Wisconsin Electronic Registration


5 year old buck +
I attempted to use the phone in registration this weekend. In the end I was able to register the deer, but not with out a few problems.

My attempt went like this. Called number, listened to a long recording before being prompted to enter a 1 for deer registration. I put entered the DNR customer number and birthdate with the phone number pad as prompted by the automated voice. It read back to me the DNR number and birth date and said enter 1 to confirm. I entered the number 1. Nothing. Then it repeated the DNR number and birth date and said to enter 1 to confirm. This happened 4 times before it transferred me to a person. A nice person answered the phone but didn't know why I was calling. I explained what took place and this person took all the same info and registered the deer and gave me the confirmation number.

The person on the meat processor said that online registration has been better. Phone has been more problematic.

Make sure you have a permanent writing utensil with you so you can write the 10 digit confirmation number on the carcass tag. Also keep this mind when tagging the deer. Don't wrap it up so much that you can't flatten it out and write on it.
Thanks for the heads up EOB!
We used the online registration. Even with no previous experience with the system we had the deer registered in less than 5 minutes from the comfort of our kitchen table.
I attempted to use the phone in registration this weekend. In the end I was able to register the deer, but not with out a few problems.

My attempt went like this. Called number, listened to a long recording before being prompted to enter a 1 for deer registration. I put entered the DNR customer number and birthdate with the phone number pad as prompted by the automated voice. It read back to me the DNR number and birth date and said enter 1 to confirm. I entered the number 1. Nothing. Then it repeated the DNR number and birth date and said to enter 1 to confirm. This happened 4 times before it transferred me to a person. A nice person answered the phone but didn't know why I was calling. I explained what took place and this person took all the same info and registered the deer and gave me the confirmation number.

The person on the meat processor said that online registration has been better. Phone has been more problematic.

Make sure you have a permanent writing utensil with you so you can write the 10 digit confirmation number on the carcass tag. Also keep this mind when tagging the deer. Don't wrap it up so much that you can't flatten it out and write on it.

I used the call in registration a couple times last year. When the CDAC meetings were going on the DNR representative asked if anyone had used the call in registration, I told him I did, and kind of explained the process and what I thought of it. He did say they received much of the same feedback from other hunters in ther other meetings and that they were going to make some changes to make it easier. My brother shot a bear this year and in using the call in registration again, I don't think they changed a thing.

Writing the confirmation number is a pain in the you know what. Legally, you're supposed to tag the animal "immediately after kill, before field dressing or moving" but, like you mentioned, you'll need to have the license flat to write on it. You won't be able to write on it with it wrapped around an antler. Depending on your circumstance and cell phone service you may need a couple zip ties so put a couple more in your back tag holder just in case.
How I register will depend on cell/data service that particular day. I'll have to take a drive until I get enough service and figure out if I can do on-line or have to call in.

I still think this system is a huge convenience of not having to haul my deer anywhere. Love that aspect.
Yeah, I think it is a step forward. It was nice to go down to the local tavern and hear and see what was killed. I will still go down to the local tavern, don't need an excuse for that.