You have insufficient privileges to reply here.


5 year old buck +
I had a weird issue where I couldn't reply or post it said insufficient permissions. I had to log out and then back in, and then verify my account. Just posting in case anyone else has this problem.
Same. Figured the crossbow, bait and young buck killer lobbyists finally got me blackballed
Must be the new DEI program activists at work!
Same. Made me change my email address
Weird it just gave me the permission thing again. I just updated my profile again.
I received that same info as well.
I'll dig around the Xenforo site and see if there is an issue. We've had this issue with Microsoft mail in the past.
Hacks??? Data theft??? Anything electronic is reachable.
Finally able to post here today. These email and password things create allot of havoc for me.
I thought I may have broken the forum. I got the same error yesterday.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If anyone gets locked out us the contact us button at the "very" bottom of the site. There are two but only the bottom one gets to me. If an email server bounces an email back to our server a few times it thinks you don't exist and changes a users status from valid to not valid. Drives me nuts, it's in the software and not something I can't do a workaround on. Maybe if I turned off notifications so we don't get emails if a thread we are posting on gets updated 🤔
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If anyone gets locked out us the contact us button at the "very" bottom of the site. There are two but only the bottom one gets to me. If an email server bounces an email back to our server a few times it thinks you don't exist and changes a users status from valid to not valid. Drives me nuts, it's in the software and not something I can do a workaround on. Maybe if I turned off notifications so we don't get emails if a thread we are posting on gets updated 🤔

My laptop could log in but had no privileges and couldn't reset my e-mail that I was told was wrong. I had my wife redo my profile on her laptop and now I can get back in on my laptop. 😇
I just went an changed anyone who had an email bounce, back to a valid state. But future bounces will trigger it again.
I submitted a ticket to see if we can fix this once and for all.