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Biden resigning would be the worst possible outcome. We be stuck with commie, shes worse, much worse.
Sleepy os only saying what hes told to say, the other wack job actually believes this shit.
^^^^ Uncle empathy from Scranton is not in control, just like Kamala wont be in control when they go to the the bullpen either. They are both just empty vessels parroting whatever they are told to do by their handlers. 2 illegitimate presidents in one term. They should send Kamala and Obama to the south side of Chicago to promote the vaccine where rates of vaccination are really lagging.

^^^ Tap, voting never matters again, especially not in California. Larry Elder never had a shot to win, even if more people vote for him. The unity party is firmly in control of the serfs and will crush dissent again today. It will take MASSIVE grassroots protest like this to change the trajectory. We aren't even close to that yet either. The left and the right will need to combine to take on the unity party.

Larry Elder will probably win with legal votes…but it will be another steal. You have to start to wonder why anyone would risk jail time for election theft for people like Biden/Harris/Pelosi & Newsom?
I have to laugh when people mention voting---like it matters. Even if a republican wins the dems throw a fit the whole time and make damn sure to block any progress while screaming racism and division. Covid is just one huge excuse to keep the people busy with bullshit while they carry out their agenda without the people having any say. jmo
They must have died instantly. It has to be true
If only there was a way to prevent this,..

It is nice to see the media caring again about the deaths of police officers tbh even if it is to push their agenda. In other news, people aren't just dying of Covid, or just dying from the Covid jabs. Covid is also killing vaccinated people. Massachusetts (I think it was Mass, I can look to clarify if you are interested) reports the jabs are now only 42% effective at hospitalizations and deaths and that was regarding the Delta variant. Israel is already considering booster #2.

As sad as it is for this guy, at least they are consistent in recording the Covid deaths. I can't find it now but a different paper said he had stage 3 cancer. There was another one in Syracuse last night but I don't know the particulars of that one other than they were also vaccinated and died of Covid.

Biden resigning would be the worst possible outcome. We be stuck with commie, shes worse, much worse.
Sleepy os only saying what hes told to say, the other wack job actually believes this shit.

I don't necessarily agree. The best thing going is her popularity numbers are absolutely horrible. It would tank the polls for the midterms. This is why the dems are trying so hard to keep ol Joe propped up until then..
Jeez,.. we are now up to six anti vax radio host who have died of covid. I had lost track at 4

Belchertown Bowman, not sure you're keeping up with the news... but sure not just the unvaccinated contracting covid at the moment.

Latest news from Duke University where an outbreak has had 364 positive cases among a population 98% fully vaccinated. Of the cases 356 were among those fully vaccinated versus 8 cases among those unvaccinated.

Also worth noting, Israel which led the world in vaccination efforts and now has an estimated 80% of its population vaccinated is seeing its largest spike to date. See chart below and article from the not-so-conservative New York Times worrying over the spike. So, Israelis are actually contracting covid at a faster clip now than when no vaccine existed at all.

Lest your reply possibly be that variations are proliferating due to the unvaccinated... again, see the Duke and Israeli data above... the vaccines are proving "leaky" to the point that the vaccinated can not only catch covid but also spread it along with new mutations FROM the vaccinated "breakthrough" cases.

Isreal (2).jpg

And here's an article that speaks to 60% of those hospitalized in Israal having been vaccinated.


I find no joy in sharing the updates. As I've shared in earlier posts, as a medical worker I was one of the first in lines for the jabs... but I'm also someone who believes in letting scientific data tell the real and entire story, and the story thus far isn't one that I see lending itself to lots of virtue-signaling from those who somehow still think vaccines are a magic bullet.
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So with the above shared, what am I doing? Enjoying life, appreciating I face risks of dying each day I get in my car and drive to work, each time I climb a ladder stand to hunt, each time I take my boat offshore.... even went to a college football game this past weekend where folks were screaming their heads off, and won't lie, even though the team I was cheering on lost... IT FELT WONDERFUL being among folks celebrating life / actually FULLY living again.
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Jeez,.. we are now up to six anti vax radio host who have died of covid. I had lost track at 4

View attachment 37026
Really good , fair and balanced article there.
Also, kudos to the author for being so empathetic and kind......
Jeez,.. we are now up to six anti vax radio host who have died of covid. I had lost track at 4

View attachment 37026
If you consider yourself informed, you wouldn't be pushing the JAB OR DIE mentality my friend. PLEASE read this publication that cites many peer reviewed studies, this was published back in April... 5 months ago.

Most of us have been sifting through studies for more than a year, not exactly my cup of tea but as it turns out I am pretty good at finding the truth even when it is suppressed. If it wasn't suppressed you would already know this, as would most Americans wouldn't you? The media is complicit, otherwise every article they publish on Ivermectin wouldn't call it "horse dewormer". Again, it was approved by the FDA back in 1997 for use in humans so it is common knowledge, it should open your eyes to some of this stuff bud.

^^^ Tap, voting never matters again, especially not in California. Larry Elder never had a shot to win, even if more people vote for him. The unity party is firmly in control of the serfs and will crush dissent again today. It will take MASSIVE grassroots protest like this to change the trajectory. We aren't even close to that yet either. The left and the right will need to combine to take on the unity party.

View attachment 37008
My post said PRAY for Larry Elder.
All things are possible...But God.
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