I got a few varieties nobody is realing biting on. Empire williams pride pristine macoun maybe a bit of sundance left and some galarina. Think nobody wanted any enterprise If I recall right. I am topworking a droptine and golden delicious. Looking to minimize disease issues at home, especially cedar apple rust. Will have tons of left over scions after the shears come out.
H2ofowler, I have pristine, williams pride, cranberry, and chestnut for early apple.
B116757, I had interest in nova EZgro. when does that tree drop for you? Thinking I need some later blooming trees up north than a justa bunch of crabapples. That apple is good upto zone 2 as well. -9 in old forge NY the other night. Supposed to be warmer at home, -17. My deer yard up some winters when the snow gets too high. ONly snowshoe hares coyotes and grouse left to eat apples past december most winters.
Still looking for a self seeding bird crabapple. Let nature do the legwork. Got siebold / toringo crabapple I am thinking of trying. I got adirondack coming. Almost thinking that briar lane might be good too. bite sized.