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Oh I LOVE the line in there " we've got to protect the vaccinated workers from the unvaccinated workers" whos going to protect the unvaxed from the vaxed?
Way to be inclusive and work to close the divide you worthless peice of shit.
What a complete joke this country has become in the last 8 or so months.
Will the last patriot please shut off the lights on your way out?
The lights are already off.

So private companies with more than 100 employees must mandate vaccinations or do weekly testing?

At the companies expense!

This isn’t about the virus, I just wish I knew what it was really about.

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The only reason they’re getting away with this is that elections are still far off. Biden knows he’s safe for 3 more years and even the midterms are a year. If this was an election year none of this would be happening.
I was supposed to tour our CEO through our new office today, but she declined and sent her admin to tour in her place since I am not vaccinated. I asked her if her vaccine was not protection enough with both of us wearing a mask. No response and I may be getting a pink slip in the morning...
Unemployment rate is going to skyrocket in the short term. I see alot of smaller companies growing to just under 100 employees.
At the companies expense!

This isn’t about the virus, I just wish I knew what it was really about.

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It has always been about money and power. Why is that so hard for people to understand. And I’m referring to more than just COVID but especially now.

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India does not have 3.3 billion people.
whoops, I meant "1 Billion more" people sorry, I am sleep deprived from the new pup.
If you read my other 2 comments I said 1.3 Billion and in the other comment 1 Billion more than the US. I will edit it now. I take it you don't dispute the actual Covid math though? Shouldn't we at least follow the science on what is working elsewhere since the US has been a disaster since the beginning?
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Lotta wild going on.

Remember when they started by selling it as "2 weeks to flatten the curve?"

This has been a case study in the slippery slope theory.
The seriousness of the mandates here in NY are now becoming a humanitarian crisis. The previous Governor (Cuomo) mandated all nursing home and assisted living employees be vaccinated by October 7. One assisted living here will lose one half of their employees. They cannot operate with that and are looking to move residents however, there is nowhere for them to go because all the other facilities are losing half to a third of their employees also. The ones suffering these mandates are going to be abandoned. Elderly in NY will die At the hands of these mandates. The new Governor (Hochul) is going to have another nursing home crisis on her hands just as Cuomo. We’ll see how she handles it. So far she has been even more far left than Cuomo. She will have a choice, relax mandates or be responsible for a crisis. Possible greater than Cuomo had.
This has been a case study in the slippery slope theory.
Yea so many strange things along the way man.
That video I posted gets a little more dark in the last 10 minutes than I readily believe, but the first hour and a half the Dr. makes a lot of sense out of the things that don't make sense because we could only see part of the story at the time. I's not like the guy is a quack, his credentials speak for themselves though so it makes you wonder. This is a global thing and everyone for the most part globally seem to follow one sources advice, the WHO. The general public doesn't really hear about the amount of suppression regarding studies that proved successful were received or the extent that doctors were threatened with their licenses.

Many things everyone can see for themselves, here in NY they were literally fining people (in my little 50k population town) for standing 6' from the next guy because they were standing and not sitting at the bar. Obviously Covid is only transmissible when you are standing, clearly that is what the science says. Cuomo made a law using executive powers that literally said "if you go to a bar you must order a meal and chicken wings aren't considered a meal". Here in NY Covid regulations have killed 41% of all small businesses in the last 19 months, they couldn't take the shutdowns/lockdowns and comply with the costly new regulations and now that they can open they can't hire enough staff. It made no sense that when fighting a contagious virus the laws direct everyone to Walmart for a basic need like food. wouldn't you want to spread out the shoppers as opposed to condensing them to one supply building? The attacks on Churches forcing them to stay closed and not even hold sermons outside is clearly following the science. Banning free speech unless you are burning down buildings and trashing entire towns of course, and censoring everyone that has opposing views the whole way. Tyrannical.
I could go on and on but always comment too long on here lol
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The ONLY thing the left is good at is dividing this country. Unfortunately that is NOT an exaggeration.

So private companies with more than 100 employees must mandate vaccinations or do weekly testing?

Maybe Biden should concentrate on getting 100 more US employees back from Afghanistan first.. Heyoo
This is simply a way for Biden to get people to focus on something other than the fact the Taliban will celebrate victory in Afghanistan tomorrow, SEPTEMBER 11.

Ihlan Omar..."some people did something"
Yeah, they did something. They will be doing something again.
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