5 year old buck +
Originally Posted by bbarrett
how do you combine the codes?
I got the 15%.. havent found the extra 5% one..
They give it to you automatically if you sign up free to be a member ofTeam Buck Eye Cam
Software updates are on BEC website. 1.8 for base and 1.5 for cameras. Will be updating mine next week so I have know idea what's new. If someone updates sooner please share.
I just updated 4 of my X7D cams and PC base software....didn't notice anything new/different and nothing obvious jumped out yet??
I have been waiting for the cam updates - hoping that many of the advertised features are available soon.
It was a long weekend and a lot of work, but I got my base mast upgraded. I bought the mast sections from the Mast Company. They are sleeved on one end as you can see from the pic:
I drilled 1/4" holes in the sleeved section so I could stiffen the mast by bolting the sections together.
Here is the before and after:
I ended up not using one of the 4' sections because I was getting so much bending before I got the guy wires on that I was afraid it would snap.
I now have 2 yagis above the pines. One is for the Orion network and the other for the X7D.
Guess I'm gonna need to buy another X7D!
Originally Posted by yoderj@cox.net
I now have 2 yagis above the pines. One is for the Orion network and the other for the X7D.
Guess I'm gonna need to buy another X7D!
That looks good, I would have just cut down the pines(INTERNAL IMAGE LIKE EMOTICON REMOVED)
My cameras and base arrived today so I've been playing with them a bit this evening.
I have some questions for anyone who has been messing with the X7D's.
What indications does the signal indicator in the camera itself have? Mine always just says "good". Of course they are just in the back yard. Does it ever say excellent, OK, Bad, low?
What is the fasted pic transfer time you have seen? I'm only getting 1.5 kb/s usually less from 70 feet away. (Standard antennas) I know I'll have to tweak things in the field when I use the stronger base antenna.
How much internal memory do these things have? I'm afraid that if it's taking 5 minutes to transfer a pic I could run out of memory if the cam is on a food plot on an active night. I did cut the resolution back to 1 Mp and it helps.
On the bright side I can remote desktop into the laptop hooked to the base using Splashtop and control the system from my home computer and even my I Phone. So I think I'm good on accessing the system from anywhere in the world.
Actually, we have a signed timber contract. They with be thinning our more pines within the next 20 months. I decided that even with the pines thinned, I needed a better signal.
Unfortunately, I missed the sale, so I'll just wait for the next one.
I haven't actually taken my X7D any distance from the base, but the Orion reports Good, Fair, Poor, and No Comm. It has a signal meter on both the PC base software as well as the camera. Hopefully they will add the signal meter to the X7D pc base soon.
I can't speak to the X7D, but the Orion can hold about 200 full resolutions pictures in internal memory. I would presume the X7D has more memory since memory follows Moore's law the X7D needs it with higher resolution.
On another note, I've modified my battery trending software. It can now read and process the X7D log files.
I also made another modification. Because solar panels typically charge the battery during the day and the battery levels reported at night more accurately represent the actual condition of the battery, the original version only used nighttime battery levels. This new modification allows me to specify which battery level reports to use, Nighttime, Daytime, or Both on a per camera basis.
The reason I did this was for two reasons. The Both setting is appropriate for cameras that don't use solar panels since the battery status reports reflect the actual condition of the battery at all times. I use the Daytime setting for an unusually setup I have with my repeater. It actually charges at nighttime rather than daytime.
Originally Posted by Billb66
That looks good, I would have just cut down the pines(INTERNAL IMAGE LIKE EMOTICON REMOVED)
My cameras and base arrived today so I've been playing with them a bit this evening.
I have some questions for anyone who has been messing with the X7D's.
What indications does the signal indicator in the camera itself have? Mine always just says "good". Of course they are just in the back yard. Does it ever say excellent, OK, Bad, low?
What is the fasted pic transfer time you have seen? I'm only getting 1.5 kb/s usually less from 70 feet away. (Standard antennas) I know I'll have to tweak things in the field when I use the stronger base antenna.
How much internal memory do these things have? I'm afraid that if it's taking 5 minutes to transfer a pic I could run out of memory if the cam is on a food plot on an active night. I did cut the resolution back to 1 Mp and it helps.
On the bright side I can remote desktop into the laptop hooked to the base using Splashtop and control the system from my home computer and even my I Phone. So I think I'm good on accessing the system from anywhere in the world.
I understand the thread is long (many posts and pages) but go back a few pages.
Some of your questions, can be answered in posts I've made.
Maybe I was rambling and you tuned me out (INTERNAL IMAGE LIKE EMOTICON REMOVED)
I've detailed my best and worst transfer speeds and the distances involved.
Also, internal memory is SMALL (i.e. 20 pics). And to make matters worse, I can't get the unit to utilize the SD card either.
However, I haven't checked my cams after updating to the newest software.
I may be bugging you for info someday. I have a place I would love to get a camera but no way it's happening without a hop or 2. For now I'm just playing with the basics.
Originally Posted by BlazinPond
I understand the thread is long (many posts and pages) but go back a few pages.
You know I thought I saw something about that and did a quick scan. Should have scanned better.
I didn't hook up the high gain antenna yet to try that. I'm heading to the farm tomorrow and I'll set it up there.
Have to stop and get a uninterruptible power supply for the old laptop and I'm set. (famous last words). Sometimes we loose electric for more than the laptop battery would hold up.
I can already see that if this works out 2 cams are not enough.
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