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Inmates are running the asylum now.
Getting closer
This might be the dumbest thing I've ever done but here are my thoughts as to why there is a panic around covid and the general state of health in the 'modern' world.

Nature is always self correcting, doesn't tolerate dysfunction, and weaknesses are dealt with effectively.

Today many people are in a panic about covid --a virus--and indeed it has been fatal for some. At the same time 100,000 people a month die of heart disease and cancer. Unarguably there is a lifestyle element to those diseases. as well as many of the covid mortalities. Obesity,Diabetes, and numerous other health issues are at epidemic proportions greatly compromising the health of a significant proportion of the population. Why?

As a gross oversimplification but perhaps directionally accurate here's how I believe we got in our current situation.

The problems really got started at the end of WW2 when synthetic nitrogen became very cheap and readily available. Synthetic fertilizer increased yields and its use exploded over the next 70 years. At the same time tractors got bigger, more powerful and ' conventional ' tillage agriculture entered a new phase. There seemed to be no limit to its value. Then in 1974 glyphosate was introduced to agriculture and its value seemed mind boggling to the farmers. Couple that with the introduction of GMO seeds and its use increased almost incomprehensibly . Its relevant to note that years later after its original patent glyphosate was also patented as an antibiotic. And antibiotics as we know kill microflora in our gut as well as in the soil. Unintended consequences?

Were there unintended consequences? As a fact, tillage agriculture destroys top soil and that along with the explosion of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides fungicides etc destroy the microbiology of the soil. This narrative could be continued in great detail but one outcome is that the nutrient density of our food supply has decreased dramatically. Levels of calcium,phosphorous,iron, riboflavin, vit c all show significant decrease. At the same time many of the poisons used in agriculture are showing up in our foods, water, mothers milk etc. Overfed, undernourished all with foods containing levels of toxins never before seen? How does this effect our health? Do this over several generations and do we se an epigenetic effect?

Its not just the plants we eat that are problematic. Over 90% of all antibiotics are fed to the animals we eat. Growth hormones are commonly fed to animals we consume. { Anecdotal for sure but when I was in high school in the 70's a girl with boobs was very popular . Most were flat chested. Not any more???} Ever been to a cow feed lot or commercial chicken house? Hard not to throw up. Yet this is where the majority of our meat comes from. Unintended consequences?

To exacerbate the consequences of this impact on our food supply there has been a, never before in history, shift to highly processed foods and diets including chemicals that very few examine many of which are totally foreign to our bodies. Today, more people are totally disconnected from their food source than in any other time in history and the overall impact on health is very measurable. Is it any wonder there could be vulnerability to a virus or any health issue related to how we nourish ourself?

Lastly { I could keep going down these rabbit holes a long time} modern day stress has to be included in the conversation. It is generally acknowledged that stress levels are higher today than typically known in history. Stress unleashes a host of hormones which for fight or flight short term reaction are valuable and protective. But when continued over longer periods of time are deleterious to health not giving the body the opportunity to repair, heal or be creative. One could be eating the perfect diet but if stressed out its simply stressed out organics.

I could blabber on about all this but suffice it to say that I think the overall state of health in the modern world is very weak leaving many in the population vulnerable to a host of maladies. Unfortunately Epigenetics have many children being born with a predisposition or vulnerability to problems created by their parents and grandparents. Enter something like covid and all you hear about is pandemic, vaccine, masks, social distancing ....all of which is just a band aid to a much bigger problem of human health and responsibility { I'll leave the govt. insanity out of this discussion} Statistically it seems unarguable that the healthier parts of the population have had minimal problems with the virus { Perhaps that will cause an argument about what ' healthy' really is?}

The good news is that to some degree covid along with a lot of other trends has many people revisiting their nutrition and lifestyle practices. Many farmers are starting to revisit farm practices looking at regeneration of soil health and focusing on plant and animal nutritional density and finding enhanced profitability in the process. I believe that out of all the chaos we are seeing today meaningful constructive changes will take place with dysfunctional systems dyeing away as always happens in nature and replaced by wiser more enlightened awareness. TO me this bodes well for a very exciting future albeit perhaps with some birthing pains.
We can only go up from here. I hope.
Excellent post Baker. It's very easy to tell that the veggies I eat out of my garden are head and shoulders better than anything offered up in the grocery store.

Have you heard of the Bionutrient Food Association? They're working on developing a handheld spectrometer that would test nutrient levels in food, allowing people to check all the produce at the store to insure they buy healthy.

I'm sure it's still a few years away but they are testing developer models now.
Excellent post Baker. It's very easy to tell that the veggies I eat out of my garden are head and shoulders better than anything offered up in the grocery store.

Have you heard of the Bionutrient Food Association? They're working on developing a handheld spectrometer that would test nutrient levels in food, allowing people to check all the produce at the store to insure they buy healthy.

I'm sure it's still a few years away but they are testing developer models now.
Actually yes. Cool deal you are familiar. They are working with my consultant over at Understanding Ag on development. An awakening is taking place!
This might be the dumbest thing I've ever done but here are my thoughts as to why there is a panic around covid and the general state of health in the 'modern' world.

Nature is always self correcting, doesn't tolerate dysfunction, and weaknesses are dealt with effectively.

Today many people are in a panic about covid --a virus--and indeed it has been fatal for some. At the same time 100,000 people a month die of heart disease and cancer. Unarguably there is a lifestyle element to those diseases. as well as many of the covid mortalities. Obesity,Diabetes, and numerous other health issues are at epidemic proportions greatly compromising the health of a significant proportion of the population. Why?

As a gross oversimplification but perhaps directionally accurate here's how I believe we got in our current situation.

The problems really got started at the end of WW2 when synthetic nitrogen became very cheap and readily available. Synthetic fertilizer increased yields and its use exploded over the next 70 years. At the same time tractors got bigger, more powerful and ' conventional ' tillage agriculture entered a new phase. There seemed to be no limit to its value. Then in 1974 glyphosate was introduced to agriculture and its value seemed mind boggling to the farmers. Couple that with the introduction of GMO seeds and its use increased almost incomprehensibly . Its relevant to note that years later after its original patent glyphosate was also patented as an antibiotic. And antibiotics as we know kill microflora in our gut as well as in the soil. Unintended consequences?

Were there unintended consequences? As a fact, tillage agriculture destroys top soil and that along with the explosion of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides fungicides etc destroy the microbiology of the soil. This narrative could be continued in great detail but one outcome is that the nutrient density of our food supply has decreased dramatically. Levels of calcium,phosphorous,iron, riboflavin, vit c all show significant decrease. At the same time many of the poisons used in agriculture are showing up in our foods, water, mothers milk etc. Overfed, undernourished all with foods containing levels of toxins never before seen? How does this effect our health? Do this over several generations and do we se an epigenetic effect?

Its not just the plants we eat that are problematic. Over 90% of all antibiotics are fed to the animals we eat. Growth hormones are commonly fed to animals we consume. { Anecdotal for sure but when I was in high school in the 70's a girl with boobs was very popular . Most were flat chested. Not any more???} Ever been to a cow feed lot or commercial chicken house? Hard not to throw up. Yet this is where the majority of our meat comes from. Unintended consequences?

To exacerbate the consequences of this impact on our food supply there has been a, never before in history, shift to highly processed foods and diets including chemicals that very few examine many of which are totally foreign to our bodies. Today, more people are totally disconnected from their food source than in any other time in history and the overall impact on health is very measurable. Is it any wonder there could be vulnerability to a virus or any health issue related to how we nourish ourself?

Lastly { I could keep going down these rabbit holes a long time} modern day stress has to be included in the conversation. It is generally acknowledged that stress levels are higher today than typically known in history. Stress unleashes a host of hormones which for fight or flight short term reaction are valuable and protective. But when continued over longer periods of time are deleterious to health not giving the body the opportunity to repair, heal or be creative. One could be eating the perfect diet but if stressed out its simply stressed out organics.

I could blabber on about all this but suffice it to say that I think the overall state of health in the modern world is very weak leaving many in the population vulnerable to a host of maladies. Unfortunately Epigenetics have many children being born with a predisposition or vulnerability to problems created by their parents and grandparents. Enter something like covid and all you hear about is pandemic, vaccine, masks, social distancing ....all of which is just a band aid to a much bigger problem of human health and responsibility { I'll leave the govt. insanity out of this discussion} Statistically it seems unarguable that the healthier parts of the population have had minimal problems with the virus { Perhaps that will cause an argument about what ' healthy' really is?}

The good news is that to some degree covid along with a lot of other trends has many people revisiting their nutrition and lifestyle practices. Many farmers are starting to revisit farm practices looking at regeneration of soil health and focusing on plant and animal nutritional density and finding enhanced profitability in the process. I believe that out of all the chaos we are seeing today meaningful constructive changes will take place with dysfunctional systems dyeing away as always happens in nature and replaced by wiser more enlightened awareness. TO me this bodes well for a very exciting future albeit perhaps with some birthing pains.
Exactly. I think we'll evolve out of it within a few generations. Humans will self select for those that can survive and reproduce. The average person is getting on numerous meds earlier and earlier in life to stay alive. While success is currently measured as not dying, there's much more to be valued like ability to conceive healthy children, or enjoy life past the age of 45. The thing I've been working on most lately is vegetable oils. When you take a step back and look at how many foods contain vegetable oils, it gets easier to understand why problems are so widespread. People that go gluten free, and sugar free, are still falling apart. I think vegetable oils are a big part of that. If you get bored and want to hear something new, check this guy out.

Excellent post Baker. It's very easy to tell that the veggies I eat out of my garden are head and shoulders better than anything offered up in the grocery store.

Have you heard of the Bionutrient Food Association? They're working on developing a handheld spectrometer that would test nutrient levels in food, allowing people to check all the produce at the store to insure they buy healthy.

I'm sure it's still a few years away but they are testing developer models now.
That will be just one more device that's used to track every aspect of our lives.
Nutrient density from a decidedly different set of priorities.........

Little Chocolate Donuts-SNL-YouTube

This might be the dumbest thing I've ever done but here are my thoughts as to why there is a panic around covid and the general state of health in the 'modern' world.

Nature is always self correcting, doesn't tolerate dysfunction, and weaknesses are dealt with effectively.

Today many people are in a panic about covid --a virus--and indeed it has been fatal for some. At the same time 100,000 people a month die of heart disease and cancer. Unarguably there is a lifestyle element to those diseases. as well as many of the covid mortalities. Obesity,Diabetes, and numerous other health issues are at epidemic proportions greatly compromising the health of a significant proportion of the population. Why?

As a gross oversimplification but perhaps directionally accurate here's how I believe we got in our current situation.

The problems really got started at the end of WW2 when synthetic nitrogen became very cheap and readily available. Synthetic fertilizer increased yields and its use exploded over the next 70 years. At the same time tractors got bigger, more powerful and ' conventional ' tillage agriculture entered a new phase. There seemed to be no limit to its value. Then in 1974 glyphosate was introduced to agriculture and its value seemed mind boggling to the farmers. Couple that with the introduction of GMO seeds and its use increased almost incomprehensibly . Its relevant to note that years later after its original patent glyphosate was also patented as an antibiotic. And antibiotics as we know kill microflora in our gut as well as in the soil. Unintended consequences?

Were there unintended consequences? As a fact, tillage agriculture destroys top soil and that along with the explosion of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides fungicides etc destroy the microbiology of the soil. This narrative could be continued in great detail but one outcome is that the nutrient density of our food supply has decreased dramatically. Levels of calcium,phosphorous,iron, riboflavin, vit c all show significant decrease. At the same time many of the poisons used in agriculture are showing up in our foods, water, mothers milk etc. Overfed, undernourished all with foods containing levels of toxins never before seen? How does this effect our health? Do this over several generations and do we se an epigenetic effect?

Its not just the plants we eat that are problematic. Over 90% of all antibiotics are fed to the animals we eat. Growth hormones are commonly fed to animals we consume. { Anecdotal for sure but when I was in high school in the 70's a girl with boobs was very popular . Most were flat chested. Not any more???} Ever been to a cow feed lot or commercial chicken house? Hard not to throw up. Yet this is where the majority of our meat comes from. Unintended consequences?

To exacerbate the consequences of this impact on our food supply there has been a, never before in history, shift to highly processed foods and diets including chemicals that very few examine many of which are totally foreign to our bodies. Today, more people are totally disconnected from their food source than in any other time in history and the overall impact on health is very measurable. Is it any wonder there could be vulnerability to a virus or any health issue related to how we nourish ourself?

Lastly { I could keep going down these rabbit holes a long time} modern day stress has to be included in the conversation. It is generally acknowledged that stress levels are higher today than typically known in history. Stress unleashes a host of hormones which for fight or flight short term reaction are valuable and protective. But when continued over longer periods of time are deleterious to health not giving the body the opportunity to repair, heal or be creative. One could be eating the perfect diet but if stressed out its simply stressed out organics.

I could blabber on about all this but suffice it to say that I think the overall state of health in the modern world is very weak leaving many in the population vulnerable to a host of maladies. Unfortunately Epigenetics have many children being born with a predisposition or vulnerability to problems created by their parents and grandparents. Enter something like covid and all you hear about is pandemic, vaccine, masks, social distancing ....all of which is just a band aid to a much bigger problem of human health and responsibility { I'll leave the govt. insanity out of this discussion} Statistically it seems unarguable that the healthier parts of the population have had minimal problems with the virus { Perhaps that will cause an argument about what ' healthy' really is?}

The good news is that to some degree covid along with a lot of other trends has many people revisiting their nutrition and lifestyle practices. Many farmers are starting to revisit farm practices looking at regeneration of soil health and focusing on plant and animal nutritional density and finding enhanced profitability in the process. I believe that out of all the chaos we are seeing today meaningful constructive changes will take place with dysfunctional systems dyeing away as always happens in nature and replaced by wiser more enlightened awareness. TO me this bodes well for a very exciting future albeit perhaps with some birthing pains.
Some very solid points there Baker! I couldn't agree more and could add things like the many forms of preservatives, and replacing sugar with high fructose corn syrup in everything. Schools are incentivized to "find" new handicaps which led to the spike of ADHD in our children, at least in my case. My daughters Dr. "diagnosed" my daughter with ADD because she wasn't paying attention in school (no kidding, I didn't either when I was in school because not every class can capture everyone's attention). they put her on meds and instantly she couldn't sleep and lost her appetite completely. I took her off them and either the school or the Dr's office called Child Protective Services on me for "neglect". The case was eventually dropped but that is the amount of leverage someone had over an average parent because I didn't want her to take the crap they were selling even though we did try it. Today I know that the system recognizes ADD and ADHD as disabilities and Schools get more funding for kids with disabilities. What a bunch of crap! I foresee the same thing happening with the jab, force your kid to get it once approved or face CPS for neglect.

It is so weird to me that the average person I talk to knows our government is corrupted by money, power and has allowed themselves to receive money from self interest groups. Yet something like Covid and they all just buy whatever the government is selling because the science and data they show us says so. The data with Covid just says "Covid deaths" but doesn't separate how many died "from Covid" and how many "died with Covid present" that is why they were reporting people shot in the head as a Covid death in Florida, Florida was accused at the same time as manuipulating the numbers to say they had less deaths then they actually had. I am getting off topic.

For example, in 2007 the CDC gave $1 million to Harvard (that partnered with Pilgrim health insurance) to do a study on VAERS (medicine and vaccine incident reporting system) and that 3 year study ended in 2010, the results speak for themselves. Harvard concluded that LESS THAN 1% of all medicine and vaccine side effects and injuries were reported to VAERS. Obviously that shouldn't be acceptable but what has the CDC changed since to improve VAERS because you would think the accuracy of the data is important, nothing, not a damn thing despite Harvard creating a new option that should have at least increased the accuracy of the reporting system. What does that tell me? Clearly they don't want to follow the science or the data, they don't want their customers (the CDC's customers are supposed to be you and I) to lose out on money right? I mean, why else would they see such an obvious safety problem and ignore it?
My ears are open to alternate suggestions for the reason. These are the people we are supposed to look to for guidance and currently are guiding our lives and freedoms with their wisdom.

Here is the study, it is in purple PDF at the top of this condensed report by AHRQ.
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Some very solid points there Baker! I couldn't agree more and could add things like the many forms of preservatives, and replacing sugar with high fructose corn syrup in everything. Schools are incentivized to "find" new handicaps which led to the spike of ADHD in our children, at least in my case. My daughter "diagnosed" my daughter with ADD because she wasn't paying attention in school (no kidding, I didn't either when I was in school because not every class can capture everyone's attention). they put her on meds and instantly she couldn't sleep and lost her appetite completely. I took her off them and either the school or the Dr's office called Child Protective Services on me for "neglect". The case was eventually dropped but that is the amount of leverage someone had over an average parent because I didn't want her to take the crap they were selling even though we did try it. Today I know that the system recognizes ADD and ADHD as disabilities and Schools get more funding for kids with disabilities. What a bunch of crap! I foresee the same thing happening with the jab, force your kid to get it once approved or face CPS for neglect.

It is so weird to me that the average person I talk to knows our government is corrupted by money, power and has allowed themselves to receive money from self interest groups. Yet something like Covid and they all just buy whatever the government is selling because the science and data they show us says so. The data with Covid just says "Covid deaths" but doesn't separate how many died "from Covid" and how many "died with Covid present" that is why they were reporting people shot in the head as a Covid death in Florida, Florida was accused at the same time as manuipulating the numbers to say they had less deaths then they actually had. I am getting off topic.

For example, in 2007 the CDC gave $1 million to Harvard (that partnered with Pilgrim health insurance) to do a study on VAERS (medicine and vaccine incident reporting system) and that 3 year study ended in 2010, the results speak for themselves. Harvard concluded that LESS THAN 1% of all medicine and vaccine injuries were reported to VAERS. Obviously that shouldn't be acceptable but what has the CDC changed since to improve VAERS because you would think the accuracy of the data is important, nothing, not a damn thing despite Harvard creating a new option that should have at least increased the accuracy of the reporting system. What does that tell me? Clearly they don't want to follow the science or the data, they don't want their customers (the CDC's customers are supposed to be you and I) to lose out on money right? I mean, why else would they see such an obvious safety problem and ignore it?
My ears are open to alternate suggestions for the reason. These are the people we are supposed to look to for guidance and currently are guiding our lives and freedoms with their wisdom.

Here is the study, it is in purple PDF at the top of this condensed report by AHRQ.
I believe we are beginning to see the break down of top down control over society. It is surfacing in many ways. Today more information is available to more people than ever before in history. People now not only want to 'know', but want to know how. This challenges control systems that have been in place for a long long time in history. Decentralized change is starting from the bottom up and doesn't always make the headlines. We can see the challenges to govt. control, education , organized religion, personal responsibility for health , financial currency...and the list goes on. Of course institutions will react...sometimes harshly to loss of control. Functional systems will survive. Dysfunctional systems will perish or morph. I believe we are witnessing one of the biggest transitions in history where bottom up decentralized change spawning from heightened personal awareness is challenging everything. Being an optimist I believe the outcome will be incredible. But as said earlier the birthing process may be painful.

I'm off to Fla. to explore a few new ideas.
LOL She said plandemic :emoji_laughing:
I believe we are beginning to see the break down of top down control over society. It is surfacing in many ways. Today more information is available to more people than ever before in history. People now not only want to 'know', but want to know how. This challenges control systems that have been in place for a long long time in history. Decentralized change is starting from the bottom up and doesn't always make the headlines. We can see the challenges to govt. control, education , organized religion, personal responsibility for health , financial currency...and the list goes on. Of course institutions will react...sometimes harshly to loss of control. Functional systems will survive. Dysfunctional systems will perish or morph. I believe we are witnessing one of the biggest transitions in history where bottom up decentralized change spawning from heightened personal awareness is challenging everything. Being an optimist I believe the outcome will be incredible. But as said earlier the birthing process may be painful.

I'm off to Fla. to explore a few new ideas.

And.......we continue to see the failure of centralized "command " forms of economies and government as we have seen throughout history

The Founding Fathers got it right

God Bless America

Ya got that right Daddy, the founding fathers did get it right. One person in a voting booth is about as de-centralized control as it gets. Votes matter. God Bless America.
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