Hunter Managed Herds

batman, I love your new signature line!
View attachment 6084 Has anyone ever taken the land steward course through QDMA. They have an online version for $200. Says if you have levels one and two you can do surveys, mgmt plans etc. .

What if we picked 2 Saturdays or similar and did the whole steward course as a group? 10 guys be $20 apiece. 20 guys be $10 bucks a piece. Donate as it may not be legal, but I could recoup some of the cash I donated to them and call it even.
I am off to Runnings shortly, then off to class as well.
Heres a neat data set that helps drive home how deer are not evenly distributed across an area. 25% of the sections counted had Zero deer. One had 91 dpsm and one had 92.

Does following macro DNR goals for antlerless tags work across the landscape? Maybe not to the level your camp would like it. Hate to hunt one of the zeros or 2's or 3's per square.

Microsoft Excel 5.png
Please help me out here.....As a lot of you already know, I'm almost clueless about deer management but I do know a little about fish ponds. And I see a lot of similarities between the two with regards to population dynamics. For example, if I have a pond full of large mouth bass (top line predator) and I want to get a population of bluegills (prey) established, I simply stock bluegills large enough that the bass can't eat or I remove a lot of the bass before stocking the bluegills. If I simply put small bluegills into the pond, all I did was feed the bass....My question is this:

In the wolf areas of MN, the MN DNR has depleted the whitetail population like the rest of the state. And the wolves are now very plentiful along with being federally protected. What strategies or how do we help land owners get recruitment of young deer in those areas?
Encourage them to get more livestock and pets. Seems to be working well in Duluth. Purse dogs and kittens are far easier to catch and eat than city deer.

In all seriousness, if you're ever in duluth in the fall/winter time, take time to drive along the rail yard on Garfield avenue at sundown. I used to live right across the interstate from there and regularly traveled that route for work. I've seen large herds of deer down there eating whatever is leaking from the rail cars. And often times there were 140+" bucks down there eating away without a care in the world. Best way to scout for deer if you're in the city hunt is to get drunk and get a ride home from a cab driver. They will tell you where the monster bucks are located because they almost run them over during the rut on their bar routes.
Spot on brooks......
I'm sure MDHA could afford one if they so desired. My guess is most of the state's deer groups would say we already have a bunch of paid deer biologists in the DNR...why hire one ourselves?
I believe MDHA had a biologist on staff about ten years ago. I don't think the funds are there at present.
Good job Brooks and crew!
I need help with a poster.

Good job Brooks and crew!
I need help with a poster.


I will have a rough done next couple days for a simple poster
Spent a few hours at a members property today trying to video a simple story for the movement and we hit a concept that will work.

The biggest factor of getting guys to listen is to bring information that relates to their own parcel.

Split the state into 5 zones (or 6 or 8 or whatever)

Find the top 3 preferred browse items for their parcel, show them how to find it, and show them pics of the 3 stages of browse.

1 - Minimal browse
2 - Acceptable browse
3 - Excessive browse

Level 1 requires no doe harvest. Level 2 says add browse or take 25% of the adult does. Level 3 means you need to add browse or start taking a lot of adult does.

Easy for the landowner to go afield and make habitat based doe harvest decisions on their own parcel.

Here is an article I ran across. I'm guessing some have already read it as it dates back to 2013. It kind of jives with HMH in the sense we the land owners can make our own observations and management decisions. It even mentions browse in the article.
Wouldn't be a bad idea to contact an author like this just to chat on the subject. You never know if more fresh articles would start popping out in magazines. The guy clearly speaks our language here.
I think if anything meaningful is going to happen to effect change in the mindset of the average MN deer hunter it needs to happen pretty quickly.

We need a "blitz"...and we need it soon IMHO

I am working a plan to solicit funds from every deer groups/sportsmens club/outdoor business for an every other week campaign in the outdoor news on HMH, adequate doe harvest. It needs to start before archery season does, and run all the way through next years session at a minimum.
It would be nice to see businesses and groups get competitive (financially) in getting the word out that they support Mn deer hunters and a healthy robust herd. Most of the outdoor businesses unfortunately are only interested in selling us a product rather than standing for something.
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Heres a proof of the first fall ad. Get me some sponsors Riggs. About $325 per ad. I have sponsors doing a match program as well. Get me $170 and the ad will run with their logo.

Safari 56.png
I can put out a donation bucket at the land tour, I will throw in the first 50:)
We could use Big John's Seed Co. for the logo.

I assure you Big John has been more than generous to date.
Im very aware of that, wasn't implying he should fill the bucket.

I get it. Just want those not aware he has been a financial factor to be appreciated.
I just sent you some to help get things going. I can also talk to the archery guy in Pillager next week.

I have had talks with him. Biemart or ? Great guy in tune with the situation. Bring him a poster of the ad laminated to hang in his shop if he will?