MDC stoops to a new low, kill 12 bucks a year.

Wisconsin has it where if you shoot a cwd positive deer, they will re-issue you another tag that's good for that year and the next. My cousin has shot I believe 3 bucks that have been positive and thus has 2 buck tags for bow hunting most years.
Wisconsin should be used in a seminar on what didn't work. Issue unlimited antlerless tags, extend the gun season to I believe it was March, put earn a buck into play. Have sharp shooters go around. In the end, none of it worked.
I don’t follow?

There is plenty of proof that QDMA is profiting off MDC. Just do search on MDC and NDA. Plenty comes up on the subject with the two working together on this and other areas. NDA isn't participating without being paid.

There is more $ to be made advocating that we must kill the deer to save the deer then there would if they say let it be.
I would be following the money trail further up than MDC. The whole country is doing this at some level. And who pays for these so called sharpshooters? Why do they worry about just CWD and not EHD? EHD kills way more deer than CWD. And nobody ever tests for EHD. Lots of questions. You have my sympathy but I live in IL.
I used that option for the 4-5 years that it was available.

What happened in my area is the snipers came in and shot quite a few for a couple years on a few of the properties, then people wizened up to this and said no.

We used those 10 tags to take out older bucks that no one wanted to shoot...never filled more than 3 of those 10 tags in a given year.
We are just outside a North Mo hot zone where at least two landowners allowed sharpshooters. There weren't any additional positives found so the killing ended in 2021 I believe, which is the year we bought. A buddy walked one of the farms after sharp shooter season and found a couple with their heads cut off so evidently the sharpshooters like big bucks too.

The only good thing about the CWD tags is you can take out some management bucks.
Where is this hot zone ??
I don't get it. This sounds a lot like big horn sheep management out west for the respiratory disease, which has been infecting herds many years, but with more financial incentives. Whenever the disease is detected, they go in and kill all the survivors, even if it is on a literal island. We will never develop herds resistant to the disease following this retarded line of thinking. I work with a lot of different biologists and not one has been able to explain why we kill off disease survivors; they are just as dumbfounded as myself.
Bill.. it worked now . Wow strange .
I asked my neighbor today if he got his "let's kill them all letter" offering 10 extra tags.

His response was one sentence starting with a string of harsh words that ended with "right in the trash can." It's nice to have good neighbors!
There’s a guy in Missouri trying to get the gun season moved back, end the NR landowner tag, and make Missouri a draw state like Iowa.

I think he wants a one buck state too .. I can’t remember all his demands. Thats taking on quite a challenge, when you can currently shoot a dozen bucks in some areas ?

I admire the effort, but sorry not a fan of some of it .
Well by golly I did get an invite again this year for the 10 extra tags.

I’ll be using them on older bucks people keep passing.

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I think if Missouri delayed the gun season one week, and went to a one buck state. It would really be “one of the best”…

With CWD in the equation, I doubt they will do much to allow bucks to live longer . Just my two cents from an outsider perspective as a NR.