First try ever! I've got several sites selected based on reading, but I haven't read that particular thread yet. I'll get through it soon and possible amend my plans.
One question guys: will critters get unprotected seeds, and browse the seedlings? (I guess I have two questions)
I figure a seed is a seed and though it may not be the normal critters, mice, rodents and lord knows what may dig them up. I have NEVER seen pawpaw browsed, but I live in a low deer, ag rich area....so that may have something to do with it.
Because they are understory plants - the amount of sun they get can influence them - more sun isn't always better. Do grow fine while they are younger in broken sun and then they seem to fruit as they reach more sunlight. Mine did just fine in a fairly closed canopy, but started to fruit more once the logging was done....however I have some in full sun and they seem healthy but never seem to fruit.