next) I probably would

I Will do just that for at least this year maybe next as well!
If it impacts your decision at all the goose hunting wont be as good that time of year as it would be later in the season.
Stay out of western Nebraska. There are NO DEER there. Just jackrabbits.
After a few years it is pretty awesome to look back and see that you were part of a start to a new tradition. Maybe when the MN hunting rebounds you can find a way to do both each year.
I have sort of the same decision to make, go back up to Northwest Wisconsin as I have done for 27 years for gun season and see no deer or hunt my own land. Traditions are hard to break, if it would be me I think I would go to Nebraska and make some new traditions.
I would find a way to do both. Cut a few days short if necessary.

I realize that I only have so many years left of Mn. Rifle season and I do not want to miss any of them.

There is nothing like sitting along the edge of a northern Mn. swamp, right at daybreak with a rifle in my hands. I just love it.

Sitting with a bow or crossbow on an early Oct. morning is also great, but nothing like a rifle hunt. I don't really intend to shoot anything with the bow, anyway.
I would find a way to do both. Cut a few days short if necessary.

I realize that I only have so many years left of Mn. Rifle season and I do not want to miss any of them.

There is nothing like sitting along the edge of a northern Mn. swamp, right at daybreak with a rifle in my hands. I just love it.

Sitting with a bow or crossbow on an early Oct. morning is also great, but nothing like a rifle hunt. I don't really intend to shoot anything with the bow, anyway.

I used to go back and forth, but will take this year and maybe next year off from MN. When a tradition starts to suck, its time to end that tradition and start a new one!
i would give the land a rest and head to "greener" pastures! It seems like you could have an experience you wouldn't otherwise get to have! I know that I would not trade hunting locations at some points in the season, but if you can have your cake and eat it too...seems like a good time!
Let's see ... the tradition is focused on "deer Hunting" ... as I understand, Minn doesn't have enough deer to fill Santa's sleigh ...

No brainer ... hunt where there are deer ... you can always go ice fishing to drink beer & eat sausage ;)
Tradition is tough to break, but if doing so will leave you more satisfied then its the right choice. Traditions have to start somewhere, why not start a new one? I did this last November when I stayed up north to hunt the property I've put many hours dollars and sweat trying to improve. Nobody at the old camp was willing to practice sound management so I did my own thing. I've been going there for 12 years since I was 12-13 and I'm glad I started my own tradition. Granted I didn't have the comraderie as it was before, but the hunts were far more satisfying being on the ground I've invested my winter/spring/summer to.

Its not bad to break away from status quo, if your group isn't willing to make changes, or if your level of expectations wont be met staying put and hunting at 'deer camp' then to,e to find somewhere that will fulfill what you want. If the comraderie is what you seek, maybe stay put. If the paradigm needs to be shifted then go for it. Keep us posted and have fun and good luck!