2025 Scion Exchange


I saw your post about early apples. I have some williams pride, plenty of pristine, some cranberry, maybe a bit of chestnut. chestnut didn't make alot of growth, but will probably trim some off of it.
Anyone start cutting yet? Might start today or later this week. It's a hockey rink around my home.
I cut yesterday
Anyone start cutting yet? Might start today or later this week. It's a hockey rink around my home.
Thinking I will after this cold spell is over..looks like no more highs in the 20s after that..maybe that darn groundhog was wrong?!?
We got 22" of snow in the last week or so. Some cold nights coming this week. Looks better after that. I never plant on getting a thing done in February.
I will probably cut at home in the next few weeks. The majority of my trees are up north at camp. Not even sure I can get in the driveway there. Will probably be a while yet.
Thinking I will after this cold spell is over..looks like no more highs in the 20s after that..maybe that darn groundhog was wrong?!?
I recall reading somewhere the groundhog is worse than flipping a quarter.

Ended up fighting the driveway ice and getting my snowmobile ready to sell. Hate to sell it, but can't ride much anymore with my disc in my neck.
I will probably cut at home in the next few weeks. The majority of my trees are up north at camp. Not even sure I can get in the driveway there. Will probably be a while yet.
No rush. Got rootstocks from 2 different places. One place is by the lake effect snow area. They probably atleast got 3 feet there. I'd be tooling around up there in my snowmobile if my neck wasn't being a pain this winter. Actually, the other one is in ithaca, NY think they got some lake effects there too. Hoping to be fooling around at camp march 8th or so. Any place deep in the woods got planted this fall and got pruned while I planted in november. Rootmaker pots are awesome. Kinda cool planting tree with your hunting rifle a few feet away and a deer tag in your pocket.

I started cutting after work today. Sent everyone who wanted scions from me a PM. Pretty much chopped my (2) young sundances in half. M7 will bounce back and there gonna be alot of happy deer and good smelling kitchens in a few years from it.
Got all the trees folks were interested pruned today. Scions should be going out early in the week.
I grabbed some Ed's Crazy scion at camp yesterday. If anyone is looking for it, PM me and we can work something out.
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Looking for Anna apple, and any other very early droppers that ripen in June/July.
This cold February may have held my Anna up for a change. If it hasn't awaken, I can send it.
I'm planning on running up Friday.

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I got a few varieties nobody is realing biting on. Empire williams pride pristine macoun maybe a bit of sundance left and some galarina. Think nobody wanted any enterprise If I recall right. I am topworking a droptine and golden delicious. Looking to minimize disease issues at home, especially cedar apple rust. Will have tons of left over scions after the shears come out.

H2ofowler, I have pristine, williams pride, cranberry, and chestnut for early apple.

B116757, I had interest in nova EZgro. when does that tree drop for you? Thinking I need some later blooming trees up north than a justa bunch of crabapples. That apple is good upto zone 2 as well. -9 in old forge NY the other night. Supposed to be warmer at home, -17. My deer yard up some winters when the snow gets too high. ONly snowshoe hares coyotes and grouse left to eat apples past december most winters.

Still looking for a self seeding bird crabapple. Let nature do the legwork. Got siebold / toringo crabapple I am thinking of trying. I got adirondack coming. Almost thinking that briar lane might be good too. bite sized.
My nova ezgro is to young to produce so I can’t say on drop time but I did prune this week I believe I did get some scion wood from that one
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Gladly take some of that nova EZ gro and any good zone 3 fall trees or zone 4/5 CAR resistant early apples. Got williams pride and a redfree bareroot coming. Got 1 kerr, a chestnut, and cranberry. Would take more kerr and redfree. Got a pal who wants bluehill's trees.

Sent you a PM
I wont know what I have until February when I get up to camp to collect scion. I should have a decent amount of Droptine, 30-06, and Crossbow. Not sure what all I will have left as I'm taking on a sizeable grafting and topworking project.

Some of the varieties I have:
- Enterprise
Arkansas Black
Granny Smith
Big Dog
10 pt
Winter gold
Road Kill
Ed's Crazy
Sweet November
Turning point
Rusty's Favorite
Rut Rage pear
Colette pear
Korean Giant
Harvest pear
Marble Hill
Sweet Advent

And several crabapple varieties on my home property that I've named myself.
I PMed you about Rut rage and marble Hill.
Here's my list of trades and requests for the year. I can offer scions of the following in trade though some are very limited and some are skinny.

MN 1734
Black Oxford
Egremont Russet
Ribston Pippin
Sweet Sixteen
Ashmeads Kernel
Northern Spy
Pomme Gris
Westfield Seek No Further
St Edmund’s Pippin
Williams Pride
Rosemary Russet
Orleans Reinette
Honey Gold
Northern Spy
Newtown Pippin
Esopus Spitzenburg
Tolman Sweet
Windham Russet
Canadian Strawberry
Hubbardston Nonesuch
Suncrisp (NJ55)
Kidds Orange Red
Zabergau Reinette
King David
Roxbury Russet
Reine de Reinette

Mt Royal
Black Ice


I’m looking for these varieties to graft this spring

Golden Knob
Norfolk Royal Russet
Milo Gibson
Muscat de Venus
Kerr Crab
Queen Cox
Crunch a Bunch
September Ruby
Prairie Magic
Vista Bella

Hildreth (E)
Ersinger (E)
Old Green Gage (E)
Autumn Sweet (E)
Brooks (E)
Opal (E)
Yakima (E)
Seneca (E)
Bavays Green Gage (E)
Count Athens Gage (E)
Hanska (H)
Gracious (H)
Kahinta (H)
Lavina (H)
Obilijna (H)
Got Mn1734 and sweet sixteen on order. Also got a williams pride in the ground about a year. Any thoughts on those? I got CAR pretty bad in my area. mn1734 is meant for camp in the adirondacks zone 3 -35 deg F not rare sight up there. That have a good drop time?

turkey creek trees is selling scions ths year. He may have some kerr. Not sure If I will have leftover. Grafting a few rootstocks and topworking 5 trees with it.
Got Mn1734 and sweet sixteen on order. Also got a williams pride in the ground about a year. Any thoughts on those? I got CAR pretty bad in my area. mn1734 is meant for camp in the adirondacks zone 3 -35 deg F not rare sight up there. That have a good drop time?

turkey creek trees is selling scions ths year. He may have some kerr. Not sure If I will have leftover. Grafting a few rootstocks and topworking 5 trees with it.
Are you asking in terms of wildlife value or personal value. I can comment on the latter that all 3 are great eating apples with spread out season between them. I get CAR on some of my varieties but haven't seen much on those 3, but my disease pressure is pretty low at this point.

I didn't know Turkey Creek was selling scions. I didn't see any available on his website. Did I miss something?
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Has anyone ever looked at the trees and scion "The lost apple project" offers? Their sale is open now. I believe the varieties they offer are targeted for human consumption, but it may be possible to ask about drop times.
Are you asking in terms of wildlife value or personal value. I can comment on the latter that all 3 are great eating apples with spread out season between them. I get CAR on some of my varieties but haven't seen much on those 3, but my disease pressure is pretty low at this point.

I didn't know Turkey Creek was selling scions. I didn't see any available on his website. Did I miss something?
Was on his newsletter. Not sure if he's having a rough year and looking to make a few more bucks. Alot of tree places got alot in stock compared to other years.

Email him. I think kerr is the only one he has on your want list. He has some other good eating apples like lil benny state fair and a few others.

I might be back in the treating CAR business. Wife's a little upset I am topworking the golden delicious. Still likely do a few branches though.

I do both eating and deer. Got orchard ladders, 6ft extended pruner, gas powered mist applicator and a high pressure wand sprayer too. Waiting 2 years to get a cider press, macerator, and a 3rd freezer.