With just a little more practice....


5 year old buck +
I will become an archery ninja like this guy.
Holy crap! That's unbelievable. Yea just a little more practice.
I "telescoped" an arrow once and my son was all like, "Dad that's some ninja type stuff there!" I said, "No that is called dumb luck and MISSING in the same place twice." I told him it was "Repeatably bad!". Some of the stuff folks can do with enough practice is pretty awesome - I watched Byron Ferguson at a show once and that was pretty cool - he was busting hand tossed life saver mints with a long bow and shooting instinctively.
Holy crap! That's unbelievable. Yea just a little more practice.
yeah...i figure like 30 more minutes each week and I'll be running around flinging arrows like this dude...but better. lol
I "telescoped" an arrow once and my son was all like, "Dad that's some ninja type stuff there!" I said, "No that is called dumb luck and MISSING in the same place twice." I told him it was "Repeatably bad!". Some of the stuff folks can do with enough practice is pretty awesome - I watched Byron Ferguson at a show once and that was pretty cool - he was busting hand tossed life saver mints with a long bow and shooting instinctively.

I always liked watching Byron....a good showman as well.
I always liked watching Byron....a good showman as well.
I love Byron as well, seen him many times, and hope to again this weekend, but he's a little beyond being able to fly off walls making shots like this.
NEWS FLASH : Deer seen evacuating Sullivan County in large numbers. Phil-Ninja reported to be practicing heavily as deer run for their lives. ( Lyco wire services ).