2025 Scion Exchange

Dumb question but I have to ask as I've never done it before, what is the best way to ship scion wood? They are currently wrapped in saran wrap in the fridge.
Dumb question but I have to ask as I've never done it before, what is the best way to ship scion wood? They are currently wrapped in saran wrap in the fridge.
Wrapped in saran or place in a ziploc is most desirable. Shipped in a bubble mailer is common practice.
Wrapped in saran or place in a ziploc is most desirable. Shipped in a bubble mailer is common practice.
Sealed baggy with a damp paper towel
I seal ends, put in a sealed bag, and then put a wet paper towel squeezed out in a smaller bag inside the bigger bag.

Some use beeswax, plain candle wax, or even latex paint. I use doc farrell's hea n seal. Basically latex paint with the insecticide permetherin. Permetherin is more for outside use.