5 year old buck +
While the new regs were an improvement in places over last year, I am still not content with harvesting any does in my area. There just are not many at all. So, I plan to apply for one, and if selected, I am going to tear it up and burn it. Am I a jerk for doing it? Some may say so. But this is where I believe I can do my part to preserve and begin to rebuild.
Who's with me?
Here's the heat map for Northern MN. (Sorry I couldn't do them all. Zone 2 is all over the place)
Green - bucks only
Yellow - lottery
Purple - hunters choice
Red - management

Who's with me?
Here's the heat map for Northern MN. (Sorry I couldn't do them all. Zone 2 is all over the place)
Green - bucks only
Yellow - lottery
Purple - hunters choice
Red - management