Anyone else gone Bonkers?

I’ve got at least 3 and maybe 4 in the ground. Going on 4th leaf now. All B118 from Cummins. Had a feeling this thread title was a play on words
They were the first trees I planted the year of the polar vortex. They all died back to the snow line but regrew above the graft. Two of them have made full recoveries. One suffered another set back 2 winters ago. They are probably going on 7th leaf. Might have some blossoms this year. Would say 4b is okay for them and maybe 4a if we stay away from the polar vortex.
I have one on B18 from Cummings on its 6th leaf and agree with OP it's a great grower. Very stout tree but so far no apples.
I have several on B118 rootstock that I purchased from Cummins in 2012 - 2013. Fruit is quite large, a great all around apple, they have been producing heavily for a couple of years now.
I planted 1 Bonkers at camp on Antonovka root - (SLN). Ours is also a good sturdy grower. Beefy tree, good wood. No apples yet. Planted in 2013.
I planted one in '14 from Cummins. Great grower and got to try an apple from it last year. If I remember it was okay, with tough skin. Tough to tell from just one though!
I got one from Cummins this year on P18. It is in a grow bag to go to camp, but I have been really tempted to plant at the house here.
Anyone have additional observations on NY-35 / Bonkers regarding fruiting time, dropping time, disease resistance, etc? I grafted some in last year, and have a tree coming on G.890 from Cummins.
I don't have any yet. I've just been keeping track of what others have said about it, because it is on my wish list to graft one day. Cummins lists it as ripening around October 5 in their area and resistant to the major diseases. One member on here once reported that the majority of his Bonkers apples were still hanging on November 1. There have been reports of winter damage to it in zones 3 and 4.
I guess that one got past me I’ll have to order one. I did order a scion of NY 414-1 to try out.

As of last fall, still no fruit on Bonkers at our camp. It may take another year or two, as it's on Antonovka roots. It'll be a full-sized tree if the bears don't bust it up too badly.
When I -panted mine I actually had Enterprise on order. Cummins couldn’t fill that order but they sent me these instead. They said they were very similar.
I have one coming this spring on P.18 rootstock. P.18 supposed to be a full-size tree, but bears earlier than Antonovka. We’ll see.
I have one coming this spring on P.18 rootstock. P.18 supposed to be a full-size tree, but bears earlier than Antonovka. We’ll see.
I bought a few trees on P-18 in the last couple years. The last was a Sundance from Cummins. Hoping to see what you describe with P-18.
Hmm... the mention of susceptibility to cold reminds me that I have a NY-35 on P.18 from Cummins planted at a camp in 3B, which I got because Liberty wasn't available. Grew very well last summer. Got down into the -20s a few times this winter, so I'm curious to see it this spring.

On the P.18 question, I have Goldrush on it from Cummins, and it flowered the first year. Didn't flower last year though. Growing very nicely and vigorously.
I don’t have high hopes for a quick bearing P.18. Fruiting quicker than Antonovka sets a pretty low bar. I planted a Chestnut crab on P.18 in 2019, so that may give me an idea on what to expect. I’ve planted 7 others since then (5 varieties).

Interestingly, a Goldrush on P.18 that I planted in 2020 produced blossoms in 2021. I let one apple grow to maturity and it was still hanging as of 10/28. Another Goldrush I planted in 2018 on B.118 began producing nice crops the following year, 2019, and has been ever since. I don’t recall Goldrush for being noted for precociousness, but my limited experience indicates it is. I kinda veered off-topic, but hopefully the Bonkers I/we’ve ordered on P.18 rootstock will produce fruit in our lifetimes.
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This last fall, we got our first crops of apples on 2 seedling apple trees bought for $3 each from SLN - planted in 2013. Both are different in looks and fruit - but they took 9 years to make apples. Our Antonovka-rooted trees - also planted in 2013, various varieties - have just begun to make apples (but not on all varieties). We may get first fruits on some more this fall - but I look for better results next year in 2023. ( Good Lord willing )
I don’t have high hopes for a quick bearing P.18. Fruiting quicker than Antonovka sets a pretty low bar. I planted a Chestnut crab on P.18 in 2019, so that may give me an idea on what to expect. I’ve planted 7 others since then (5 varieties).

I also planted a Chestnut crab on P.18 in 2019. It bloomed this past year but was either hit by late frost or had no pollinator. I planted several varieties in that mini orchard from Cummins that year, mixed P.18, B118 and M111 rootstocks. That Chestnut on P18 has been the best grower at about 12', and only a Goldrush on B118 has also bloomed (bloomed 2020 but not 2021 and has been a poor grower).