I have never hunted a party tag state so take my opinion for at it is worth. But it seems to me that party tags are a way to maximize the kill which is something your state does not need.
Maximize the kill? We are very happy not to have 5 deer limits and early antlerless seasons. It certainly ups the kill, makes the hunt more efficient, but we have a doe tag lottery to protect the herd.
In Ohio, you can have 1,2,3 or more tags depending on where you are. Let's say three hunters go out with two tags each. One hunter fills both tags and he is finished. Hunter #2 and 3 kill one deer each and keep hunting. Out of the two hunters that have tags left, only two people are in the field trying to fill them. They may or may not be successful.
In a party tag state, all three hunters can continue on and try to fill the remaining two tags. It seems to me that more hunters trying to fill the remaining two tags will be more likely to succeed than just two hunters. It is a simplified scenario but it leads me to believe that more hunters that can continue to hunt even when their own tags are filled leads to more dead deer.
Yep. And that is a reason to keep party hunting around, we need more dead deer in some areas. In other areas where the herd needs to rebound no does get shot.
VERY good example! With party hunting we continue to have 10 hunters, good hunters and poor hunters, but 10 hunters. Get rid of party tagging and the poor hunters might quit hunting. Are the hunters or the deer more important? I don't know...Another simplified scenario is 10 hunters who have one tag each. Three of these hunters kill their deer every year. Three other hunters almost never kill a deer. The remaining four hunters kill a deer some years and don't some years. So in any average year, the group may kill 4-7 deer out of ten hunters. Party tags increase the likelihood that 10 deer are killed by the group every year because some guys can now kill more than one.
I don't see how this is good for a state that has problems with extremely low deer numbers. The only reason that I can see to keep this system is tradition. But a lot of traditions will not survive if there is not a huntable population of deer. From what I have read on here and the dark side, your herd is a complicated problem that will take many solutions to fix. Eliminating party tags won't fix it, but it seems to me that it would result in less dead deer in any given year. It is a step in the right direction.
Am I wrong?
Hunter success rates are built into our regulations each year. The DNR wants X amount of deer killed. If one regulation is changed to limit the kill another regulations will be loosened to raise the kill. Get rid of party hunting and then suddenly have a 5 deer limit everywhere. Changing the deer density goals is the only thing that ultimately matters about how many deer are killed in a given year. Everything else is just fighting over how the deer should be killed, not how many.