2020 crops

I am hearing....27 for a low this weekend in MN, problems for the corn?

No problem for the corn as the growing point is still below ground. It could burn some leaves but it will recover. Bigger problem for emerged soybeans as they’ll be completely exposed.
I escaped the cold temps with very little frost/freeze damage. My corn is emerged and has a great stand. A decent amount of the corn had leaves froze off, but it will be just fine. I plant my corn at 30,000 plants per acre while most of the neighbors are planting 34,000-38,000 plants per acre. My corn stands better than theirs in the fall hands down cause I have better stalks. Stalks really start to weaken as you push population.


Might have a good crop of apples coming in the front yard too.


My soybeans are just starting to emerge as well. Probably a damn good thing I planted them a bit deeper than normal this year. A few timely rains this year and avoiding the giant monsoons and bad storms and it has a chance to be an excellent crop. LONG ways to go, but off to a great start. I used a seed treatment called Ilevo on my soybeans this year. Its supposed to help with SDS (sudden death syndrome) which can be a problem in early planted beans. It has my beans looking ugly coming out of the ground, but I am told they will snap out of it. I had big problems with SDS a couple years ago that really killed top-end yield I was going for. They call this Halo effect on the soybeans from the Ilevo. I'm not worried.

Off to a good start. There isn't a field in our township (maybe county) that looks as good as those. If a half inch of rain comes in the next 24 hours, it might prevent thousands of acres of cornfields from getting ripped out and replanted. We have some that's been planted 3 wks, still an inch down and smashed up against crust. Not totally leafing out yet (soils are cool, 40's at dawn & 60 on sunny days) but in varying stages of losing it's point. I've had corn take 3 wks, but never seen 4. This would be a first if it can happen. Nice to see nice crops..good luck this year. Only thing to watch with ilevo is if you have cold soils and PPO interaction. If it's not stinkin hot to burst em out, I'd lose 1 or the other.
Do you guys run rotary hoes down there to try and do some crust busting?? Crusting just sucks. We are supposed to be into the mid 80s here next week. Calling for 1/2 inch of rain this weekend. That is a recipe for crusting here, but I think most of the county will be emerged before it sets up. Corn is almost 100% planted. Beans have to be pushing 85-90%. At least 50% of the corn is emerged. My beans are some of the first out of the ground.
Yes guys hoe, usually too late. Poke a few holes in concrete. I watched a neighbor hoe a couple hundred acres today on his open cab, eating dust in the 25-30 winds. We're in the 2-3" band of rain for the next few days, so I kinda question their move. Probably just frustration. Fuel's cheap lol. Has your area caught the early bean planting bug? We have kids here planting beans in March and early april nowadays because it became a trendy internet thing. A guy across the fence put them in 5 wks ago and I still see nothing. The few that were up froze off. If we can dodge the big rain, we'll start beans next week in the 80s and get them growing in 5 days and be even or ahead of him. At least I gotta tell myself that hah!
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I like to plant beans early, but not before insurance date. I buy a replant policy for $1 per acre. Gives me $50 coverage. I had full replant from Asgrow too since I put Ilevo on so I would have made money to replant. The best beans here are always the earliest ones planted. Mine went in April 25-27. Earlier than I have ever planted. 2 years ago I planted beans before corn since my corn fields were too wet. They were REALLY good.
So the big rotary hoe in the sky came last night. It definitely saved some plants, but will know more in 2 days. Planted 34K on most farms...will keep probably anything over 20K. Usually you like to see all plants within a field come up within 24 hours of each other, ideally, but this year it's 1 of those years where you'll be begging for the stand to fill in over the course of a week. This is a picture of our 1st planted, the 1 figured was a keeper even without rain. The other 4 in that 3-day stretch may or may not have been saved last night. I just snapped a pic this morning and got to looking at it. Put a few notes of interest on it. The field was cover crops of oats, radish, turnips and rape last year. Wouldn't you know it was the mildest winter I can recall, and the turnips and rape didn't winter kill. The buggywhipped plants are from both frost damage and late emergers that began leafing out underground. The stars were rotting turnips. The purple bar looks like a perfectly emerged and spaced row. The blue bar appears to be a 3' gap. If I could go back to that spot, I'd hope to see spikes. If it was a smaller gap, probably better to see skips so that late ones don't become weeds. I enjoy seeing the farming and plotting pics from everyone here.

Well it decided to keep raining a lot. Would like to replant the holes that'll be lost, but decisions will need to be made based on the calendar when the time comes.

Walked my crops yesterday. Still big potential out there. Its the best start I have ever had. I really need to get my corn sprayed this week. Looks mighty windy though. Would like to get the beans sprayed 7-12 days from now. No-till beans looking great. I pulled some old corn stalks out and there was a lot of worms. I hope they keep eating all of those roots and stalks and pooping them out under the soil and helping raise the organic matter.

Walked my crops yesterday. Still big potential out there. Its the best start I have ever had. I really need to get my corn sprayed this week. Looks mighty windy though. Would like to get the beans sprayed 7-12 days from now. No-till beans looking great. I pulled some old corn stalks out and there was a lot of worms. I hope they keep eating all of those roots and stalks and pooping them out under the soil and helping raise the organic matter.

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Glad you are having a good year so far. I have a lot of respect for farmers and what they go thru.
My soybean plot isn't out of the ground yet. I fear I may have to replant. I'm going to spray if it ever dries out and see what happens.
We are very dry in Western MN. I think the crops have great potential, but rain is needed very soon.
Looks really good,My SIL is a full time farmer and got his milo in which we haven't planted much of last few years as sugar cane aphids are a pain.Got 800 acres of cotton in last week also.Will start on around 800 acres of beans soon
We are very dry in Western MN. I think the crops have great potential, but rain is needed very soon.

We were in the same boat as you until 10 days ago. And it was cold to boot. We have been getting rain almost every day now and it is finally warming up.

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My place in Ottertail County has been very dry for a month. I got my first Farm Logs rain notification in 4 weeks this morning. I got 2 tenths of an inch. I planted my corn and soybeans 4 weeks ago, I wonder if the seed is still viable. My guess is I will need to replant, I'm headed up this coming weekend to assess the damage.
Crops are coming along nicely, but we could sure use 1-2" of rain. Tile line have almost stopped running. Most of my corn is above the knees and below the hips. I just put on the last shot of urea/AMS about a week ago and got 1/4" of rain to incorporate it. Should be above the hips by next Monday. My no-till soybeans continue to impress me. They look as good as my conventional tillage beans, and there appears to be less weed pressure in them. I put down a pre emerge that did an excellent job right after planting, and applied my post emerge about 8 days ago with more residual herbicide. The weather the next few days does not look good. It wont take much more to cook this crop. Already seeing some big cracks in the ground.

I spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday walking my bean fields and trying to clean up some leftover weeds. I have Asgrow extend soybeans, but I did not spray them with a dicamba product. The spots that are the most difficult to combat the weeds is along the field edges and anywhere it drowns out. At this point my fields are 99% weed free. That last 1% is a lot of work to clean up.

Last night we got about 1.25” of rain. 20 miles south they got about 4”. 30 miles south there are places that got close to 8”. My stuff was desperately needing a drink and it turned out about perfect. Corn is about 6 feet tall now. Will be about 8 feet tall by Within a week now.

There are some neighbors of mine that have Enlist soybeans (combo of liberty and 2-4d). The ones that sprayed liberty have an absolute train wreck. You can now add lambsquarter to the list of resistant weeds here. Anyone skipping a pre emerge on soybeans is a complete fool. Some of the crops around here have massive potential yet, but the coming heat is gonna hurt them. My area will need rain again within next ten days for a whopper.
We had a good rain this morning in West Central MN, and the crops look very good. At one point, it looked bleak as it was moderate drought, now we have had an 1.5 and 2 inch rain, with a quarter inch in between.
Some friends of mine about 25 miles SW of me started combining today. The white combine. I saw a crew that was doing pea harvest. They made a couple rounds and then the storm hit and finished the harvest quickly. Too bad for those guys, they have a monster corn crop potential. IMG_3884[1].JPGIMG_3888[1].JPGIMG_3891[1].JPGIMG_3894[1].JPGIMG_3896[1].JPG
That’s awful, strange storms lately.