Stock Market is the bottom in?

There will always be outliers and in rare instances one is right. The general consensus based on peer reviewed data is the center of the scientific community. Time will tell as we look backward, but so far, all hard data points toward safety and efficacy. We are still trying to get a handle on the disease itself. Long COVID really hasn't been around long enough to see the full effects. Lots of unprotected friends easily survived COVID with nothing more than bad flu symptoms but are now dealing with an array of longer-term symptoms. Sense of smell impacting diet seems to be a recurring theme. It will be interesting to look back and see how this played out when longitudinal data becomes available.

It is interesting how this relates to the market. We are still seeing the impacts from the previous administration and COVID. In another year or so, we will start to see the real impacts from the current administration. I'm not sure we've seen the bottom yet.
I don’t think you are implying that inflation, high gas prices, influx of illegals and the second Russian invasion under Biden are Trumps fault …or the stock market crash ??

You are not saying that are you ??
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They have a decent dividend too.
If you grab 100 shares and sell the near-the-money call, you can crank that income up to 14-18%. That's when flat pays really well. That all falls apart if the buy price is wrong through.

@jsasker007 may be the first to see this materialize. I thought reducing my carbon footprint was something I could just pretend to do, like, "Look at me, I'm using a refillable coffee mug." This is gonna be inconvenient.

@Foggy47, maybe we should reopen the debate about the genius of having your own power plant?

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Things are getting crazy. I gotta wonder why I ever saved so much money to help pay my grandkids tuition. Just wait for the government to bail us all out. Money grows on trees.
Generators are making a comeback. Generac may be a good investment?
My brother works for Generac. They still haven't caught up to COVID orders. He says they are still really aggressively hiring people because of current and anticipated demand. I think their solar side of the business is really taking off. I think power issues in Texas and California are going to also drive demand for the company.
Still haven't talked with any businesses that can get enough help here. My business couldn't find people that will work before covid was even mentioned. Now I just make due with what I have because there is no other option, besides closing the doors.
Lots of moving parts to consider when trying to understand the market. Current fiscal and monetary policy appear to be more about politics then economics. Unfortunately there is allot unknown and until inflation is under control I see the current rally as a bear market rally. I see rates going higher into 2023. In the short run if inflation decreases even moderately you could see a continuation of the bear market rally. I am hoping I am wrong and we see the supply chain open, prices for materials and labor reduce as well as productivity improve but were not there yet. In fact we could still see a deep recession and test new lows if inflation sticks and the only way to end it is to significantly raise rates. Fingers crossed for a soft landing but considering our energy policies, supply issues, labor shortage, housing decline and rising rates I think its not going to be that easy.
I guess the government has decided to spend more tax payers money today, and forgive 10K of students loans.
Wait until biden goes back on his word again---right after mid terms
Remember when 3.5 trillion equals zero?
How my feeble noggin understands this deal is that the unemployment rate needs to start increasing before the classic signs of recession can be met.

But I think the likely hood of world wide famine makes me think there will be investment opportunities in commodities, shipping, energy,and conservation are going to develop.
If you want to get a picture of why the unemployment rate is as low as it is I think you need to look at the attached graph. Appears we are setting a new standard for low participation rates. Interesting the trend over the last few presidents, appears something has changed.

Unemployment is low as there is less labor looking for jobs.


  • Labor-Force-Participation-Rate2-9-21.png
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The working aged population has dropped the past 11 months. Can't get these millennials out of bed for nothing.
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So many of them identify as socialists. It's cool to work as little as possible.
Consensus is not science, and it never will be.

Mike Adams has an ISO accredited labratory and has been doing ICPMS (Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) analysis on the fibrous structures plugging arteries of the people that mysteriously drop dead decades before they're supposed to. There's also the work of electrical engineer (expert) Matt Taylor. His analysis brings back around the mystery of what Charles Lieber was doing in Wuhan that he chose to hide and head to prison for instead of simply disclosing it.

Carve out a few minutes of your medical journal reading time and check it out. Stew Peters.

People are complicated. There will always be some folks where multiple factors will lead to bad outcomes. However, when you look at the statistics, you see the risk/benefit ratio for the vaccine is great. Until we have sound science that shows otherwise, things are pretty clear.
I don’t think you are implying that inflation, high gas prices, influx of illegals and the second Russian invasion under Biden are Trumps fault …or the stock market crash ??

You are not saying that are you ??
I'm not blaming anyone for anything. I'm saying that the direct impact of any administration is not felt until about the 3rd year of the first term and it increases in the following years.
I'm not blaming anyone for anything. I'm saying that the direct impact of any administration is not felt until about the 3rd year of the first term and it increases in the following years.
That’s not true at all as gas prices and inflation shot up immediately under Biden for obvious reasons. The charts are clear and easy to read.

We are 2 years and 8 months into Biden term and he’s negative on the NASDAQ and slightly up on the Dow. Elections have consequences.
That’s not true at all as gas prices and inflation shot up immediately under Biden for obvious reasons. The charts are clear and easy to read.

We are 2 years and 8 months into Biden term and he’s negative on the NASDAQ and slightly up on the Dow. Elections have consequences.
There are few impacts early in a term. Executive actions have limitations. It is legislation that has the greater impacts and they generally takes several years into an administration to get passed and then time to have an impact.

Just because a battle ship gets a new captain who orders "hard to port" doesn't mean the ship turns on a dime. People tend to give the executive, good or bad, way too much credit for the state of the economy.