College Basketball

Didn't help that Dekker shot 0-6 from beyond the arc. He makes 2 of those shots and they win by a point. I feel bad for Bo Ryan more than anything, his coaching career will be over before they have the personnel to make another run like that.
While I'm disappointed that the Badgers lost, it's pretty cool that we made it to the D1 National Championship Game. I bet for many of us that have watched Badger basketball over the years, a national title game probably wasn't something we thought would happen. I know I sure didn't.

I think it's pretty cool, and no ill will in this remark, that we started three white kids that grew up and played high school ball here in Wisconsin.

Pretty neat to see JJ Watt and Aaron Rodgers cheering on the Badgers last night.
A great showing for Wisconsin, and hopefully this sways some top recruits to come to Madison. I hope Dekker comes back.
On that note, I think we are in jeopardy of losing Hayes as well.:( I hope not.
Hayes said he was returning after the game. I doubt he stays all 4 years though.
I missed that comment, I hope he was sincere. I also think he leaves after next year for sure.
A great showing for Wisconsin, and hopefully this sways some top recruits to come to Madison. I hope Dekker comes back.

I've only watched 2 Badger games but where is he going??

Is he a pro prospect?? He didn't look like an NBA type player last night?
Dekker layed a huge egg when the spotlight was the brightest. The tank ran out of gas, but he owned Okafor most of the game.
Dekker not showing up really hurt us.
It was a fun season
I don't think Tyus Jones is even ready for the NBA? He's good and will be a pro player I think, but he needs another year or two.
...and I really have my doubts about Frank or Sam being NBA ready either.

Some team may take a chance on them but I just don't see them being in the NBA very long.
They can still make good money over seas, as those leagues expand.

And just wait til these agents start knocking on there door with cash sticking out of there pockets!
Yup!!! The agents knocking and flashing $$$ are what may turn Hayes to leave for the NBA, whether he is ready or not.
The only player I saw last night who I think will be a contributing NBA player next year was Justise Winslow. Okafor needs another year or two to develop (I know he won't stay in school, just saying) and Kaminsky is really going to need to work on his defense.
Why? They don't play defense in the NBA.
The only player I saw last night who I think will be a contributing NBA player next year was Justise Winslow. Okafor needs another year or two to develop (I know he won't stay in school, just saying) and Kaminsky is really going to need to work on his defense.
Funny you should say that, Winslow's dad thinks the NBA needs to change the rule to 2 years of college because he doesn't think his kid is ready for primetime, but knows he will be entering the draft anyway.
The only player I saw last night who I think will be a contributing NBA player next year was Justise Winslow. Okafor needs another year or two to develop (I know he won't stay in school, just saying) and Kaminsky is really going to need to work on his defense.

I was just watching ESPN and they pretty much stated what you said Stu. They also said that Dekkar at most would be a rotational player on a good team, said he needs work. They also said that all 5 of Kentucky's starters would be entering draft.
Not the first time Bo's been at it about a recruit. We will never know the entire stories on these topics. Just because a school recruits a kid doesn't mean they will necessarily take them if the athlete doesn't fit the personality of the program. Like I said we don't know an 1/8th of what happens.
If you think there is any class in major college recruiting, there isn't. It is cut throat every where, at every school.
Your back on the bash the Badgers bus cause they lost. That's expected from you, of course. You would be the perfect bear fan.
Badgers men's basketball: Bo Ryan praises team; says 'we don't do rent-a-player'
ROB HERNANDEZ, 608-252-6173
Posted: Apr 7, 2015, 4:15 PM

INDIANAPOLIS — Badgers coach Bo Ryan was asked, as many coaches are at the end of a season, what he will remember most about seniors Frank Kaminsky, Traevon Jackson, Duje Dukan and Josh Gasser. His response showed how much the group meant to him.

“When you go through an experience like this, and you get asked (that) question, it’s really hard to put into words the years, the hours, the travel,” Ryan said. “So it will be in their memory bank, and it will be in my memory bank. But it’s not something that you easily express.

“If you’ve ever played on a team, if you were ever in the service, if you were ever with a company for a long period of time, there’s things that happen and things that develop. It’s hard to describe ’em. It’s just an inner feeling that you have. But this group was so together and enjoyed each other’s company and could needle each other. They did a lot of good things.”

At about the same time Diamond Stone, the Whitefish Bay Dominican senior who last week chose Maryland over UW, set off a Twitter-storm with a single "laughing-so-hard-he-cried emoji" after the game went final, Ryan used his postgame news conference to defend the kind of players he recruits and how they stay in his program long enough to form a bond that makes losses like Monday so tough.

“Every player that’s played through the program, OK, we don’t do a rent-a-player,” Ryan said. “You know what I mean? (We) try to take a fifth-year guy. That’s OK. If other people (take the one-and-done player), that’s OK. I like trying to build from within. It’s just the way I am.

“And to see these guys grow over the years and to be here last year and lose a tough game, boom, they came back. They said what they wanted to do, they put themselves in that position, and they won’t forget this for a long time.”
Wow just no class. Like I said perfect bears fan
Yep, Buckyville is the most rational fan forum ever! They are convinced college football wasnt played prior to 1993. Bo is a great coach and had an over achieving team. Why flame out about ref calls vs a legend in coach k? The badgers lost to 4 better players who were all freshman. Bo would take every one and done he could sign but he cant seal the deal Just like the other 350 d1 schools.

Over-achieving... you're full of s**t
Kind of like this thread tonight, 20 posts in a little over 4 hours, not bad for a conversation about a non event.
The guy is so full of himself it's not worth it to me. National runner up is a great accomplishment, it was a great season.
Only way he stays in the NBA for 10 years is if he can shoot the 3pt bomb better than he did against Duke. 3, maybe 4 years tops and when he even slightly losses the edge that youth provides him, he will be done unless he's got that 3 down pat.
Yeah, as much as I'd have liked him to stay, smart move going pro on his part.

Going back to the Badger fans' tweets to Stone, I agree that's classless. That said, if he was my son, I'd be ashamed of him and the job I did as a parent. If one of my kids had the athletic talent to be recruited as heavy as he was, only to send out a tweet saying he was laughing so hard he was crying because a team that recruited him lost a big game or had any kind of misfortune, he and I would be having a long and very unpleasant chat. Two wrongs sure don't make a right, but his tweet was every bit as classless, if not more...And I REALLY don't want to hear this "he's just a kid" excuse. I'd bet almost all of our kids knew better than to do something like that well before they ever hit HS, let alone about to go on to college. To me, his tweet screams how crappy a job so many are doing as parents these days....They want to be their kids' friends, NOT parents....being a parent is too much work for more and more these days.

I do think Bo meant exactly what NoFo interpreted it as. It was a rip on the one and done schools. He impresses me that he's at the point in life where he no longer invests much energies into caring how he comes off to the public (not saying that's right or wrong, just an observation). Is it hypocritical? Maybe, but I do believe he does gravitate to players that will be in the system for 3+ years, and recruiting someone and offering a full ride are two different animals. Just because you do the first doesn't mean you'll do the second.

Frankly, I believe it is wrong to force kids to go to college 1 yr before they can go pro (which setting the age restriction does for most). it turns some otherwise great schools and programs into a bit of a bad joke, IMO. I'm NOT saying they shouldn't go after the one and done kids, but they really are using them as disposable toys that they make a ton of $$$$$$$$$$$ off of for free. It's messed up, IMO. Either wave the college requirement all together or make them go 4 years. One way or the other....or, just end the ugly side of college sports and pay them a % of the take to play.