Cuddeback's Cuddelink

Are yours round? I pulled mine out of the box and set it up -- haven't looked at it since -- so I could be wrong. Either way, there is only one model out right now for Cell Home. Perhaps some styling changes will be necessary once AT&T comes out if different antenna structure is needed.
Yes, mine are round... But mine had been on back-order since December so it was part of the first shipment. Maybe they changed the antenna design in subsequent shipments.
Mine are round as well

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Hi. New here.... just purchased this system....its actually this camera system that caused me to find this forum... so thanks Google.
I literally have 1 day experience with these camers j series....and about 10,000 questions...
Day 1 tried calling customer service and unfortunately wasnt impressed..

However, this thread was very thank you everyone
Hi. New here.... just purchased this system....its actually this camera system that caused me to find this forum... so thanks Google.
I literally have 1 day experience with these camers j series....and about 10,000 questions...
Day 1 tried calling customer service and unfortunately wasnt impressed..

However, this thread was very thank you everyone

I have had mine out about a month. I'm figuring things out, finally.
Swat1018 sorry you had a bad experience on th phone call I did to when I called and asked when they new the cuddelink home plus would be shipped

I can understand them being stressed but at least they could do it in a better way
Swat1018 sorry you had a bad experience on th phone call I did to when I called and asked when they new the cuddelink home plus would be shipped

I can understand them being stressed but at least they could do it in a better way

We and cudde should be great-full that John has been so helpful here!
Swat1018 sorry you had a bad experience on th phone call I did to when I called and asked when they new the cuddelink home plus would be shipped

I can understand them being stressed but at least they could do it in a better way

Wasn't me, it isn't the most user-friendly interface, but I'm figuring it out. I've never called.
Hey guys, newbie here. I took the plunge and hanging up my (5) Spartan Go-Cams that I paid $500 ea & pay $25/camera/month for cell service - but have been very satisfied with; And invested in (12) Cuddelink J-1415's and (1) Home G-1385. I have them all laid out on my desk, site plan made (submitted & approved by Cuddelink support), programmed, named and ready to start installation. Found this forum (never participated in a forum before) and it appears that it can be a big help.
I do have a question, is there anyway that I could upload, or send my site plan & ask for recommendations? I realize Cuddelink service said its good. But I have to believe that I didnt come up with the best plan at first attempt, & there has to be a flaw in my plan somewhere.
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Lol 2nd question. My J-1415's have Ver 06-07-00, my G-1385 came as a separate order & it has Ver 07-03-00. I have downloaded the firmware onto my SD card & made multiple attempts at updating (watched the video) several cameras & the HOME. All attempts resulted in a 'CHECK SD' message. What does this mean? Am I doing it wrong?
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Bkramey not for sure what your asking
Bkramey not for sure what your asking
Lol 2nd question. My J-1415's have Ver 06-07-00, my G-1385 came as a separate order & it has Ver 07-03-00. I have downloaded the firmware onto my SD card & made multiple attempts at updating (watched the video) several cameras & the HOME. All attempts resulted in a 'CHECK SD' message. What does this mean? Am I doing it wrong?

Download the firmware to a SD card from the website. There is a text file, open it, it says which file is for which model. I deleted the 2 I didn't need, and left only the one I needed. I inserted the SD card and found the command to download new F/W. Mine worked.
Hey guys, newbie here. I took the plunge and hanging up my (5) Spartan Go-Cams that I paid $500 ea & pay $25/camera/month for cell service - but have been very satisfied with; And invested in (12) Cuddelink J-1415's and (1) Home G-1385. I have them all laid out on my desk, site plan made (submitted & approved by Cuddelink support), programmed, named and ready to start installation. Found this forum (never participated in a forum before) and it appears that it can be a big help.
I do have a question, is there anyway that I could upload, or send my site plan & ask for recommendations? I realize Cuddelink service said its good. But I have to believe that I didnt come up with the best plan at first attempt, & there has to be a flaw in my plan somewhere.

Not sure what your concern is. I would fire up the home, and then go to the closest location you are putting a cam. Turn it on and go to "CL Level" in the menu and wait until it displays your "signal strength." As long as you have signal, go on to the next spot, and so on. A site plan on a map really won't tell anyone much, not knowing distances, terrain, etc.
53 pages later and it seems as though everybody that buys into this system has problems and headaches. Way too complicated and not a polished product from the what I read here.
I have to agree. My cell cams take me longer to get out of the package, then it does to get them set up. And I only need to replace batteries about 2 times a year.
What cell cameras are you using, if you don't mind me asking?

I have to agree. My cell cams take me longer to get out of the package, then it does to get them set up. And I only need to replace batteries about 2 times a year.
I have a spypoint link evo cost me about 15 bucks a month for unlimited pics
I am running Covert Black ops this year. I have 4 of them. The contract is pretty decent. The contract I am on now is 1000 pictures a month, for $5.99, and $5 extra per camera. I was paying $5 more for 5000 pictures a month, but since I moved a couple cameras off food plots, I don’t get near as many, so I lowered the contract. So I pay $20.99 for 4 cameras, with 1000 pictures per month.

I have had a couple issues with them in the past, but a simple phone call and I was back and running in no time.
I have to agree. My cell cams take me longer to get out of the package, then it does to get them set up. And I only need to replace batteries about 2 times a year.

That's great, if you have cell service.