Recent content by Freeborn

  1. Freeborn

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Biden's energy and fiscal policies impacted the economy immediately. Oil futures went up as soon as Biden won the election and the Democrats spending during a time of economic expansion has driven inflation up. Limiting drilling permits, taking 1.5 million barrels of oil out of production a...
  2. Freeborn

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    If you want to get a picture of why the unemployment rate is as low as it is I think you need to look at the attached graph. Appears we are setting a new standard for low participation rates. Interesting the trend over the last few presidents, appears something has changed. Unemployment is...
  3. Freeborn

    Stock Market is the bottom in?

    Lots of moving parts to consider when trying to understand the market. Current fiscal and monetary policy appear to be more about politics then economics. Unfortunately there is allot unknown and until inflation is under control I see the current rally as a bear market rally. I see rates...
  4. Freeborn

    Take a walk with me through the prairie

    Looks great, you have a nice mix of forbes and grasses. I mange 52 acres of native grasses but my mixes are mostly grasses, yours look great.
  5. Freeborn


    One action by several police officers does not reflect the City nor the Police department. Comparing that police officers action to the total suppression of society by the British is a huge over simplification. Minneapolis has its problems but is has been by far a place that has accepted...
  6. Freeborn


    ^^ You can't be serious, Minnesota's leaders/politicians are providing zero leadership. They should be providing society guidance on right and wrong Behavior. If there is no expectation of what is appropriate/correct behavior then society won't behave correctly. Confront these rioters and...
  7. Freeborn

    2020 crops

    My place in Ottertail County has been very dry for a month. I got my first Farm Logs rain notification in 4 weeks this morning. I got 2 tenths of an inch. I planted my corn and soybeans 4 weeks ago, I wonder if the seed is still viable. My guess is I will need to replant, I'm headed up this...
  8. Freeborn


    My BIL and SIL are Dr. of Pharmacy and work in one of the Major Hospital Systems in the Twin Cities. Their Hospital is not designated a COVID hospital so they don't keep COVID patients in their hospital. They are not doing elective work so their hospital is forcing mandatory time off and...
  9. Freeborn


    Do you have a source of pelletized manure? I'm doing a much smaller area then you and even though it might be a high cost per acre I might try it.
  10. Freeborn


    How do you measure/manage the nitrogen level in manure? If you need 100Lbs of nitrogen how do you figure the input of manure? Can you burn seed? Have you seen/used pelletized manure, like pelletized chicken litter? I don't have a way to handle or a source of regular manure but have thought...
  11. Freeborn

    Reasons to use AMS with glyphosate

    Is there any reason you couldn't pre-mix AMS and water in 2.5 gallon jugs and then add them to your tank. This would allow the AMS to completely dissolve before you add it to the tank. Most of us have plenty of 2.5 gallon jugs laying around. I use a 25 gallon sprayer.
  12. Freeborn


    It would depend on what assumptions you put in your model. Most of teachers salaries are redistribution of a scarce resource (capital) which you have lost the opportunity to invest/apply elsewhere. The question is it the most effective use of the capital compared to the alternative use. Some...
  13. Freeborn

    Anyone else gone Bonkers?

    I have one on B18 from Cummings on its 6th leaf and agree with OP it's a great grower. Very stout tree but so far no apples.
  14. Freeborn


    The media are businesses just like any other business and unfortunately they sell the news more than report the news. We are way over-due for a change in how our media reports the news.
  15. Freeborn

    Kasco Versa Drill - First Try - Transferred from QDMA Forums

    Yep, I have the same issue, without the perfect seed bed its difficult to get the seed covered. A press wheel would help allot. My simple flex 71 planter does a much better job of seed control and covering the seed but you need to till the soil. I also was wondering if the front disk would...