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Youngest son got one!


5 year old buck +
My youngest went out hunting in Colorado last week with a couple of buddies on another DIY, he drew a MZ tag this year and scored his first day out. He has been bow hunting out there before and fly fishing a couple of times up in the mountains with his brother.
He said he called up a spike a really small rag horn and this 4X5, his first bull ever! One of his buddies killed another just like it. He said packing them down the mountain is the hardest thing he has ever done. He should be home by middle of next week, he is fly fishing/grouse hunting and calling for a buddy for the rest of week.

Congrats! Super cool. Now he'll be in top shape to haul your deer out for you this fall!
Very cool!
Thats Awesome! Congrats to him! He'll have some good eats now!
Yes packing one out is a JOB!
Congrats to him. Job well done.
Awesome, congratulations!!
Good job, I just got back from NM and scored on a bull there all the way at the top of the mountain took 2 of us 5 hours to get 4 loads down after takingna load out the night before.I know I am getting a new pack,no more Cabelas back packs for sure.
Thanks for the comments.

He got home yesterday, had a bunch of great stories of his couple weeks in the mountains. They rented three lamas to help pack meat from base camp back to the trucks twenty miles away, they got insurance on them in case the lamas got eaten by bear or fell off cliff. He said that lamas hardly drink at all and that they just kept them separated on long tethers screwed into ground and that they help to protect everyone from bears and ornery moose. He said that every time there was a bear or moose in sight even a mile or more away the lamas would perk right up ears forward and they would kind of make a screaming alarm noise (video is hilarious), and that they had really good eyesight and were crazy strong with rock hard muscle. I asked if they tried to spit on him and he said they only spit at each other, said that as long as you didn't try and touch them around the head they weren't to bad...only touch neck and shoulders.
He killed his bull right above the tree line said it took two of them all day to skin bone and pack meat down the mountain then turn around and go back up for more...said by time he was done it was twenty five miles total with the trips up and down and it was so physical that he had thrown up three times by time they were done...and that's from a kid that played D1 ball! He is already planning next years trip and his older brother is all amped up to go with him.


That's an amazing experience.

Llamas are interesting. They are used on sheep and alpaca farms to protect from bears and wolves/coyotes.