I don't think the pressures are nearly as high on those straight wall cartridges. I believe I'm hunting with a 16 inch barrel, and it's really not that bad. I would do a bit of research to find out what it ideal for the pressure and velocity of the 400.
In my opinion barrel length should never be based strictly on personal preference. I prefer to match the barrel length to the cartridge. The bullet/cartridge determines the correct barrel length for optimum performance. One of my most accurate rifles is a 22LR equipped with a 16 inch barrel. I have a 26 inch custom smokeless barrel on an Encore frame that is sub moa. The barrel manufacture made it 26 inches because that was the optimum length for the load and bullet recommended. Remember the 450 BM was developed for the AR platform so a 20 inch barrel for the 450 will shoot very well.
I particularly like 16” barrels on my AR’s in .223 I use for truck guns with the collapsable stocks I carry all the time but I would agree that 20” or longer without muzzle break or flash hider is easier on the ears if your not using hearing protection. I normally have a pair of muffs on the dash of my truck for running chainsaw, tractor, dozer etc.. so I’m not that worried about the noise.
What kind of recoil are we talking about here with the 400 legend. My preference is towards a bit heavier gun 7-8lbs. A 215gr 2250fps bullet makes about 2400 lbs. Not sure what velocity you'd be loosing at 16 vs 20. IT sounds like ohio does ever legally hunt with a 308 or something like that, so you want to go as fast and as far with what the law would allow. Might be loosing 100-150fps with the shorter barrel.
Here's remmingtons comparison of various cartridges
How does 360 Buckhammer compare to other fan favorite calibers? Read on to see how the new-kid-on-the-block stacks up against 30-30 win, 35 Remington, and the 400 Legend.
What are we comparing this to anyways. What was he using before this?
We made the trek to Peoria (home of Mel Johnson's 60 year old world record P&Y typical) to buy the Ruger American Ranch Gen 2. He opted for the 16" barrel. It'll be a long time before he's taking 200 yard shots, and I think this gun is easily capable of that or more. This will replace for him the low-end Savage 350 Leg that will now be the starter gun for my next in line kid. Hoping Bear Creek releases a cartridge for the 400 soon.
Nice gun. You folks reload over there? Might be time you start. Oldest son reloaded for the first time today. Didnt ask for help. Crossing my fingers, he's starting with a lee 4 turrent.
Eyeing a ruger american compact 22lr for the misses. MAybe, maybe a sca scout in 450 bushwacker or another CVA single in 44 mag.